1. 1prot warr / 1-2locks / 1-2boomie / some spriests / mage / 10-15more dps and its done.
    On which already requires high gearscore and a big amount of coordination, which can only be done by a non-braindead players using TS for example, and if the multiboxer is stupid enough to let all of them get closer, because if you can't beat at least half of those people before they strike then you are delusional.
    See, don't make it sound very easy with simple answers, because it's not.

    Only multiboxers on horde side need to camp @ spawn point due to disadvantage of being horde( lol...)
    What's that disadvantage of being horde is about? Both factions starting on their own points without any harm, there's no advantage or disadvantage in here as far as I know.
    Edited: February 10, 2017

  2. No one need to multibox to have a clue on whatever the issue is
    keep in mind that there's a "small" difference between 25 players combining the stuff at the right moment and one guy pressing on two or three buttons.
    Thats a typical statement of somebody who never multiboxed in his life but want to teach ppl what multiboxing is about.
    Let me tell u that beeing a successful multiboxer requires more than just two or three buttons.
    Ppl keep crying about Purplebeer and Mbxa while other multiboxer are hardly mentioned at all. Why do u think that u can count the number of successful multiboxers on the fingers of one hand? Because multiboxing is hard and requires tons of effort and only few of them are successful with it while the majority of multiboxer is struggling in pvp and gets graveyards ganked.

    I do multibox and singlebox since several years and I can tell u that winning WG or a BG as a premade is trillion times easier than winning as a multiboxer. Winning with a premade against pugs requires usually close to no effort but as multiboxer u have to care about all the BG objectives on ur own while the rest of ur team pvps brainless around.
    U as somebody who never multiboxed obviously can't know that. U can only assume what is harder and what easier.

    Have you wondered how much effort it's needed agaisnt 25 BiS chars like Mbxa or Purplebeer, for example? (check Ayame's screenshot on previous page)
    First of all, Purplebeer's and Mbxa's team aren't BiS geared. They both have several relentless and even furious pieces.
    And yes, I know how to beat them since I know purplebeer and Mbxa very well and multiboxed together with them in many BGs.
    Beating a normal premade consisting of 25 BiS chars is definitely harder than beating Purplebeer or Mbxa.
    I can also tell u that Purplebeer or Mbxa would most likely lose in a arranged battle against a 25 man premade.
    Multiboxing is always a disadvantage against a equal geared and organised team.
    I said this before and I will say again, the problem is not exactly people being too lazy for tactics, because believe me, they tried, at least when I was there, it's more about not having the proper conditions against it.
    Not the proper conditions? U have cannons and vehicles in WG that do AoE dmg to their entire team. Get 10 vehicles and make a coordinated attack.
    The AoE of 10 vehicles kills a multiboxer in a matter of seconds.
    The problem is that u lack the communication to do such things. Its not the fault of us multiboxer that ur team is too bad to cooperate.
    Edited: February 10, 2017

  3. You know, I usually don't like to repeat my posts, but I guess I have no other choice...
    I'm not trying to teach anything to anyone, I'm simply trying to make you understand the heavy impact some boxers make on the battlefield which you apparently refuse to listen. Tell me then what else requires apart from three buttons when you are camping the spawn area with 20 magma totems when WG battle begins. It requires tons of effert setting up the entire system / programms etc, but who the hell cares when in the end you're free to do whatever you want? Other multiboxers you mentioned are gy camped simply because 1. They use low amount of chars, 2. They may have horrible setup, 3. They are not geared or 4. They should be new to WoW and not having a clue of what to do. Both Mbxa and Purplebeer don't meet those issues mentioned, so that's why they end most of their bgs and WG with 0 deaths.
    I do play BGs and WGs as pugger since several years and I can tell you that I'd rather play agaisnt premades than multiboxers trillion times, as I against premades always had better chances to win (except AB and EoTs), game is more interesting and I usually have the chance to 1v1 someone. So I don't need to multibox to assume what's easier and harder, my personal experience of having played 100400 WGs and battlegrounds against pugs, premades and multiboxers helps me.
    You know what I mean by Bis. Full wrathfull or full relentless, wow, that will change everything, won't it? However, you are right on the fact Purplebeer for example would lose agaisnt a decent 25man premade, but as I said on the second page of this topic, it won't happen. Especially for BG, where you would have to wait 30m-1h to have a pop.
    And lastly, since you make it sound that vehicles and cannons are a nightmare for you, and since many players suggest others to avoid multiboxers, do the same, avoid vehicles and cannons and you're fine. It's not our fault that multiboxers don't want to avoid them...

