1. I'm having something like a writer's block, except I'm not writing.

  2. People here have a sense of humor? Are you sure, bae?
    You are pushing it at this point.

  3. You are pushing it at this point.
    I'm not really sure what you mean :<

  4. hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha sense of humour wot ????????? looooooooooooooooooooooooool best post ever !

  5. miss me yet? no? **** you guys too.

  6. Anyone here plays LoL?
    Playing on my other account, since mine has a 20mins restriction everytime I try to join the queue. (Client Crashes :/)
    I'm at EUW.

  7. I've scratched my fingers. Hurts so much :(

  8. Ahhh, the new house finally has working internet <3

  9. I literally can't see a point in living without internet

  10. I didn't have a choice :< We moved and the new house wasn't wired.

  11. I didn't have a choice :< We moved and the new house wasn't wired.
    LITERALLY no point to live without internet
    If my internet was gone right now for, say, a month or so, I'll be cut from the rest of the world.

  12. Just realized I played the last four games of League on Normal Draft pick instead of ranked.

    there goes four easy wins :<

  13. god damn breakfast burritos are the best ****

  14. god damn breakfast burritos are the best ****
    especially at 6:30pm

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