1. Why can't you get containers(bags) on point system? So if I have like 100 points ,& don't spend them by sept 1st you are going to take them?

  2. On sargeras (cata) before moltdown the only thing worth points was the nice big bags. They looked like crates and stored like 36 or something. This is a perfect item for points because it doesn't change pvp or pve balance - its just a convenience item. I think they were something like 38 points (someone correct me if you want), but if that was too cheap or not, it would be nice if they would be added to the MoP shop before points flush so we can spend our points instead of losing them. But I do not think they plan to take time to add items before hand, reasoning for this explained in other threads.

  3. it should not be weekly collecting better put it on daily collecting like now ;)

  4. One good thing from molten, those are rare :) or should I compare them with legendary items that are obtainable trough game play?

  5. The bags with points are disable from points shop ??

  6. Do we know if we’ll be able to change faction using points after September?

  7. Why did you remove containers from the point shop?

  8. OK, so I just read all 15 pages, found my question several times asked by other people but not answered.

    Explain "Activity Rank". What are the ranks? How many are there? How do we gain ranks? How do we lose ranks? What do we gain by gaining ranks? Been on this server for more than 5 years now with more than 1600 posts on the forums, none of which spam, and with over 2 years of total time played with all my chars. I know it's based on forum activity and ingame activity, and that's pretty much common sense - tell us more...

  9. And yes - I agree with this change. I stopped voting a long time ago because the ranking sites are bullsh*t and unrealistic. I don't really care about points, never did, never will, so I never "farmed" points by blind-voting on some stupid fake ranking sites. However, this change seems to be caring more for the actually active Warmane players, which is nice and I like it.

  10. i am so exited for this, its awesome

  11. OK, so I just read all 15 pages, found my question several times asked by other people but not answered.

    Explain "Activity Rank". What are the ranks? How many are there? How do we gain ranks? How do we lose ranks? What do we gain by gaining ranks? Been on this server for more than 5 years now with more than 1600 posts on the forums, none of which spam, and with over 2 years of total time played with all my chars. I know it's based on forum activity and ingame activity, and that's pretty much common sense - tell us more...
    I think you'll have to wait for the explanation on this until the changes have been made. Really, it shouldn't matter to anyone until then anyhow. This gives them more time to solidify the concept prior to release (they may not have completely decided on how that will work). But if we can gain anything from the responses it sounds like they are upset there were a couple things worth spending points on, and that was never the intention. So if I had to guess I'd say the new system some people will be able to gain points faster than others but people are way too worried about how this will work than they should be because there may not be anything to spend points on no matter how fast you earn them. Bottom line, lets just give them time, wait and see.

  12. Convert Instead of Reset

    ..."if current 158 points would become 15 points, an item that currently costs 58 points will cost 5 points"...
    Why resetting the voting points when you can simply convert the existing ones to the new voting system? ROUND(Current Points/10, 0).

  13. Why resetting the voting points when you can simply convert the existing ones to the new voting system? ROUND(Current Points/10, 0).
    That's the main and eternal question that hasn't been officially answered yet.

  14. We wont get an official reply Kron. Much like they ret-con'd the items out then said "We never ment to have them in there" (Strange that they were there for as long as I've been playing on molten then suddenly became forbidden items) they will ret-con points then make it based on their activity levels (Which they are unwilling to give anything concrete on]. The people who will benifit from an "Activity" based levels are the people who leave their toons online with activity timers to whisper or talk and move to stay busy. They will max out quickly where as everyone else will just get told "You need to be more active or donate more to Molten"

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