  4. I'm not trying to teach anything to anyone, I'm simply trying to make you understand the heavy impact some boxers make on the battlefield which you apparently refuse to listen.
    And ur point is what?
    Ofc a multiboxer that controlls 25 chars has a impact on the battlefield.
    Does that however harm ur daily PvP experience? No, it doesn't because purplebeer and mbxa are only two guys on a realm with 12k players and u encounter them only once in a while. I have both of them on my friendlist and they are far away from beeing online 24/7.
    U make it look like these multiboxers are everywhere and keep ruining ur pvp experience which is simply not the case.

    Tell me then what else requires apart from three buttons when you are camping the spawn area with 20 magma totems when WG battle begins.
    And how much effort is it to press one button which is ur defensive cd and then run away?
    Also, why dont u enter WG when the invitation is about to expire instead of when it pops up?
    When u already know that multiboxer using that graveyard tactic then its so easy to avoid that.
    Even when u die ull be ressed few seconds later at the GY. Is that really soooo bad?
    I do play BGs and WGs as pugger since several years and I can tell you that I'd rather play agaisnt premades than multiboxers trillion times, as I against premades always had better chances to win (except AB and EoTs), game is more interesting and I usually have the chance to 1v1 someone.
    As a pugger u should know how often u face a premade in BGs and how annoying it can be to face them in 10-15 man BGs against ur half naked pug team.
    Such premades, which are a frequent thing btw, harm the daily BG experience of puggers much more than a multiboxer that they encounter once in a while.
    So I don't need to multibox to assume what's easier and harder, my personal experience of having played 100400 WGs and battlegrounds against pugs, premades and multiboxers helps me.
    No, u need to multibox on ur own to have the comparison.
    BGs and WG are not only about the fire power, u also have to care about objectives. 25 normal players can split up and focus on different objectives. As a 25 man multiboxer u can't do that, u can only be at one spot at a time which is a huge disadvantage when it comes objectives and u need to develop tactics to compensate that.
    You know what I mean by Bis.
    BiS means best in slot. U are either BiS or u aren't. There is no second definition of BiS.

    However, you are right on the fact Purplebeer for example would lose agaisnt a decent 25man premade, but as I said on the second page of this topic, it won't happen.
    But it happend already, not in a BG but wpvp.
    And lastly, since you make it sound that vehicles and cannons are a nightmare for you, and since many players suggest others to avoid multiboxers, do the same, avoid vehicles and cannons and you're fine. It's not our fault that multiboxers don't want to avoid them...
    If multiboxer don't want to avoid vehicles and cannons thats good for u isn't it?
    U should use that as a advantage and develop a kill tactic. Finally a reason for u to stop complaining on the forum that u don't find a way to beat them.
    Edited: February 10, 2017

  5. And ur point is what?
    I used to think they had a point to make, But they just like to write stuff on here. I think they spend 10 times more time on here then in the game. I stopped responding to most posts, cause you can't argue with stupid people, because the have more experience with being stupid, and they'll win.

  6. Ofc a multiboxer that controlls 25 chars has a impact on the battlefield.
    Ah, finally someone says this, that was about time. Yeah, because I've only seen comments like "we boxers only bring disadvantages", "omg aoe so dangerous", I mean come on... it's time to put only our own interests away for a moment and be honest in our words, just like I did on the second page of this topic. Have you actually bothered to read? Does it harm my PvP experience, hmm, not exactly, because WG is something that nowadays I do not worry if I win or lose, but for certain players it does ruin, and in few cases it's a lot. I have both of them in my friend list aswell so I'm aware how often do they play and yesterday Mbxa played at least 5 or 6 WG battles in a row. It's irrelevant if the server has 12k population when it's rare to have WG battles without multiboxers lately. The most well known ones could be offline here but there are others who will play.

    For someone who knows that there's a boxer camping, best tactic is to join when there's 3 or 4 seconds left to join, and lol, yesterday I spammed on chats for like 10 minutes warning everyone not to join instantly, and guess what, no use, everyone dead. Pop defensive cd, don't join instantly, yeah, problem is, these are those cases that it's easier to say than to do. But yeah for the amount of times that this happened, sooner or later most players will do at least one of your points hopefully. And even if we have to ress at GY and start from there, no it's not that bad (already answered this several times), but no one can denies that it gives an edge. Everyone knows how are battlegrounds supposed to begin. No need for details.

