1. pretty good?, you know whats pretty good. obama winning elections is pretty good and pretty impressive, 5 LodS , 5 Rs 25 HC , 7 BaneS and Mirmi Without Havoc however thats darn impressive !
    Edited: September 12, 2015 Reason: apparently 5 banes aint enough

  2. pretty good?, you know whats pretty good. obama winning elections is pretty good and pretty impressive, 5 LodS , 5 Rs 25 HC , 5 BaneS and Mirmi Without Havoc however thats darn impressive !
    uuhm.. it's 7 banes now :x

  3. Congratulations to RB!!! Damn I feel like a proud mom now :D Anyways, RB IS LOVE, RB IS LIFE, RB IS BANES! jk ok....
    Love you guys!!!

  4. Pecky upload it faster! I wanna see bane kill! JK I actually rarely watch the kills. Maybe I should since I always do awful on it.

    But by the way, I didn't oom! 3 Mana gems used, 1 evocation, and Hymn of Hope inside chamber. Was enough.

    Anyway, about the guild. We have done 5 Icc25hc, 5 Rs25hc, and 7 Banes this week. I also think we did 1 Rs10hc, but I don't really consider it on par with the other three. Today we will do TogC, 6th Icc25hc (probably bql run, maybe sindy if we have the heals), and maybe some normals.

    In addition, I am running out of characters to raid with.

  5. Pecky upload it faster!
    Tell youtube to finish it faster

  6. These i d i o t s just did an 8th bane in a single raid lockout... Great job guys and Belssie for making these runs possible by grping them and leading them yourself!

    bane addicts

  7. Damn 8 banes and i was in 2 of them, good raids. Hope i get into more next week, Good job everyone :D -Babytank - Babymoonkin

  8. A bane a day, keeps the sunlight away.

  9. A bane a day, keeps the sunlight away.
    Where is the like button???
    I'm almost ashamed of this. We're such nolifers :(
    Here is the vid from our 8th bane this week.

    Don't mind the gameplay, was so tired :x

  10. Gz on many kills on many elite mobs, may u kill them many times again (Y)

  11. First day of the week and pecki slacking on uploading kill #96....
    #100 is getting closer

  12. I was on a 4,7k gs warrior and got grabbed at the first valkyr. Was just hanging there in the air for 10 minutes. not a fun recording to watch!

  13. I was on a 4,7k gs warrior and got grabbed at the first valkyr. Was just hanging there in the air for 10 minutes. not a fun recording to watch!
    Peki proudly going live about his carries. That's the spirit!! /support

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