1. iSullivan's Avatar
    Shouldnt gear with ilvl <271 be repriced on the coinshop as well ? Also will fraction, name and race changes be available for points again ?

  2. Very nice,i like the idea of this new vp system,please don't remove faction transfer.

  3. If anyone`d but tell me why people`d stop raiding? What`d you do otherwise, free gear or not? Isn`t the point of this game, even if you`re geared already, to raid after all?

  4. this game is all about ACIVMENTS not GEAR
    good job with new marketpace :)

  5. Good job warmane staff. People are just jelous cuz they got their gear already the hard way lol.
    Some ppl said good items will break the pve, but no, if someone wants instant gear he can always donate, and many ppl did, still pve lives with full gear.

  6. Show us how many 271 items do you have? How long u have playd?
    Oh I dont play LK. Im just basing my honest question off logic. I mean LK was released November 13th, 2008 - October 2010, roughly 2 years. During that time it gained 2 mil player. Now if it took 1.5-2 years to fully geared 1 toon from farming then I would assume that only those who played from the start and lasted till the end would have 1 fully geared toon along with a half geared alt at most, right? (Assuming ppl focus on 1 toon at a time, and if you were to focus on 2 or more, the resources, time included, you have would be divided among all your toons and would probably not end you with a fully geared toon by the end of LK). So you know, it doesnt make sense if it really took 46 days to farm a single piece of gear xD

    You know why the players do not go to 25HC ICC frequently? Cause they DO NOT wanna get the higher GS too fast , and AFK.
    Also, that's both subjective and very contradictory with what you're asking. You're saying ppl wanna slow farm gear, yet ask for lower time to gain each gear with points so you can gain gear through there faster. You're also not understanding what I posted, I was just saying ppl werent forced to choose between the methods of gaining gear. Heck playing and farming your gear would benefit your points collecting, assuming activity rank works like how I think it will (through play time).

  7. Adding achievements as a requirement is pointless. It will not stop ninja-ing gear in fact making 271 gear available with just points on it's own is more likely to reduce it. But regardless people who ninja are still going to ninja gear away. It also won't prevent any kind of activity hacks. In fact just adding an extra step to buy the stuff with points that you can gather daily is pointless and won't really do anything.

    Also with your 2nd suggestion would completely make obtaining points useless. I mean think about it. Say a person DOES have the achievement and say 100 kills on a boss then essentially it would make that gear free and make gathering points useless.

    Sorry I just see more problems than positives in your idea or suggestion.
    Idle activity wont get you achievements such as Plagueworks or Frostwing Halls so it WILL reduce the effect of multiple accounts.

    I said "reduce" ninja-ing, not eliminate it completely.

    And these are just ideas which Warmane community can help improve and the staff can consider. They can put a min cap on the items' cost. For eg., if an item costs 25 vp normally, then it cant cost less than 20 vp even after many boss kills. And come on, don't you think if someone cant get his ICC drop after 100 boss kills, then something else is wrong there? I mean, think about it :P

  8. when market place will come back?

  9. Idle activity wont get you achievements such as Plagueworks or Frostwing Halls so it WILL reduce the effect of multiple accounts.

    I said "reduce" ninja-ing, not eliminate it completely.

    And these are just ideas which Warmane community can help improve and the staff can consider. They can put a min cap on the items' cost. For eg., if an item costs 25 vp normally, then it cant cost less than 20 vp even after many boss kills. And come on, don't you think if someone cant get his ICC drop after 100 boss kills, then something else is wrong there? I mean, think about it :P
    100 was a mere example :P I mean me personally I have crap luck so nothing really drops for me :C

    That being aside it isn't right to reduce the amount of people preventing them from obtaining gear via Vote Shop. Simple reason is, what if a person who plays on Cata or MoP wanted to move to Wrath? Say they have 100 VP (which is what cap would be) why prevent them from being able to obtain the gear so they could get into those raids easier?

    Also it still wouldn't slow down ninja-ing in the slightest. They will still do it regardless. Adding an achievement requirement won't fix that.

    But let's say it could reduce from 25 to 20. In 5 weeks you could have at least 50 points (say obtaining 10 points per week) and you would just essentially be like oooh 5 point discount! I can buy 2 items now! ...oh wait you would still only buy 2 items even if the price wasn't reduced. In fact it would actually make it quicker to obtain even more gear. Hell I highly doubt that the Devs would even implement such a thing especially since the gear is more of a point dump. And since cap would be 100, I am guessing that these 271 gears would be around 70-75 Vote Points. Which is....quite a bit.

    I just feel that there could be a better system for it than what you presented. But of course we would need a better idea on how much that gear is going to cost to really make a better system.