    As a pugger I know what's best for me and what's the most annoying things. I pug on bgs even from vanilla 2006. I only premaded to get rank 13 considering it was impossible to do it with 24/7 pug losses, and I keep saying, and I'll say this as many times as it's needed, I prefer to face premades. It's not about winning or losing, it's about the quality of PvP in there. I always have the chance to 1v1 someone and agaisnt boxers I can't even do anything, only stand there and watch, unless I'm playing AB or Eots.

    About the objectives to follow, it depends on which battleground are you playing on. Obviously in AB and Eots you won't do anything good because it requires to have players in lots of places at the same time. But in AV... well check Ayame's screen I think it shows something, oh and, we don't have vehicles and cannons.

    You think I don't know about ways to beat them? Oh the times I've wasted spamming the **** out of bg chat to try to cooperate with others and combine all the tactics so we can overcome our issues, then I get "stfu" and "suckmydick" as answers, and not a single poor vehicles and cannon will do anything, period.

    Do you really know what trurly pisses me off? It's not the impact they made on battles nor their superb uber power, it's their main interest to do anything they can to make people upset because apparently it's fun for him personally and then playing as poor innocent individuals whenever someone express their frustration on the forums, which is totally understandable, especially when he can't do much than go afk or do some PvE.

    Anyway, I'm done talking about multiboxers. I'm just trying to be honest on my words, sorry if I said something you didn't like to hear. What I said about boxing is presented on the second page. Here, lemme save you the trouble.

    Spoiler: Show

    Every topic about multiboxing will end up the same way. Single char user saying boxers ruin gameplay, boxers saying it doesn't.
    Now please lets be honest in here for a change. Boxers actually do affect the entire outcome, depending on what we're doing. I think, for example, horde boxer totally ruin the gameplay for horde in a battleground, and ruin the gameplay for alliance in WG. It's been proven several times, horde lose WG 95% of the time (and yes, getting gy farmed, I've been there god knows how many times) when there's no boxer around, and win most of when they have few. Thankfully, they contribute a lot for the server, so as for me, it's way better to keep that way. And as for me, the main trick is to avoid them at all costs, or gather a strong group, whatever...

    I'm talking about the impact they cause in WG on its general speaking, not a simple duel agaisnt another multiboxer. I would highly appreciate it if you stop dodging the conversation in your favour. Well, if you really want specific situations, I and some random lock managed to slay a 5man ret paladin boxer (I died still before 5th), so yeah 5 man boxers don't scare a butterfly in WG. Now ask yourself why horde started to win wg more often once Purplebeer + Borug + Bobea + few others joined it. Or yeah, you're right, maybe alliance suddenly magically lost all their skill and coordination on which no one has told me about and boxers clearly don't make any difference right? Right...

    Every boxer will say it's lack of skill and such, truth is, everything actually comes in, namely skill, coordination, gears count too, setups (classes around + your duel agaisnt Mbxa) count too, abilities in question count too (mind seer + starfall in example would already hurt, I guess), meh too bad that coordination is something unexistant in pugs...

    I'm totally fine having multiboxing around, I really don't mind at all, but just don't tell me it's just others who have lack of skill or coordination because that's just being ignorant and refusing to see and feel other point of views different from yours. I can understand you want to defend mb the way you want, but don't expect other players to simply ignore it and let it go because those actually have a point though, and if you don't mind, spend some more time here on the forums and check how many more topics about this will come up.

    I say it again, I'm fine with this, I must confess though, I've seen more and more boxers around joining the server, and I'm afraid that sooner or later this will become a baxer-fest, so, I ask myself, if it does, where in the hell should I pvp then? We will see...

