1. No contest here buddy, no need to be cocky, we never hid that the kill count includes pre moltdown kills so cut the silence speaks for itself bs. Unlike most guild and ppl we don't hide nothing including our kills as you can see in this very post. I'm on 10 days vacation and me and Patrick are the only ppl caring to check forums, so yea, I won't take my vacation time to chit chat on forums but I guess, whoops I did.

    Sorry for syntaxis, vBulletin for mobile sucks

  2. Like I said, that remark was a tad out of place.
    There were people already in this topic, asking about your kills. I had the decency to do it with my forum account that's same name as my main in-game, not hiding behid some 4th or 5th alt account. Don't give a flying **** about competitions or **** like that anymore, it was purely for statistical purposes.

  3. Like I said, that remark was a tad out of place.
    There were people already in this topic, asking about your kills. I had the decency to do it with my forum account that's same name as my main in-game, not hiding behid some 4th or 5th alt account. Don't give a flying **** about competitions or **** like that anymore, it was purely for statistical purposes.
    You're not even an active player and you're able to sound that toxic and douchey on a WoW forum. /clap. You sum up really well the egotistic (and autistic) part of this server's community - just like your guildies. Get yourself treated please.

  4. I hate repeating myself but let me say it again for the slower people; "that remark was a tad out of place".
    And the question itself was purely for statistical purposes. Not to diss your guild or your progress. If I did that, I apologize.
    And my apologies to mirmigis and Cryptan, who as true leaders kept their heads cool and answered in a manner better than me.

    But I gotta answer to this:
    You're not even an active player and you're able to sound that toxic and douchey on a WoW forum. /clap. You sum up really well the egotistic (and autistic) part of this server's community - just like your guildies. Get yourself treated please.
    Did I disrespect your guild in anyway, like you did with mine just now? I stopped playing recently due to a serious illness, thank you for asking. And about your personal feelings that obviously got hurt, I don't give a damn. Cause I'm sorry (am not really) but you're a nobody. And since your guild leader(s) already responded, why do you (as a nobody) have this need to say anything else? Because you're the same kind of an egotistic ******* that you're blaming me to be. Hypocrisy is such a *****...

  5. I hate repeating myself but let me say it again for the slower people; "that remark was a tad out of place".
    And the question itself was purely for statistical purposes. Not to diss your guild or your progress. If I did that, I apologize.
    And my apologies to mirmigis and Cryptan, who as true leaders kept their heads cool and answered in a manner better than me.

    But I gotta answer to this:

    Did I disrespect your guild in anyway, like you did with mine just now? I stopped playing recently due to a serious illness, thank you for asking. And about your personal feelings that obviously got hurt, I don't give a damn. Cause I'm sorry (am not really) but you're a nobody. And since your guild leader(s) already responded, why do you (as a nobody) have this need to say anything else? Because you're the same kind of an egotistic ******* that you're blaming me to be. Hypocrisy is such a *****...
    I'm not a part of this thing. Just amazed at how toxic someone can be over a game. "Sorry but you're a nobody". And who are you again, posting something like that in other guild's threads just to make sure and let people know your tribe of balkans is better than theirs at a videogame?

    Also don't bother trying to defend yourself by counter-attacking and stating I'm a hypocrite or anything like that. I didn't say I wasn't. You're just as bad as me, but you look even worse with your cringeworthy posts on this forum.
    Edited: August 22, 2015

  6. If you're not a part of the guild, then why did you have this need to say anything in this topic, instead of sending me a private message? As for the nobody part, you're a nobody to me, if you want me to be more specific. And I'm "toxic" towards and over some people (like yourself), not the guild and certainly not the game itself. On top of all, now you're insulting not only a guild, you're insulting a whole damn region of Balkans. GG on adding bigotry to your dickwad list.

    Anyway, I'm done talking to a nobody and my apologies to the RB guild for messing up their topic. The staff can fix it, I'm sure.

  7. Haven't posted here in a while, partially since I have been on vacation.
    This week thus far; 2 LoD, 2 RS25hc. Today we will do another of each, hopefully, as we are slightly behind our raiding schedule. Ring of Phased Regeneration dropped tho, so I'm finally bis on my priest!

    Other than that, I have been streaming this weeks progress and will probably continue if any form of interest is shown. I will upload and edit the previous streams for some nice vids.
    Should have added the stream channel: http://www.twitch.tv/r0binmasseffect
    Should be online around 16pm st when raid starts, or when we are on LK/Halion(always between 16pm-19pm st)

    With this week coming to an end; 4 LoD, 3 RS25hc, but only 2 Banes. Still 4th LoD was really the high of this week! Now to farm 4 LoD per week! :D

  8. And my apologies to mirmigis and Cryptan, who as true leaders kept their heads cool and answered in a manner better than me.
    Looks like I need to promote Peky to officer ^^

    Cheers guys stop makin dramas out of nowhere. We are using this thread to share our raiding experience and to post videos so our newcomers can get used to how we are doing LoDs. Nothing else. We dont need to prove "who has longer" cause we dont really care about it. We farm LoD cause its fun. If other guilds doin it faster/better I can only congratulate.


    Bye bye Faraj it was fun. See ya in 7 days on forums!

  9. Looks like I need to promote Peky to officer ^^
    Shush, let them think I'm important!

  10. Sunday done.



    Not the best quality cuz stream recording but.. meh..

  11. Today we had 2x RS25hc (2nd and 3rd group) planned but since we were done quite fast with both of them.. why not make a 4th group?
    So that's what we did. First time we did RS 4x in 1 week.

    2nd group

    3rd group

    4th group

  12. 3rd LoD this week done.
    So far this week we slayed 3 kings and 4 dragons

    3rd LoD:

  13. I heard you bugining MD? is that true? ( Drama )

  14. Hey guise, congrats on the 4th rs! cryptan , proper moosik or riot.

    P.S. Zebii sucks.

  15. I heard you bugining MD? is that true? ( Drama )
    No... we don't bug/abuse/exploit anything as you can see in our recordings

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