1. When your raid group has 4 Paladins and we get 1 buff...and never using Hands of prot/salv/freedom when needed.

  2. -Healers who refuse to heal a warlock who uses life tap too much (I swear this is just bull****, I do more damage when I'm not sitting and drinking omfg!!!)
    As long as I'm not in a group with a squishy tank who can't hold aggro, I have no problems healing a lock using life tap. But if I'm going oom too much, the lock is on his own. Tank gets priority heals.

    -People who refuse to do a corpse run
    -Requiring overly high gearscores for relatively easy dungeons, especially when any moron with a credit card can gear his character while not fulling understanding his class to begin with.
    -Getting Nexus every ****ing time I do the daily rdf
    -people afk in BG's while we are getting bent over by the Alliance.

  3. BiS players who can't wait 5 seconds for the tank to make some aggro before nuking everything to oblivion
    Followed by whisper spam "REZ" "REZ PLIS" "REZ" before combat is even over.

  4. Followed by whisper spam "REZ" "REZ PLIS" "REZ" before combat is even over.
    or TANK? or HEAL?

    i just hate those 6k dps in rdf

    -people who loot only ore from nods (titanium)

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