    My goal in the end was to spread my opinion and my own point of view about analyzing mb's impact on each situation while taking both internal and external factors into consideration while being as much honest on my words as I can, thing that no one, or very low people, even bother to be when writing on the forums. What drives me crazy in fact is other players getting so offended by hearing few different opinions, going to rushy assumptions of "crying" and "being uneducated". Sorry my friend, but that's not exactly how forums should work. (Un)fortunately, the topics are free and open for everyone to share our thoughts. It appears to me that some people, including you, need to learn how to respect other opinions if you want them to respect yours. I assume you know this already, even though sometimes you don't wanna do it, I get it...
    I know they are not impossible to kill, I know it's possible to "overcome". I know you can take it down with a lower group, depending on your setup ofc. I said this on almost every recent topics about multiboxing. Hell, I even gave advices to other players who were constantly creating more and more threads on the forums talking about the exact same thing. I ended up to give multiboxers a support when others were saying/asking/suggesting to disable/forbid it, because I actually understand that it's really good idea to allow it as they contribute good amounts of money. Feel free to search my posts on my profile if you doubt it. I had experienced enough times already to distinguish how's horde performance in both bgs and wg when they have boxers and when they don't. It's very easy to manage it in battlegounds, especially AB and EotS where you have to control lots of things at the same time, so yeah, lets skip that part. In wg, however, the scenario is different. That's why I said internal (the power boxer has itself, what the boxer does, and where he goes) and external (what other faction players do/have and the ground map at your disposal, gys, roads etc.) factors above. The first thing that a boxer does is to place 20 magma totems 10 secs before wg begins on the enemy starting position and then use fire nova. What happens? Every single player will just spawn on the graveyard, making them late and force certain classes to buff up in hurry. No, obviously that won't decide anything, but it's something already. Now, you can say "oh, b**** pls, a 15 man "premade" can do that too", right, but that already requires something else, and it isn't just two or three buttons by one player only. Another thing they do that I kinda find it funny, is about those two bases near the Fortress, they change the cursor from one corner to another in three seconds or so, not to mention now, the fact they can easly destroy all vehicles around shooting at gates, or they can efficiently support them in case he is attacking. Now, based on these situations as examples, the external factors come into play. First thing that comes to mind is general gearscore. Don't expect a low gs player to do anything because all you will receive are tickles, and sadly, in pugs, they are very common. A proper setup combining with a good tactic is needed too (not separated). Again, sadly, in pugs, it never happens. Communication? Socialize and work together? Don't make me laugh. Each time I do bg's / WG and say something in bg / general char, respectively (yes, trying to communicate, giving informations, telling my teammates to do this and that, defend gy, defend fortress cuz it's being under attack, careful about multiboxer, grab vehicles and come destroy the towers, etc), I end up either being ignored, or getting as answer something like "stfu" or "sukmy****". So yeah, easy to say to work together and say boxers are so easy to beat, well yeah, I honestly don't disagree, but considering how alliance play combining with their attitudes, no, it's not that easy nor that simple. I know, you're going to ask, hey why don't you bring premades then? For bgs is completely out of the question considering alliance side has very high queues quite often, even as solo-q I use to catch 10m queues. For WG, they will definately be our only hope, but why should they bother? They have everything they need and could not care less about it, all they care is about rating and that's it. I assume boxers are going WG for fun, or because they want to keep the fortress under control. Alliance "premades" won't care, period, or very few will. So, giving these factors, mixing them, I will have no other choice but to say "yes" if someone asks me if I think boxers (and I'm talking about 25BiS ones, not ungeared toons) helps their faction by a lot in WG. Note that I haven't said anything about being overpowered, I haven't said anything about being impossible to beat, I said they have the power to change the outcome of a WG battle, meaning, yes, they make a difference. So it's not exactly about me or all others who are too lazy on solving certain problems, or lack of thinking, it's more about not having the proper conditions against it, as it must have a considerable level of effort. Sure, there are several clueless players around, which is normal, and lots of others who simply won't bother, but it's not just that and you should be aware of it. And sure too, it's not your fault alliance are too dumb, but it's not our fault either.
    As you can see, I had bothered to try to be constructive and honest about mb'ing pros and cons, as well as what to do against them, how to deal against them, giving my PoV so you could at least comprehend our issues aswell. Several people on the forums don't really bother reading much, then come here reply not exactly because they disagree with something, but more because it is said something they don't want to hear. That's why the first thing that comes to their minds is the word "crying", defending only their own interests, pretty funny if you ask me. It's pretty rich argument power isn't it?
    Game is totally different when facing pugs, premades, or boxers. But I tell you one thing, as a solo queuer from ally side, I'd rather face "premades" then boxers for sure, at least in wsg, because vs prem I always have the chance to 1v1 someone. And actually I've beat them several times. I remember a wsg I did on ragnaros where Borug used 10 chars, picked our flag and rambled around whole bg. My teammates weren't that great geared so even though we tried to stick together, lots of us ended up being 1 shot, and considering he has BiS chars including 3 resto druids if I'm not mistaken, he never went below 80% hp. It ended 0-0. But now for bgs like AB, it's very easy to win, as he should be able to control 1 base only at a time. That yes is the biggest con boxers have in my opinion. Alliance loses WG, yes, part of it it's because of ******ed play, but the other part is because the conditions to overcome you guys are way too low and at least you could understand that it's not easy at all.

