1. mfw I wake up at 7 PM and think I missed my bus

  2. Yeah...obviously...it sometimes Boots; sometimes it doesnt. Its a laptop btw; not a desktop; sorry.
    when it doesn't boot are you pressing the power button?

  3. Does the Paladin T8 Recolour helm looks OK on the DK T8 Recolour Armor?
    I think it looks fine, but I dont want to look overly stupid :/
    I have a thing about Engineering goggles on my DK, but there are no smart matching ones for this.
    It looks fine, but I would prefer the original helmet over this one. :>

  4. Yeah to turno him off.
    My homedawg Abraham Lincoln has a quote for you

    Thou who shalt asketh genericeth questions shall receiveth genericeth answers
    we need details

    when does it happen
    what does "Doesn't boot" mean
    did it gradually start to happen
    are there any patterns to when it happens
    how many fingers am i holding up

    bad language in the spoiler yo
    Spoiler: Show

  5. I will vive you the link i placed my issue at. Its faster.
    Sorry for the answers; as you mightve noticed; i dont understand much about PCs.

  6. I will vive you the link i placed my issue at. Its faster.
    Sorry for the answers; as you mightve noticed; i dont understand much about PCs.
    Does any graphic pop up on the screen at all? It would say something like press esc to enter setup or something like that.

  7. I walk a lonely road
    The only one that I have ever known
    Don't know where it goes
    But it's home to me and I walk alone

    I walk this empty street
    On the Boulevard of broken Dreams
    Where the city sleeps
    And I'm the only one and I walk alone.


  8. I walk a lonely road
    The only one that I have ever known
    Don't know where it goes
    But it's home to me and I walk alone

    I walk this empty street
    On the Boulevard of broken Dreams
    Where the city sleeps
    And I'm the only one and I walk alone.


  9. -snip- (helm thing)
    Looks okay-ish... I usually roll helm-less and cloak-less on platers.. Makes them feel more heroic... But.. why an orc ?

    I also am tired of this... When I was playing a warrior I could literally press random buttons and be in the top 3 damage done... Now I'm trying hard on a warlock (literally tryharding) and end up in the last 6 (between healers and afk-s)....

    On-topic : I've learned how to deliver an efficient right hook... I kinda wanna get into boxing.. I've always looked up to boxers..

  10. sides hurt from black twitter lol

  11. My biscuits are called butter keks..


    Spoiler: Show

  12. Does any graphic pop up on the screen at all? It would say something like press esc to enter setup or something like that.
    No it doesnt...:/

  13. For two weeks now, there is a bunch of feminists protesting in front of my local shopping center because there is an advertisment with a naked woman on the main entrance.

    Some people really have waaaay too much free time.

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