1. I wish you knew how to properly express yourself in english, that way we'd avoid having to read somebody swearing so much just because he/she is unable to use any other word to describe his or her opinion.

    You should think that maybe people ignore you because you express yourself like a jackass and that your sentences are pretty hard to understand. Also I don't talk in the name of any officer from TFK, but if I know something for sure it's that TFK is a secluded community and that every person who's accepted into it has gone through an "investigation" that includes mouth to mouth communication. If somebody were to tell me there's a guy like you who expresses himself as you do and can't even articulate sentences accusing somebody as a scammer, I'd question it as you clearly don't understand english and I'd doubt your understanding of the word.

    Not going into your discussion about loot because that's totally out of any outsider's hands as those are the ways you do your things in your guild.

    Also happy holidays, looking forward to a better response once you cool down your head.
    Well, honestly, I wasn't going to comment anything on this situation, but I think I really need to step in to say something really clear.

    It is their guild, and it is their guild master. If people are willing to stay and follow what he tells them to do even if he does somethings not necessarily 100% correct to all of you, it is really none of your businesses. It is their guild at the end of the day; not yours, not ours.

    Let them be and let them play this game their ways. Some will want a guild with more friendly community, some will want a guild like Favourite Nightmare where you will be instantly kicked with one huge mistake or with few minor mistakes.

    Also, judging someone by their ability to speak/write/understand English is pretty **** thing to do. Everyone's 1st language is not English and not everyone in this world was lucky enough to learn English as their 2nd language. I was lucky enough to study English and even study abroad in multiple English speaking countries, but that doesn't mean I am a better person than those who don't, like Alejandro.

    So, what's the point of coming to someone else's guild post and screaming top of their lungs? If he said your guild is full of ****, move on. Like all the guilds in this server had, they will have their time.

    TL;DR : Shut up.

  2. PS - I am not associated with TFK in any way, nor do I raid at all thes days, incidentally, but TFK officers seemed nice when I was watching their streams, I would choose to disagree with your statements there and they seem to have been clearing the end-game contents for longer so the guild couldn't be **** either.
    PPS - "New year" btw, "knew year" doesn't make too much sense.

    Someone plz sell something to this guy , im sure he ll buy it but first make sure u smile while u do it so he thinks you are " nice " .

    I cant stop laughing .

    About the clearing content FN as guild has cleared over 150 lods and prolly 100+ RS 25hc , 300banes , etc might be more tho we didnt kept the count on lorda or deathwing like we are doing on new core . ( lordaeron , deathwing , icecrown )

  3. I wish you knew how to properly express yourself in english, that way we'd avoid having to read somebody swearing so much just because he/she is unable to use any other word to describe his or her opinion.

    You should think that maybe people ignore you because you express yourself like a jackass
    Do you want to talk with me ? , im online /w me we can talk , i rather talking to a person instead of typing something , and there are some things that " swearing " seems to be more appropiate than typing something proper .

    Cheers .

  4. Well, honestly, I wasn't going to comment anything on this situation, but I think I really need to step in to say something really clear.

    It is their guild, and it is their guild master. If people are willing to stay and follow what he tells them to do even if he does somethings not necessarily 100% correct to all of you, it is really none of your businesses. It is their guild at the end of the day; not yours, not ours.

    Let them be and let them play this game their ways. Some will want a guild with more friendly community, some will want a guild like Favourite Nightmare where you will be instantly kicked with one huge mistake or with few minor mistakes.

    Also, judging someone by their ability to speak/write/understand English is pretty **** thing to do. Everyone's 1st language is not English and not everyone in this world was lucky enough to learn English as their 2nd language. I was lucky enough to study English and even study abroad in multiple English speaking countries, but that doesn't mean I am a better person than those who don't, like Alejandro.

    So, what's the point of coming to someone else's guild post and screaming top of their lungs? If he said your guild is full of ****, move on. Like all the guilds in this server had, they will have their time.