    We can keep this forever, I don't mind...
    Have fun ;)

    As for mister Deathsmaster, there's one thing I can guarantee you, and I'm 99% sure I've said this to you in the recent pass, I don't write on the forums because I like it, I write exactly what I need to write. To be honest with you, writing wall of text is what I hate the most, but, sometimes I don't have a choice. But I must tell you that I enjoyed your insults at the end. Respect for other forum members is something you severely lack.

  7. I always liked multiboxing, got even doulaboxing team, and lvling up 5 chars on lorda. But this 25 man on icecrown is too much much too often. When one of those guys logs in and queues with addon to get to AV, almost every bg i join it's suddenly 10 vs 3, 15 vs 6 etc... because multiboxers won't join if it's not av or iots.

  8. I always liked multiboxing, got even doulaboxing team, and lvling up 5 chars on lorda. But this 25 man on icecrown is too much much too often. When one of those guys logs in and queues with addon to get to AV, almost every bg i join it's suddenly 10 vs 3, 15 vs 6 etc... because multiboxers won't join if it's not av or iots.
    that is caused by any premaded team wich is 12 or more players. dont put blame on multiboxers for that.
    Furthermore, you can also blame dev's for not fixing specific que for over 10months now.

  9. First of all I want to thank multiboxers because I imagine they are substantial contributors to the servers which we all play. However I have to ask something even at a risk of later regretting taking part in this discussion which has not been going anywhere in months.

    People are arguing whether or not you can kill a multiboxer of 25, with a team of 25 players with a basic level of communication or organization or gear; or not.

    Why does it never come up as a fact that by definition it's ONE player having more than a fair chance versus a team of TWENTY FIVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. It's a fair bit of an ego boost which by itself I don't mind, people do different means to reach this end; however in certain areas of gameplay this one player having higher value than 25 players is gamebreaking.

    If you're facing a premade, they aren't beating you in numbers but in organization. While they are most likely communicating and moving as a big group or aiming to do certain objectives, there might be cases where you can catch some of them offguard and beat them out as a result of a human error. 1v1 is still possible if one of them is successfully baited into arrogantly separating from the team.
    There is no error in communication with a multiboxing team, one player is controling X characters and communication is instant, automated and error-free. When he does make an error it reflects on all X characters however it's severely diminished by the fact nobody wants to approach him.

    I said this in an earlier thread on the same topic, WoW is an MMORPG and is about team play, in PvE and PvP; about different characters of similar value, not about one character being as powerful as 25 (we can argue whether this is an over-simplification or not).

    On a final note, there are areas where multiboxing doesn't affect anyone else; as such it should be nobody else's business if they multibox there. But it's ridiculous to expect impeccable organization and team performance (two things NECESSARY to have a chance against a multiboxer) in a battleground such as Wintergrasp when it's readily accessible to everyone.

  10. The only one who will defend the multi-boxing in the BGs , WG is actually the same sh....amm person which is using it. Please note you can try to speak for coridnations, disadvantige and stuffs as much as you want but still you are ruining the game. If the horde team just take like 5 machines and the multiboxer is just next to them you can not win this. After the first or max the second wave the defensive guns on the towers will be down. So it is pure win. The camping before the start is another bul****s and it is relevant for the battle because the alliance is loosing few minutes to ressurect, rebuff yourself and try to go out of the Keep. Generally for that time the horde is already capturing bases , even if you look at it like position it is still advantige for the horde.

    Here is a little list of things to thing abut them:

    1. You can not kill a multiboxer with normal group for WG. Lets think about this. WG is a sort of BG and this is a PVP aspect of the game. You need to fight vs the opositive faction in order to win. Yes, the WG is not only PvP but still it is a sort of BATTLEGROUND and you can not avoid the PVP. Having this in mind I have only 1 question - What is the point to fight in WG if you can not "touch" the opositive faction? This is NOT A BG, THIS IS NOT A PVP, this is a simple farce, joke. Name it as you wish.

    2. You are speaking about disadvantige and premades for alliance. Good, so in your logic if you are playing as alliance you need every time to make a 40 MAN a premade in order to join for WG? And to coordinate a 40 man raid ? Please stop joking. Everyone who is hardcore raider know what pain is to lead 25m PUG raid and to coordinate them. Okey lets leave this aspect, you can make a premade from your guild! So okey, I will make premade from my guild. 30-40 ppls from my guild will come. Of course we will join TeamSpeak and probably we will win. Wait wait a minute, what we are doing here? This is a joke... So If I want to win a WG fight vs Multiboxer I need to make a guild premade of 20-30 GUILD MATES or to organise a 40x PUGS from the current que. This is just a joke.

