1. DMS 1888 code ''mithrios for gosho plz''

  2. ..:: RS 8 / TOTAL: 130 ::..


    1. GTS - Thorelf
    2. Tank boots - Tuzak
    3. Bracers of Fiery Night - Lilfear
    4. Signed of Twilight - Wicked

  3. Gz on another RS kill =)

    Announcement for community: We are soon opening recruitment once again, altough only for 2nd and 3rd run.

  4. WTS lessons on how to DK OT adds in a near perfect manner.


  5. WTS lessons on how to DK OT adds in a near perfect manner.

    In other words - how to paper tank and die from LK in 5s....

  6. In other words - how to paper tank and die from LK in 5s....
    Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
    Edited: April 8, 2015

  7. DMT, why does you avatar picture have a teddy bear in it's hand ? oO

  8. ..:: LoD 12 / total:126 ::..
    - second for the week Kappa


    1. Havoc's - rifo
    2. Dagger - Vodken
    3. Invincible - Xfxpriest

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