    TL;DR : Shut up.
    Really Henry? :D
    Henry do u remember this piece of **** who stole coins , the druid "hartzorg" , that´s the guy in discussion TFK invited him and gave him privileges to recruit ppl
    Edited: December 31, 2016


    Someone plz sell something to this guy , im sure he ll buy it but first make sure u smile while u do it so he thinks you are " nice " .

    I cant stop laughing .

    About the clearing content FN as guild has cleared over 150 lods and prolly 100+ RS 25hc , 300banes , etc might be more tho we didnt kept the count on lorda or deathwing like we are doing on new core . ( lordaeron , deathwing , icecrown )
    I said they seemed nice, does not necessarily imply I trust them or anything. And I am not the one crying about having 1200$ scammed, am I? I am sure that is enonugh to suggest my judgement counts for more than your does.
    BTW, did whoever who "scammed" you smile too? You hint at a lot of confidence that that tactic would work. LOL

    And you completely fail to understand my point there, there are at least 10 guilds which have all those 150 LODs and stuffs, it was just an attempt to suggest that a quality of guild is made, at least on end-game guilds by how many raids they do and also importantly if they enjoy the raid. If you cleared 150 LODs, that's great, good job, I am sure TFK has too, you accuse some TFK officer of being a scammer, so do a lot of people here on your own thread. The performance of an individual is by no means a metric to measure the quality of a guild, and if TFK is a **** guild because you think one of it's members is a scammer, then there are multiple people accusing you of being such too and by the same metric you just used, wouldn't your guild be ****tier?
    Edited: December 31, 2016

  6. I said they seemed nice, does not necessarily imply I trust them or anything.

    And you completely fail to understand my point there, there are at least 10 guilds which have all those 150 LODs and stuffs, it was just an attempt to suggest that a quality of guild is made, at least on end-game guilds by how many raids they do and also importantly if they enjoy the raid. If you cleared 150 LODs, that's great, good job, I am sure TFK has too, you accuse some TFK officer of being a scammer, so do a lot of people here on your own thread. The performance of an individual is by no means a metric to measure the quality of a guild, and if TFK is a **** guild because you think one of it's members is a scammer, then there are multiple people accusing you of being such too and by the same metric you just used, wouldn't your guild be ****tier?
    omg , mate , i ll just say this : you are stu pid. I cant even try to explain this to you , prolly you wont understand . just nvm , cos you completly missunderstood everything , that´s what usually happends when someone " random " comes to comment about a subject they arent part of , " not of your bussiness " but seems you have nothing better to do than typing , HERE WE GO.

    PS clearly u have no clue about what u talk , or experience about anything , i ll give u a suggestion next time better keep your mouth shut .
    PS 2 : WHO ARE YOU ? nvm idc anyway im sure there is some other post u can spam somewhere else , go ahead and have fun .
    Edited: December 31, 2016


    LOD #20 - 2nd group

    Edited: December 31, 2016

  8. You have some right points, but first you have to understand those explanations. He already wrote the process and entire story. Also before judging others or trying be smartass, should know the person whom you are targeting. As being friend and knowing him since Lordareon , I would say Alejandro is great one.
    I wonder why he is answering to all these comments. If I was him, I rather just ignore all. Since haters everywhere..
    Sorry for being arrogant, but It's my only way to deal.

  9. also we dont let anyone HACK , EXPLOIT or abuse a LOD or RS 25hc or ANY raid since 2013 . Keep that in mind . See u around.

    So you say, you guys never did exploit 1 single thing on molten/warmane?
    Okay, let yourself be ashame, and your guild for now. I used to be a member in FN on Lordaeron. We were not able to get LoD for way too long, and tried to get to RS25hc, which was indeed harder then LoD back on that time. And guess what we did, I mean, you know it, we abused/exploited for a couple of weeks with the magicly Freezing Arrow/Frost Trap. I bet you will say give me a screenshot or video, unfortunaly I do not have. BUT I CAN CONFIRM TAHT I WAS A MEMBER BACK ON LORDAERON AND WE DID ABUSE RS25HC BEACOUSE WE WERE NOT ABLE TO GET LOD/RSHC, and first after 1/2 months first lod and legit rs got downed.