    3. It is just not fair. A multiboxer can oneshot everything. What kind of pvp is this? You can not escape them if you are in their range, you can not fight them. You can just avoid them.

    In conclusion, in the begining of the fight alliance is loosing EXPENSIVE time by ressurecting and selfbuffing and moving out of the Keep. In this time the horde is just taking bases and moving in better possion. As I said THIS IS A PVP - PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER battle. There is nothing like pvp in this stage of WG. In order to win you need to organise a 40 man PUGS ( only the idea to organise 40 pugs is ridiculous, it is not impossible but still it is a joke) or to make a premade of 40 MANS?! Lets not forget that even with premade you need TO AVOID THE multiboxer. Even WITH PREMADE it is not good idea to fight vs the multiboxer. Lets think about the healing. 20-30 x multiboxing which have OVERHEALING as HoTS on his "team" all of the time. You are healing yourself for millions each second. If this is a fair , just shoot me please.

    This being said, I have one last Question for everyone - Lets leave all other aspects out of the theme and think about a single player. If you are a single player, if you have like few friends (5-10)...if you are new player how to win a WG? The most players are like that... New ppls with couple of friends. if you are one of them this means that you will never win WG if there is a multiboxer. This is not fair.

    Best regards to each multiboxer! I wish you a good time in Warmane....but still this is not a honnorable play. This is not FAIR!
    Edited: February 14, 2017

  11. No it is ruining wintergrasp and all other pvp battlegrounds. Its cheating and its ruining the game for everyone else. Alliance cant win battlegrounds when horde have multiboxers. your clearly horde so you like the idea because you always win. even with a premade its not a fair fight against a multiboxer. Thing is its effecting everyone in PVP but also for ally wanting to do VOA we have control of wintergrasp fo around 5% of the time if that. Its not fair at all and its ruining the game for everyone else trying to play properley. Its meant to be the closest with to the real wow. You dont see this on the real game.

  12. I haven't read through this entire post, but I know warmane has made their stance clear on multiboxers. I'll start by saying i'm not against multiboxing at all. I used to do it back in the day on retail. It was fine when it was someone running 5 shaman's, but these multiboxers on here are running 20+ toons. That's redic. I don't think it was that much of a problem on retaill cause noone was gonna pay a subscription for 20+ accounts monthly. I think if someone was running 20 accounts on retail even blizzard would have taken a stance. As it stands right now, 1 person is able to control the outcome of a 80 man pvp zone. Your choosing to cater to 1-3 guys over thousands of others who also think this is bs. What wins pvp is playing together, when you have 1 guy controlling 20+ toons doing the exact same thing you take the entrie process of pvp away from the game. Especially in pvp zones like wintergrasp. Allaince wins wg most of the time cause they play together, we only win on horde when we have mbx or tea because they play together. Warmane needs to stop saying we made our stance clear and shutting the door on us. It's time to reopen discussions and you need to listen to our concerns.
    Edited: February 15, 2017

  13. I think if someone was running 20 accounts on retail even blizzard would have taken a stance.
    Nope, you're wrong man, sorry.




    One example of a 33 boxer, there are more.

    Edit: couldn't resist putting another one in :P
    Edited: February 16, 2017 Reason: for another example :)

  14. Everyone is saying it is easy to kill mba, but no one is saying how, he can destroy demos cannons in 1 blast, yesterday in AV, a lot of players that was, above 6k gs with 3 heals couldnt kill him, even if we were fearing, stuning, pushing etc etc. Simple because he is to strong, every heal reju, wild growth is stacking on each other, every flame shock that he cast on a player is stacking, 15 flame shocks, not to say 15 chain lightnings on a player. He is really hard to kill. ANd he have insane dmg.

    And you dont know how he is ruining pvp here. Simple i will tell you, every player that is good geard, when he see a multiboxer, or even die just once, he leave the battleground. And bg is populated with low gs players. Than is really impossible to kill him.

    he is killing bosses in AV literally in 3 seconds. Even with all towers not burned, he can kill main boss alone, simple cause he can stack heals, he have insane dmg with insane haste.

    Yes he lack movement,but he doesn't lack in dmg, he can only do one cast and he will kill half of people around him.

  15. U forgot teh multibox King https://www.twitch.tv/videos/43409041
    Warmane is filled with clueless nubs and we have to live with it.

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