1. A forfeited duel is still a lost duel, as far as I know. And I've never ever seen the purpose of leaving a BG 1 min before end. You still get some honor - why waste it? If a player does that just for the stats, then he has issues - PvP is competitive and one should accept defeat humbly as they accept victory.

  2. I put Pain Suppression on my head and queue again.

    Full Grand Marshal's Investiture. I don't give a shlt.

    Strand of the ancients battles:2
    Strand of the ancients Victories:17

    Also you are obviously an ally so nothing to brag for these stats..

  3. A forfeited duel is still a lost duel, as far as I know. And I've never ever seen the purpose of leaving a BG 1 min before end. You still get some honor - why waste it? If a player does that just for the stats, then he has issues - PvP is competitive and one should accept defeat humbly as they accept victory.
    Yes, if you /forfeit the duel you get a lose, but I didn't mean that. When you get too far away from the Duel Flag/Standard you get a pop up that says that you are too far from the duel and that it will end in 10, 9, 8, 7... If the Duel ends like that it just ends, no one wins or loses.

    Strand of the ancients battles:2Strand of the ancients Victories:17WUT?Also you are obviously an ally so nothing to brag for these stats..
    EotS, SotA, Arenas and Wealth Statistics are bugged.

    I am not bragging. You think I am bragging because you think they are good statistics. I almost never queue alone. And when I queue alone I lose the BG because... in WSG I don't heal the first fight in the middle, I go straight for the flag and 2 things happen, if the Horde has healers, the Alliance will get camped in GY and I won't be able to cap 3 flags alone. Or if the Alliance has healing and we win the first fight in the middle, the Alliance will camp Horde on GY, Horde will kill me beucase they all spawned on their base and I won't cap 3 flags alone. In Alterac Valley, when I queue alone, the Alliance gets into our boss base, I don't do that. I get raped in the eye sockets by Orcs and Taurens, Horde caps Bunker and Kills our boss and everyone blames me and leaves the BG after insulting me and the Alliance. If I queue alone and the Alliance came to kill the boss, we kill them easily, I try to take bunker back, no one helped me, Alliance spends 5 minutes fighting near the boss and Horde moves and all and we lose. If I queue alone in EotS, someone always gets the flag before me or I try to get it alone but Horde kills me, gets first flag and then it's a lose. If I queue alone and some Alliance gets flag, he runs back to an Alliance base instead of running to a gray tower or to a Horde tower... this makes Alliance stay on our side... Horde pushed, we lose a base and then we lose... I play ver very diffent than most people, I know this because I easily notice it when I queue alone, I am always alone in the BG in weird places, getting insta killed by 5 Hordes or slowed-trained-pulled 5 minutes by Hunter or DK, or 1 to 3 Rogues start stalking me the whole BG and camping me on GYs and ****...

    I think that I would have better statistics as Horde. I am Protection Priest and I love Inner Fire glyph, I love Resilience and also Haste Macros for Mind Control, Mana Burn and spam Mass Dispels... As Human I don't usually use the Alliance Trinket because I feel weird because I am wasting a trinket, as Horde I play Troll, I would have Berserker, less slows and more health recovery and I would have 100 Resilience more because I would always be using the Trinket... Also, I think that Horde does more Premades, BUT at the moment they don't usually do them. Alliance NEVER does premades, that's why Alliance wins most of the times... But when there's 3 to 5 guys premading on Horde they always win. I think that Alliance has more "PvP players" Because yes, people go Alliance becuase the stupid Human Racial.. But Horde has better, more skilled PvP players, that tend to play together if they play together... Alliance just facerolls, Horde wins are not random wins. Also, I think that I would have better stats as Horde because I know Horde players because I tend to log out after BGs and whisper them, and we end up talking for a while, I do this a lot. Also, I don't know why but absolutely everyone that has ever send me a PM in Forum asking what faction I am because they want to play together, are Horde. And like 1 third or half are women, and they don't play Blood Elves.

    I was Horde Paladin long time ago, I hated the Alliance because I saw them all like short people and boring because of its looks. I didn't have friends and I "learnt" everything alone. I used to have these "enemies" on Alliance, you know, the players that you always see and you like to get them and they also like to go for you, it's not hate, it's just... rivalry and you like to play against them... One day, someone invited me to group on Horde, it was 2 players, it was my favorite Alliance enemies, a Female Draenei Holy Paladin and a Female Human Discipline Priest... We didn't play, we just talked a lot, they told me a lot of stuff that I didn't know about for PvP, they knew that I was kind of interested in Priests because most of my questions weren't about Paladin, but for Priest... and every now and then they logged on Horde to talk to me, after 1 week or 2 they told me that they and some other guys were going to leave their guild and were going to start a new one, they wanted me to go Alliance and play Priest. I accepted. This was like 5-8 years ago. I hate Priest and I hate the Alliance and I don't like them and they don't like me. I want to be Holy Paladin Female Blood Elf Elite Hot ***** without Chest piece, no tabard, no shirt, /cleartarget /laugh macro. Divine Shield and stand still without healing and /laugh... And I want Pursuit of Justice... And I want to be Pony Aura and run into the Alliance group and /train through them, while half of them turned around to get me... The Horde Taurens puts their penis on the anus of the Gnomes... I continue fast as **** and /cleartarget /laugh.

    You have no idea how stressful it is to heal people that don't like you without knowing you. And I know them and don't like them.

    I just put Pain Suppression on my right boob and queue again.

  4. I play Civ 5 until Ulduar comes out.

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