    Also you talk about 150 lod's, get down on your feet. Fn is not even close to 100.
    Also talking about TFK officers being Arrogant???! Well, I've never seen a Gm/Officer talking weird and rude stuff to random people, despite guildies. And what about you "****ING *****, BRAINLESS PPL, *****, MORON", an Attitude says everything about a person. I've been reading the whole section of the latest drama, and every normal being, who doesnt want to get into your *** to get more invite's in your graids, can say that you Sir, you're nothing much then an uneducated. self-loving, arrogant guy.

    Talking about "best guild on the server", on what basis are you the best guild on the server? You can't even compare to TFK/RB, which are there for years there and cleared everything with every difficulty, also on Ally side, Udba/Devotion/Sanctified you can't even compare to them, and you say you didnt count Lod/rs kills on DW, well it's not hard to count 0 :).

    Just for the end, you're guild is not the best on the server, neither it will ever be, you're not the best GM, people just want to "stick" to you to try to get better positions in your graids.

    And if you ask yourself who am I, i'm not scared to keep myself hidden,
    I'm Laelius (fun fact, im not even related to any horde guild, i was horde on molten so i know all those facts)


  10. So you say, you guys never did exploit 1 single thing on molten/warmane?
    Okay, let yourself be ashame, and your guild for now. I used to be a member in FN on Lordaeron. We were not able to get LoD for way too long, and tried to get to RS25hc, which was indeed harder then LoD back on that time. And guess what we did, I mean, you know it, we abused/exploited for a couple of weeks with the magicly Freezing Arrow/Frost Trap. I bet you will say give me a screenshot or video, unfortunaly I do not have. BUT I CAN CONFIRM TAHT I WAS A MEMBER BACK ON LORDAERON AND WE DID ABUSE RS25HC BEACOUSE WE WERE NOT ABLE TO GET LOD/RSHC, and first after 1/2 months first lod and legit rs got downed.

    Also you talk about 150 lod's, get down on your feet. Fn is not even close to 100.
    Also talking about TFK officers being Arrogant???! Well, I've never seen a Gm/Officer talking weird and rude stuff to random people, despite guildies. And what about you "****ING *****, BRAINLESS PPL, *****, MORON", an Attitude says everything about a person. I've been reading the whole section of the latest drama, and every normal being, who doesnt want to get into your *** to get more invite's in your graids, can say that you Sir, you're nothing much then an uneducated. self-loving, arrogant guy.

    Talking about "best guild on the server", on what basis are you the best guild on the server? You can't even compare to TFK/RB, which are there for years there and cleared everything with every difficulty, also on Ally side, Udba/Devotion/Sanctified you can't even compare to them, and you say you didnt count Lod/rs kills on DW, well it's not hard to count 0 :).

    Just for the end, you're guild is not the best on the server, neither it will ever be, you're not the best GM, people just want to "stick" to you to try to get better positions in your graids.

    And if you ask yourself who am I, i'm not scared to keep myself hidden,
    I'm Laelius (fun fact, im not even related to any horde guild, i was horde on molten so i know all those facts)


    you are " Laelius" ok mate nice too meet you , cos if u were a member on lorda we ll remember you, u talk a lot you know well post some ss or video of exploiting things , i pay you 200k for a video or SS . Is interesting also how u pretent to know a lot about us , are u a stalker??? or just someone who after 2-3 years need to be pending about other ppl life or other guilds , that´s sad , if i was you i´d kill myself ?? you know more about us than officers and even the gm , im impressed :O
    You also mention a couple of guilds . I´m not going to talk about other guilds if that´s what u think . Going to remind you this on lordaeron horde we were doing 4-5 lods per week 2-4 rs 25hc per week we were in fact BEST GUILD ON LORDAERON HORDE on that moment for many months till moltdown, (also when we were on DW we did lods and rs 25hcs too ) . Since I was in lordaeron idk about deathwing or ragnaros guilds , top guilds or anything i cant talk cos i wasnt on those realms . ( there is a difference between you and me when i dont know something i rather be quiet so i dont embarrass myself as you do )
    Anyway just to close this subject i really dont care what u think , what ppl think, what ppl might think , i´m just going to do something else atm . Keep writing here so when i log in some hours i can read w/e u ll write and laugh .

