1. Ya'll dont have friends at all. Cringe overlords

  2. Why are DKs still playable by some ppl without lvl55 char?
    Stawp crawing brah !
    Get yer nibb toon to 55 rather than crawing here about baseless drama !

  3. It's truth actually....2 days ago, a guy with a DK joined my guild and he said that he dont have any other characters, and he was able to create it because he owns a 55+ lvl characters on the other warmane wotlk realms. I was pretty sure that he is lying,so i tried it myself cause i have 3 chars lvl 80 on Ragnaros. Couldnt create it. Then i logged on my friend's account and created a DK succesfully. Only difference between my account and my friend's account is that i have 55+level chars on Ragnaros,and he got them on Deathwing (and level 40 char on Lordareon). So i guess you can have a DK if you have a lvl 55+ on DW.

  4. How do you know they dont have a level 55?

    All I see here is butthurt.
    i can confirm what he say aswell.literally 2 mins after WOTLK release( dont ask me how i log in and make DK got lucky i quess,i remember you was complaining at forum you cant do it same time when i was making my char) i make my DK and my other char was only level 49 at the time.

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