  10. want the same answer too they said 24 hours but it seems not happening

  11. The Silver Bullet Solution [Marketplace]

    General features:

    - Same items should be avail for coins & points, no exception, with a standardized cost conversion
    - Item costs need to be looked at very closely and tweaked carefully
    - Activity CAN'T be based on /played because bots will become an epidemic in-game
    - Activity CAN'T be based on forum posts because forum will turn into chaos, & some dont even use it


    Should not be available in the shop:

    - Any and all legendaries, including raw mats (existing items prob get grandfathered in)
    - Any and all epics above ilvl ~240 (same as above) in order to bring back [gear legitimacy]
    - Mounts that have serious status implications (barons charger, ashes, ICC mount, chicken, etc)
    - Special companions that can be used as event or pvp season awards (tcg, seasonal ones, promo, etc)
    - Tabards that can be used the same way (tcg, seasonal ones, promo, etc)
    - Raw materials (ie stack of cloth), or processed mats (ie bolt of cloth) - due to price inflation
    - Most recipes that are obtainable in game without much trouble (also eliminate buying "all pats")


    Should be available:

    - Level 80 epics up to ilvl ~240 (although prob NOT the lvl 80 BOE epics - again to keep out of AH)
    - ALL epics below max level (for twinking / leveling) but for HIGHLY inflated costs (BOE & BOP)
    - Most/all blues below max level (for twinking / leveling) but for somewhat inflated costs
    - A few key green items for each armor type from 1-80 (for leveling mainly) make these cheap
    - All items that should be avail, but aren't in-game (ie raid boss heads, quest items, drops, etc)
    - Most mounts (with severely escalating costs for the hard to get stuff, and NO very special ones)
    - Most companions (same as above, really special stuff should be off-limits except as rewards)
    - Most tabards (because tabards... I mean cmon lol who cares - point sink)
    - Some basic blue gems, but not epic ones, or pre-cut ones
    - Some recipes that are hard to get (ie mongoose) but with a HIGHLY inflated cost (10-20x)
    - Perm item enchantments (WG, ZG, weapon chains, etc) but with a higher cost than they used to have)
    - Pumpkin bags for alts (which are BOP so you can’t sell them), but no others (no bags = SUPER FAIL)
    I have roughly expressed a similar perspective with what I think are the negative and the positive aspects from OP's feature list. However, your suggestions and their very eloquent arguments do not only represent this perspective, but they also enhance it considerably. I decided to quote your message in this post to provide a sort of tl;dr version for other members. I hope that Warmane's staff takes your suggestions into consideration. I believe without a doubt that having a marketplace under these conditions would improve the overall game-play experience in this server.

  12. dont ask how long, if you dont know by now molten/warmane do as they please when they please, just sit and wait imo, you cant get anything yet anyways as new points have not been reset to singles yet, you will only be on 6 points max at the mo, everything is 10 points anyways so you have another 4 days before you can use the store

  13. If he DID DO a TL;DR he would probably write it as below:

    Too Long; Didn't Read

  14. 100 was a mere example :P I mean me personally I have crap luck so nothing really drops for me :C

    That being aside it isn't right to reduce the amount of people preventing them from obtaining gear via Vote Shop. Simple reason is, what if a person who plays on Cata or MoP wanted to move to Wrath? Say they have 100 VP (which is what cap would be) why prevent them from being able to obtain the gear so they could get into those raids easier?

    Also it still wouldn't slow down ninja-ing in the slightest. They will still do it regardless. Adding an achievement requirement won't fix that.

    But let's say it could reduce from 25 to 20. In 5 weeks you could have at least 50 points (say obtaining 10 points per week) and you would just essentially be like oooh 5 point discount! I can buy 2 items now! ...oh wait you would still only buy 2 items even if the price wasn't reduced. In fact it would actually make it quicker to obtain even more gear. Hell I highly doubt that the Devs would even implement such a thing especially since the gear is more of a point dump. And since cap would be 100, I am guessing that these 271 gears would be around 70-75 Vote Points. Which is....quite a bit.

    I just feel that there could be a better system for it than what you presented. But of course we would need a better idea on how much that gear is going to cost to really make a better system.
    Adding boss kill / achievement requirement will make sure people get a little bit of experience in raiding before getting gear from vote shop. So there wont be a 6k gs ret pala who doesn't move out of the fire in Lord Marrowgar's fight. Everyone would have already faced this from coin donors, but adding an achievement or boss kill requirement before awarding gear like that might reduce this, don't you think ?

  15. Adding boss kill / achievement requirement will make sure people get a little bit of experience in raiding before getting gear from vote shop. So there wont be a 6k gs ret pala who doesn't move out of the fire in Lord Marrowgar's fight. Everyone would have already faced this from coin donors, but adding an achievement or boss kill requirement before awarding gear like that might reduce this, don't you think ?
    Keep in mind I have never donated. (I would if I could) But I highly doubt you need an achievements to equip something you bought from the coin shop. Also everyone by now who plays on wrath have already killed those bosses so it wouldn't matter as again you're adding a requirement that would do 1 of 2 things. Prevent a player from another expansion from coming in and playing and wanting to gear up more or less to help them get into raids faster or you stop new players to warmane on wrath from doing the same. This is why that requirement is pointless.

    Also I highly doubt that there is that many people who don't know the fights of say ICC bosses. But what about the players who came from retail and want to play here? Even if they did kill the LK and have the achievements. You also prevent them from gearing up to jump straight into the raiding scene even if they know how bosses work. Cause of these few things adding an achievement requirement for Point Gear does more harm than good. I mean sure some people who are new to wow won't know how ICC works or any Raid Boss of Wrath can be a problem, but if it is their first time EVER they should state such which it doesn't hurt to explain each boss which is where players who have done it can easily take 5 minutes out of their time to explain. So really that kind of thing seems to be a playerbase problem.

    Also considering (when I have popped on wrath) People were wanting 5.7k GS + Achieve this shows me even if you have the GS you still can't get in by asking for the achievement. Which at the same time you can if you want start only accepting people who have the achievement. This would eliminate your problem. Again a playerbase problem that warmane should not fix. Well that is how I see it.

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