1. But pvp Guild is 10-15 player not ONE, NOT ONE,
    What does it matter if there is one player or multiple players behind the monitor? The result is the same.
    15 player need leader with BRAIN, Not the same guy come in stormwind again and again for just kill npc.
    Since when does leading a city raid requires brain? The raid just rushes in the city, roflstomp everything and hang out until they get bored or pushed out.
    Funny how every raid i've joined had main rule to not spread but stick together.
    A raid consisting of normal players is still more spread than a multiboxer that is always stacked up at one spot.
    The fighting style is completely different.
    A multiboxer is like a bunker, it stays on a spot and kills everything that comes close to it.
    A raid consisting of normal players is like a mosquito swarm that attacks everything and hunts victims that try to escape.

    If u are dumb enough to run alone into the arms of a multiboxer then its just ur own fault. Its so easy to avoid or escape from a boxer.

  2. Why you little ***** turn this topic into city raids, when it's about Wintergrasp ?
    Dodging multiboxer there means not doing game objects.

  3. Why you little ***** turn this topic into city raids, when it's about Wintergrasp ?
    Dodging multiboxer there means not doing game objects.
    wintergrasp is like a worst place for multiboxers in general.

  4. Why you little ***** turn this topic into city raids, when it's about Wintergrasp ?
    Dodging multiboxer there means not doing game objects.
    WG is a good example where multiboxing is a huge disadvantage compared to a normal premade.
    The multiboxer is stacked together, means all his chars will take the aoe dmg from opponent vehicles and cannons.
    Deffending WG as a multiboxer somewhat works but as attacker multiboxing is really only a disadvantage.
    Edited: January 30, 2017

  5. The multiboxer is stacked together, means all his chars will take the aoe dmg from opponent vehicles and cannons.
    Same logic, players should avoid boxers, boxers should avoid vehicles and cannons.

  6. It's not pleasant when you just transfer to WG starting point where multiboxer with 20 shaman waiting for you. Straight to the grave yard. :(
    How am I suppose to avoid this?

  7. It's not pleasant when you just transfer to WG starting point where multiboxer with 20 shaman waiting for you. Straight to the grave yard. :(
    How am I suppose to avoid this?
    thats the point, you dont.
    You are supposed to die, wait 30sec's in gy and give horde some heads-up!

  8. thats the point, you dont.
    You are supposed to die, wait 30sec's in gy and give horde some heads-up!
    Read this Alliancers! Amen!

  9. It's not pleasant when you just transfer to WG starting point where multiboxer with 20 shaman waiting for you. Straight to the grave yard. :(
    How am I suppose to avoid this?
    Just stop going Wintergrasp, they'll never stop.
    I really don't know wheres the fun in camping on spawn and basically soloing the game.

  10. I really don't know wheres the fun in camping on spawn and basically soloing the game.
    Thats basically what every premade does.
    Edited: February 9, 2017

  11. Thats basically what every premade does.
    Can you ***** really stop posting things you have totally not clue about ?

    Since the very beginning of Icecrown realm not a single premade camped WG sucessfully.
    They all were swarmed at the start.

  12. Can you ***** really stop posting things you have totally not clue about ?
    U never multiboxed in ur life and want to tell me that i have no clue.
    Always funny to see that non boxers wanting to teach boxers what multiboxing is about.

    Since the very beginning of Icecrown realm not a single premade camped WG sucessfully.
    Then u didn't play many WGs. Especially when WG was just released there were plenty of premades.
    I was in many WGs where one side was graveyard camped and there was not a single multiboxer involved.

    Instead of crying all day long about multiboxing u should rather develop a tactic to beat them. Its really not that hard but some ppl are just too incompetent to use their brain and cooperate as a team.

  13. No one need to multibox to have a clue on whatever the issue is. The truth is, we played WG's enough (and bgs even) to distinguish the outcome of things when we face puggers, premades and multiboxers in Wintergrasp. Also, few players always claim that premades are similar to multiboxers due to the number of characters in, but keep in mind that there's a "small" difference between 25 players combining the stuff at the right moment and one guy pressing on two or three buttons.
    We are more than aware that tactics are required to beat multiboxers, but depends on how heavy they are. Have you wondered how much effort it's needed agaisnt 25 BiS chars like Mbxa or Purplebeer, for example? (check Ayame's screenshot on previous page)
    I said this before and I will say again, the problem is not exactly people being too lazy for tactics, because believe me, they tried, at least when I was there, it's more about not having the proper conditions against it. And these fights on the forums will still keep going on while certain players refuse to understand this and not comprehend our issues aswell.

  14. I was in many WGs where one side was graveyard camped and there was not a single multiboxer involved.
    People here are crying about SPAWN POINT camping wich is not blizzlike at all.

    There was not a single premade able to camp spawn point for 10+ seconds without being raped or forced to teleport back early.
    For that you should have incredible strong aoe, wich standart premade setup does not have.
    Meanwhile 20 shamans provide this one - 20 synhronized magma totems do a lot of damage, and, they can not be disabled by some random spells like mass fear or mass stun. See the point ?

  15. Have you wondered how much effort it's needed agaisnt 25 BiS chars like Mbxa, for example? (check Ayame's screenshot on previous page)
    1prot warr / 1-2locks / 1-2boomie / some spriests / mage / 10-15more dps and its done.

    There was not a single premade able to camp spawn point for 10+ seconds without being raped or forced to teleport back early.
    no1 ever tryed, for premades who actually could, there is no need since its pretty clear advantage already.

    Only multiboxers on horde side need to camp @ spawn point due to disadvantage of being horde( lol...)

    trust me, its not that hard to camp @ start, its just there is no need for premades to do so.
    Edited: February 10, 2017

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