1. Retracted.
    Edited: October 17, 2015 Reason: incorrect statement

  2. The people here that are saying to lower prices are just upset that their refunded coins from molten wont fully gear their mains ;.(
    The refunded coins expired long ago.

  3. Then they are whining about the price it will cost them to fully twink their toons... Either way the point is that they don't plan on farming for gear... so naturally they'll want it cheap as possible

  4. Then they are whining about the price it will cost them to fully twink their toons... Either way the point is that they don't plan on farming for gear... so naturally they'll want it cheap as possible
    Which is less likely to happen, if ever.
    The prices might seem a bit too high atm, as we're used to the old 23 coin prices, but they'll deal with it overtime, afterall the price is higher just to avoid getting BiS gear, but most people will donate even if it's for just one item, im pretty sure.

  5. Then they are whining about the price it will cost them to fully twink their toons... Either way the point is that they don't plan on farming for gear... so naturally they'll want it cheap as possible
    You really think you can contain all people that donate in one single type?:). I raided hardcore for years on retail, just the fact that i dont want to go through the frustration of having highest dkp in the whole guild, farming five months a raid without missing one raid and than, on the only raid i miss cause was very sick, both items that i wanted drop,... yei will donate gladly to get those items :). So me personally i dont want it cheap cause for one i dont want lot of people beeing fully geared and second i dont want myself to be fully geared, but those 2-3 pieces that i would really want id like to afford thats all.

    Two-Three times price increase compared to other realms i think its perfect balance. How it is now its just too much, my personal opinion only of course

  6. Greetings and thank yous to Molten/Warmane for what has obviously been a great deal of hard and effective work on a solid x1 realm. That said I feel confused about the logic of making leveling so much more difficult for those who joined early by pricing low level blue items that might possibly last for 10 levels. Firstly is the progression of price reductions cumulative. IOW will Classic items be reduced by a total of 50% of the original release cost or the post TBC levels?

    In any case this means latecomers will have at least twice the capability to buy a leveling edge as those who did PTR loyally and then immediately joined Lordaeron. This might not be as big a deal as it is when one considers the COMBINATION of obstacles currently enforced. When Random Dungeon Finder is disabled, and guilds are of reduced value due to exorbitant prices on even the very first Guild Vault slot, high demand coupled with low supply skyrockets AH prices (as it recently has eg: items that were 60 Silver last week are now often 6 Gold), and heirlooms are made unavailable by any means, and I could even throw in that need for gear has increased in PVE simply by the crazy aggro mechanics, it really seems a bit unfair to the most hardcore and loyal subscribers.

    Additionally AFAIK, the single most common reason people donate is to avoid queue. This isn't mere laziness as it can put a nasty crimp in dungeons and raids when players can't rejoin quickly. Perhaps more important is the issue of trust. Long term loyal subscribers have already suffered substantial loss from Moltdown since even though considerable effort went into recovering as much as possible, at the very least years of gathering reputation, recipes, and achievements were just lost forever yet now those same loyal players have lost the already paid for privilege of skipping queue.

    Perhaps the second most common reason to donate is to get those items that are so coveted that they are commonly ninja'd, like DBW. It seems to me that the combination of mechanics presently enforced are a slap in the face to honest, serious, loyal players who have supported you for years, sung your praises, and endured what now feels like "adding insult to injury".

    So in summary why change prices at all with each new release? Why limit purchases of important leveling gear which is already made more difficult by the choice to disable RDF? Why take away a paid for privilege like queue jump?

    I'm really not just ranting here as I'd really like to understand the thinking behind these combinations that appear to punish your most loyal hardcore subscribers.
    Edited: October 17, 2015

  7. I see 'harcore serveur' , 7000 players , so i asked all my friends to play with me and try to clean all progress and take some first realm, and now i see this thread.
    RIP Have fun in this serveur because is sad to see some Kevin Priest get carried by their gear , ++

  8. Whaaaat we can buy items during the progress? Where is a hardcore pve server?

  9. Whaaaat we can buy items during the progress? Where is a hardcore pve server?
    Yeah but it's the tier below the current tier so... It's actually fair... Like you HAVE to farm gear to get the best gear in the game. When Naxx comes out the lowest tier you can donate is Sunwell and who would donate that?

  10. And for the last tiers Icc/ Halion how it works?

  11. Since I authored a thread actually complaining, not specifically about any one issue but a combination that included reduced item sales I figured I should add this : I see people who played retail Vanilla on global chat exclaiming that they haven't had this much fun since then and their only "complaint" was that Warmane's Lordaeron had rekindled an old addiction. So let me be blunt. If you are so superficial and/or lazy to actually check it out....go on for a day or two and see for yourself, open up Marketplace and see how many people you think will donate with such items and prices. shoot! just read the intro to this thread and you will conclude as you must that nobody is going to buy achievement sans skill. Seriously if you jump to conclusions so impatiently you won't last on Lordaeron. The leveling rate will kill you.

  12. And for the last tiers Icc/ Halion how it works?
    They said that ICC gear won't be available till a certain time of progression (at least what they have said so far) so i imagine after a LONG while of doing ICC they will eventually ''lift up'' the restrictions... Halion i am not sure since that is a separate raid but a bit higher of the tier... Not sure really.

    Since I authored a thread actually complaining, not specifically about any one issue but a combination that included reduced item sales I figured I should add this : I see people who played retail Vanilla on global chat exclaiming that they haven't had this much fun since then and their only "complaint" was that Warmane's Lordaeron had rekindled an old addiction. So let me be blunt. If you are so superficial and/or lazy to actually check it out....go on for a day or two and see for yourself, open up Marketplace and see how many people you think will donate with such items and prices. shoot! just read the intro to this thread and you will conclude as you must that nobody is going to buy achievement sans skill. Seriously if you jump to conclusions so impatiently you won't last on Lordaeron. The leveling rate will kill you.
    Hehe the leveling rate is not that bad... You can get to 60 pretty fast to be honest... Will be more time as the cap get's raised :)

  13. And for the last tiers Icc/ Halion how it works?
    Judging by ur already answered questions you didn't even bother to read the first post, or the reply from Kaer in the very same thread.
    Do some research and u'll find out how it'll work. [just click the search button above the page and type tier, was it that hard?]

  14. Judging by ur already answered questions you didn't even bother to read the first post, or the reply from Kaer in the very same thread.
    Do some research and u'll find out how it'll work. [just click the search button above the page and type tier, was it that hard?]
    No need for your lessons keep for you or for your son, i just fear about our exp and a market place can ruin the progrress.

  15. No need for your lessons keep for you or for your son, i just fear about our exp and a market place can ruin the progrress.
    And again you didn't search for it, did you saw the prices? One item is 100$, how much people do you think would donate to a full BiS?

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