1. When you will understand that Scripting WoD server has nothing to do with older expansion progres?


    It's not like Cata team works on Wotlk bugs/content or the opposite,put it in your HEAD.
    Had they known how to read, they would've stopped whining by now ! But tnx for clarifying the issue once again.
    And yes as chinatsu said we need some change and WOD would be a great one.

  2. I recently decided to come back to WoW after a 5 year break just beacause I had heard AT was going to open a WOD realm. Sadly I only got to try it out for a couple of days because of the merging with Molten. I'm totally in favor of the WOD realm opening, since this is the only reason me and a couple of friends of mine have started playing the game again and I'm not interested at all in playing any of the older expansions (especially the MOP ****fest).
    I see a lot of people being so negative and against it, well no one is forcing you to play it and having WOD here certainly wouldn't affect your personal enjoyment in any way. You have 3 other expansions (7 realms of choice) which can satisfy everyone's tastes and as many other people before me have stated, WOD's development won't affect or delay the other expansions' progress/development in any way.
    Therefore I certainly believe the staff will make the right decisions in going forward with their plans of opening the realm and I'm sure there are a lot of people with similar opinions as mine who would be eager to play on a WOD server.

  3. Wod

    Honestly i think that we as a family all of the players and staff (i'm just a player of the game) should stick to what we have now. We can wait for the next expansion of wow to implement WOD to Warmane. We already have enough on our plate as is and we still do need Cata, and MOP to be scripted like WOTLK.

  4. Send WoD resources to help, create, script more MoP, Cata content. Warmane should go to another expansion, when the previous one is scripted like Woltk. I wonder when community will see a full scripted Siege of Orgrimmar (best MoP "must play"). Dont risk, but take WoD scripting resources to help establish a proper private, most scripted MoP, Cata servers.

  5. Honestly i think that we as a family all of the players and staff (i'm just a player of the game) should stick to what we have now. We can wait for the next expansion of wow to implement WOD to Warmane. We already have enough on our plate as is and we still do need Cata, and MOP to be scripted like WOTLK.
    Honestly i agree wit you. I think WOD would be great and all, but there are still issues with current expanshions. I mean, i keep finding quests that don't work, especially in low-level areas, and sometimes even NPC's that are spawned wrong, for example the Alliance Flight master from Shalewind Canyon camp in Redridge is hostile towards Alliance. (On Cata Neltharion Realm)

  6. Not worth it. Perfect what we have first then move on. Just a FYI. There is no safe spot we are infringing on copyright regardless of what patch it is. We don't have permission by the original creator. However, the good news is that we are no threat to blizzard which is a multi-million dollar business. The second we start popping up on their radar (Massive growth in population) then you should be worried. Until then they don't care, they still have steady growth in their revenue and could careless of their illegal stop brothers and sisters.

  7. I am not a huge fan of implementing WoD as well, but I think Warmane should atleast keep on developing it, and release it when Retail goes into the next expansion, so the WoD server gets alot of polish compared to how MOP and Cata was handled. We will need atleast one scripted endgame raid, and maybe 3-4scripted WoD dungeons, and 2 dozen or so scripted dungeons scattered across previous expacs so that people dont get royally screwed and end up grinding their souls to get to WoD

    But that is wishful thinking on my end.

  8. WOD can be brought to Warmen

    I think it can be or it actually MUST be brought to Warmane. Why i think that? its because i personally stopped playing in Warmane after Moltdown, since Molten didnt give slimmest sh*t about those who didnt donate. Yes, its a private server and those who donated got their coins back etc. but for someone like me and my friends who couldnt afford and/or couldnt pay online (my country is in sanction list of PayPal, Google Wallet etc. i can make a fake credit card to pay online but its FAKE) it was a 0 to hero journey, and BOOM its all gone and Molten simply ignored us. We dont play WotLK and Cata anymore and MOP is already full of donors and full BiS character who make leveling and gearing frustrating for us. if Warmane release the new expansion we can play just like its a new game without thinking of the past. I thought i must say my opinion about the expansion release and let Warmane staff know that they played it unfair toward us non-donors.

  9. Wishful Thinking

    Honestly, all the arguments in favor of releasing WoD realm/s are grounded in no more than wishful thinking. I understand that some of you may be eager to play in the new expansion, but considering the current state of the available ones, which are already released years and years ago, what makes you think it will bring no more than another broken realm to the server? You think you will be able to play WoD out of the box here? I think you have to put the feet on the ground.

    @Staff/Developers: stop wasting your/our time with this WoD nonsense while WotLK, CATA, and MoP realms still need so much work to be fully playable.

  10. Something I've heard is that Warmane is planning to create and release a WOD server. My advice is to not do this until Blizzard has released a new expansion.

    The reason I'm saying this is that currently all our servers here are past patches which protects users and Warmane from legal issues due to the software being legally classified as ABANDONWARE because Bliz has never supported previous patches on live realms. Therefore if Blizzard was to ever sue players or Warmane they currently would have a huge chance of losing the lawsuit because the service offered by Warmane falls within the scope of FAIR USE.

    Strangely enough it was because of this ABANDONWARE safeguard that I knew Hermes was lying when he said he received a DCMA takedown that he was obliging -- that's very unlikely with this current ABANDONWARE safeguard in place.

    The moment we step out of this protection though we're open to a lot of problems even if we feel the server is hosted in a place that is not going to just roll-over to an American company.

    Bottom line is that if Warmane was to offer a WOD realm at the same time Bliz is offering the WOD experience -- then it is very likely that Blizzard would have probable cause to sue Warmane and win, shutting everything down.

    This is not FUD -- it's just a hazard that potentially affects all of our ability to enjoy the current servers we're on.

    I suspect someone has told the development team and staff of Warmane about this possible problem and that steps will be taken to ensure the safety of Warmane servers. I just hope we can continue to play here safely for a really long time! :)

    some light reading for you.. these games in 2002 where from 3-6 years old.

  11. i believe i am saying this for the sake of the serious players who dont want to pay the retail price, yet want to enjoy the game, and invest a bit of his/her time and money for coins at warmane, expecting content upgrades, and level up and forge their chars through all the expansion:
    "we want to be able to carry our characters to the latest expansion, not losing at least the names and time and coins (including achievements et cetera) spent to forge our characters"
    so far, warmane, nay, ex lol-ten has not answer this on their last MOP expansion (before being hijacked).
    so if the upgrade to WOD will not allow chars to be migrated from MOP, i would say its a very, very, very, big disapointment to at least us, who cares about building our characters through.

    so before expanding, please do think about migration options. otherwise, kill the upgrade all together. you will end up losing player's loyalty.

  12. May 2, 2015  
    i hope it will be a trasfer realm. As in transfering a mop character too that server :D

  13. May 2, 2015  
    When will they release public test realm for Wod? It was supposed to be released 10 days ago...

  14. May 2, 2015  
    When will they release public test realm for Wod? It was supposed to be released 10 days ago...
    Do u have problems with reading ?
    "Warlords of Draenor public test realm has been delayed to overcome unforseen technical difficulties. As with any other expansion we have released in the past, a substantial amount of it must be playable or up to our standards. A closed test realm has been launched instead to further develope on. We will have further updates as we progress to a publicly available realm."

  15. May 3, 2015  

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