1. No, shutup, forget your loot. We only get to do this once per year, and I want to be able to do these events, I can raid the entire rest of the year, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
    been waiting all years for the snowman and cow events and gifts lawl ;D, don't take away our happyness

  2. I dont get it.

    What the hell is wrong with Warmane now? I logged yesterday, went to wintergrasp and found 0 snowmans, today i havent found a single one either.

    You guys could give out some info on the front page instead of spamming Lordaeron stuff 24/7 in it. Been here since the 1st year and this year im really surprised with the lack of information regarding xmas events.

    Get your **** together Molten.

  3. Get your **** together Molten.
    Molten is dead, tell your news source to get their **** together.

  4. Why is everyone so butthurt about the despawning of events? Be patient, my god.

    Also, they will not merge Ragnaros and Deathwing. It ought to stop being a suggestion matter of fact. If you think about the downsides, you would reconsider. One of these cons includes renaming your characters, which isn't fair to a lot of people who reserved good names.

  5. Molten is dead, tell your news source to get their **** together.
    Pff.. Do you want some cookies now?

  6. im just wondering if you guys are planning to extend the time we got to make the events such as cows and snowmen. i mean we ve been like a bit longer of 1 day without any. or is it gona be only till jan 2 like you said before?

  7. Thanks, always love the holiday events. i hope y'all kink the bugs out and roll out a fun-as-usual year-end event. :D

  8. I don't even know where to begin with this cluster**** of an "event". Especially on MoP.

    I don't really comment on those things, but OH MY. That was so badly made and disappointing, that I can't just let it go.
    Let's start with the buggy MAZE, which was so abused, it's mother probably felt it, people were walking on the wall, warrior were heroic leaping through the walls, druids and mages were probably blinking and displacing through it, as well. MAZE OF THE MAZES. Such fun. So CHEERFUL.
    hen come the stairs... ohhh, was that an event, with all those locks throwing portals left and right, slowing everyone with the losing of visibility, boy, was that FUN!

    And the came the cows.... Man, I haven't been that disappointed since the Moltdown. The cows on Pandaria are the cluster**** of the cluster****s. The only thing that Warmane managed to do with that "EVENT" was to disappoint everyone and to whack the economy, thanks guys!
    And what do we get after this "FIX", one run, with the chance of making 15k and what is the possible drop 2 mounts, 2 companions and a tabard, which is fine, except they only drop from the Cow King, from which there is one and you can do it only once, and then that's all.... Ain't that a cheerful event? You might get 1 item on run that is done with a few people.

    So what is the conclusion? Warmane broke it's promise once more. We were promised fun, but instead we got bugs, inflation and a plate of disappointment.
    This FIX, should have been lowering of the gold that drops and putting items in the loot from the cows, not just "FIXING" the lock.
    So yeah, thanks a lot, guys! Shame on me for thinking that it MIGHT be good this year! Always big on words, and small on actions. Disappointment OVERLOAD.

  9. Community Manager Proterean,could you update us on when whether the Cow-event and the Snowman-event will be available tomorrow?Thanks in advance and kind regards,Kyranian of Ragnaros

  10. Stupid question but.. how on earth do you get the reward for the stairs event?

    I did the maze and got the pigs, couldnt talk to the NPC after that.

    I did the stairs and couldnt interact with the NPC at all. Are they both the exact same reward or something? I heard there was a quest you have to get at the start but I cant find anything on that. Or is this just bugged?

  11. I don't even know where to begin with this cluster**** of an "event". Especially on MoP.

    I don't really comment on those things, but OH MY. That was so badly made and disappointing, that I can't just let it go.
    Let's start with the buggy MAZE, which was so abused, it's mother probably felt it, people were walking on the wall, warrior were heroic leaping through the walls, druids and mages were probably
    blinking and displacing through it, as well. MAZE OF THE MAZES. Such fun. So CHEERFUL.
    hen come the stairs... ohhh, was that an event, with all those locks throwing portals left and right, slowing everyone with the losing of visibility, boy, was that FUN!

    And the came the cows.... Man, I haven't been that disappointed since the Moltdown. The cows on Pandaria are the cluster**** of the cluster****s. The only thing that Warmane managed to do with that "EVENT" was to disappoint everyone and to whack the economy, thanks guys!
    And what do we get after this "FIX", one run, with the chance of making 15k and what is the possible drop 2 mounts, 2 companions and a tabard, which is fine, except they only drop from the Cow King, from which there is one and you can do it only once, and then that's all.... Ain't that a cheerful event? You might get 1 item on run that is done with a few people.

    So what is the conclusion? Warmane broke it's promise once more. We were promised fun, but instead we got bugs, inflation and a plate of disappointment.
    This FIX, should have been lowering of the gold that drops and putting items in the loot from the cows, not just "FIXING" the lock.
    So yeah, thanks a lot, guys! Shame on me for thinking that it MIGHT be good this year! Always big on words, and small on actions. Disappointment OVERLOAD.
    I wonder what kind of events you would make with so many players and realms to manage. If people abused doesnt mean you have to do it to. You can still have fun. But i feel you are just a spoiled bratt that rages when he doesnt get his way around. Be gratefull its Christmas...

  12. I wonder what kind of events you would make with so many players and realms to manage. If people abused doesnt mean you have to do it to. You can still have fun. But i feel you are just a spoiled bratt that rages when he doesnt get his way around. Be gratefull its Christmas...
    Did you just compare the event type with the amount of players?

  13. Hey can u tell me where can i find the teleporter to cow event ?

  14. GMS can we get a teleport back to our city when we complete the event? I hate having to wait 30 mins for my hearthstone

  15. GMS can we get a teleport back to our city when we complete the event? I hate having to wait 30 mins for my hearthstone
    How about unstuck?

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