1. I'd concur with Notorious. Speaking from experience, WW Monks were strong. I can recall a few fights with them. I had a 1v1 on my Ret Paladin with one outside of the ruins in the north-western part of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. This was probably in early Throne of Thunder patch, I don't recall exactly. I could manage to drop the guy fairly low, but he'd CC me, run away behind a pillar, and heal himself - for quite a bit. Then he'd come back at me. Due to exactly that is why I lost the fight against him, because even as a Ret Paladin, I couldn't keep up with his sustain - he wore me down.

    Then later, in the Siege of Orgrimmar patch, I recall doing a 2v1 against one on the roof of the Stormstout Brewery. Me on my Ret Paladin, and a DK friend (I don't recall his spec). I don't think we managed to kill the monk, he kept getting away and healing himself behind the chimney(s), and eventually got out of combat long enough to mount up and fly away, iirc.

    Playing my own Mistweaver, I do know that Xuen was capable of some pretty decent burst DPS. That is what the talent is for, after all. It is a damage CD.

    Those are just a couple of my experiences. Point being, they are strong if played properly. Does that mean they aren't bugged on here? I don't know. I will leave that up to the QA team and the developers to decide, or the players who have experience with them and make good reports on the bug-tracker. What I can say, though, is that even if they were to be 100% working correctly, they will still be a pain in the backside.

  2. I understand that ppl hate WW monks.
    Its annoying and frustrating to fight against them. So many deffensives and when they drop low they just run away.
    I also can't think of any class that would counter a WW monk in 1v1.
    They are like a improved version of UH DK in Wotlk, king of anything.

  3. Touch of Karma is like Ice Block combined with Divine Shield.

  4. Touch of Karma is undeniably a very strong ability, but it is easy to call, easy to see and easy to counter - for most classes at least (Cloak of Shadows, AMS, Clone, counter-Karma to name a few). However Monk also has the strongest execute in the game, very strong selfheal, high mobility and uptime and a lot of strong burst. What they lack is sustained damage. They'll fall behind most dps specs in that category as they basically depend on their burst to dish out any noteworthy amounts of damage - but due to how Tigereye Brew works there's probably hardly any class that has more burst uptime than WW since they usually get more than half way to their next 10 stacks during their burst phases if they manage to stay on target. Add in Chi Brew and you'll hardly ever run out of stacks. So yea, Monks are strong, and I love it :)

    Edit: Figured I'd add in, since most people seem to be unable to come up with any 1v1 Monk counters, I had quite some success against an (although inexperienced) friend of mine playing his Monk with my destro Lock. Go for a max cc build, and you'll have a chance if you make proper use of your teleport and gates. I'm not the best Lock though, and he's certainly not the best Monk, so take this with a grain of salt.
    Edited: March 5, 2017

  5. However Monk also has the strongest execute in the game
    That would be Destruction Warlock my good sir, or you could paraphrase it to most reliable.

  6. That would be Destruction Warlock my good sir, or you could paraphrase it to most reliable.
    Point taken :)
    It makes sense calling ToD "reliable" rather than "strong" for hitting way harder than Shadowburn, but I guess it comes down to your interpretation of the term "strong". If your definition of strong factors in availability, then Shadowburn is probably stronger in most cases.

  7. MoP was the peak of the "1v2 arena" phenomemon. A lot of streamers would make 1v2 streams, and WW monk was one of the specs that was really good at 1v2. Frost mages were another. I remember Zionsfall even got to like 1700 rating 1v2ing as BM hunter (and not just when stampede was bugged).

    Not a lot of top arena guys played WW monk in MoP, but those that did found it to be a very good 1v2 class. So it's not just here.

  8. WW spec is easy to play and it is powerful, just like it was in Wotlk with DK, they have some weaknesses, but very little. Talking about class power in private and retail is another story.
    Edited: March 6, 2017

  9. That would be Destruction Warlock my good sir, or you could paraphrase it to most reliable.
    Besides, that it hits almost twice the amount, yeah.

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