    See ya .

    PS : i forgot something

    Progress on New core :

    ICC 25hc 12/12 LOD on farm 4 LODs per week ( doing 6 runs )

    RS 25hc 4/4 on farm 4 RS 25hc per week ( 4 runs )
    Edited: December 31, 2016

  11. Oh jeez, so much arrogant. You know only to talk bad about other people, and just try to rise your status or the once of your guild.
    About the thing on Lordaeron, back then I had a different nick (Belfdk), I used to be a close friend to Chiix, not sure if he plays anymore. Too bad I said also back there, that I don't have any SS from 2013, but there are many people who should still remember, just too bad most are not playing anymore or not interested in drama. Apparently, I'm here just to try to convince you to lower your feets on the ground, you can't play God, and your guild will never be the best. You talk about last months of Warmane on Molten, and yet you say you were the best guild on Lordaeron, you maybe forgot about Dignity? But I'm sorry dude, you got just too much ego. You will again just say, "you moron, webeste guilde, give me ss", you can't even make a proper conversation. Seems like you only know to insult, and never listen to someone else, and then you feel strange why did TFK officer's ignored you. However, last statement of me, everyone knows you're not the best guild neither you've ever been.

    P.S. I must mention this, "if i was you i´d kill myself", so I should kill myself because of a game, don't tell me you take this game so serious, that you'd kill yourself if you'd be me, despite you don't even know me. that's funny man


  12. I'm just reading all kind of drama here and i understood 2 things. First of all 85-90% on this server are haters and when something is not like they want to be, the hatred starts to burst forth. Second, 95% from these haters are at the age of 15-19 with IQ under the level of decent human. When you combine these 2 "points" in one, there is only one way - RUN AWAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, cause it's same like to speak with the wall. For real I read some meaningful comments in which there is a great deal of truth but everyone can keep his opinion and NOT to make public drama. FN does 4-5 LODs per week, well GJ on them. RS's or LOD's counts never will have some value or evaluation how good is some guild. With 2,3 or even 10 LODs per week, it just doesn't matter. But for real it is not your business how they do it or how they deal with the loot. if you see something suspicious in their way of playing, just report instead to make "FoX Kids". YOU ARE JUST LOOKING FOR A WAY TO OFFEND SOMEONE and this is the real truth. No one guild here is perfect and never will be. Every guild has their problems, bad and good moments and etc.

    PS: I would wish people to stop asking me why Disfigured doesn't have recruitment's thread next to all guilds here, because It's obviously and logically WHY! If still you are not understanding why, then you would be one of these 85-90%!
    Edited: December 31, 2016

  13. No one guild here is perfect and never will be. Every guild has their problems, bad and good moments and etc.
    Kind Sir,

    Please edit that statement of yours. No guild is perfect, pfff, OHDO IS PERFECT.
    Everything in Ohdo is perfect, the Gm, only the most skilled people, that's why every PvP/PvE guild is afraid of us.

    Ohdo has only good moments never bad, okay despite the day when the Cat of Cenarious died, that was a bad day, but every other was perfect.

    In the future please say, "no one guild except Ohdo is not perfect"


  14. team my bro <3 , i agree with you
    at least as franky said "MORE HATERS , MORE FAME " our thread is top :D

    ps: nasty here

  15. RS #12 2 shot - 2rd group

    RS #13 1 shot - 3rd group

    Edited: December 31, 2016

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