1. But I'm sure that's because the ally teams didn't have the great Bearquard carrying them. I see he's in Bricksquad now, he'll have a chance to prove his dominance on ally. This is a small server, and if I were running an ally guild, I wouldn't want a guy who's constantly throwing insults and picking fights in the forums, but that's just me.
    I'm not planning on staying in <Bricksquad>, I'm joining in with something abit more hardcore. I just swapped factions, which is the reason I'm in a temporary guild at this particular moment, which happens to be Bricks. Eventually I plan on putting <Devastation> into their place by joining in with <l METHOD l>, but it appears to me that Devas are pretty scared of Kimsol's team this time round, seeing as how they ran from the RBGs a while ago....

    We'll see what's what.

    All I know is, I've done more in BGs than the majority of people on here ever will (no names spoken here, and not trying to offend anybody here either, you might all be great players for what I know)... Look:

    A 300k DK (me) carrying a bunch of 540+ kids in a bg! Fun isnt it!


  2. well, i did not said bgs are dead on horde said, its even more fun to play bg on horde said (at least imo)
    but i was talking about arena pvp...
    also the overall ratio of alliance - horde is atm arround 55-60% alliance 40-45% Horde which is a new trend, most time horde had more players on frostwolf

  3. well, i did not said bgs are dead on horde said, its even more fun to play bg on horde said (at least imo)
    but i was talking about arena pvp...
    also the overall ratio of alliance - horde is atm arround 55-60% alliance 40-45% Horde which is a new trend, most time horde had more players on frostwolf
    Did you really have to ruin everything? This tread was starting to be interesting. What am I supposed to do for the next 3.5 hours until my shift is done? SMH.

  4. I really dont understand. MOP was one of most dominant pvp by horde on official. I played during MOP on blizz and all over expasion horde was too dominant in pvp due racials and resilence thinket bonuses...But at warmane everything is cheat...

  5. I really dont understand. MOP was one of most dominant pvp by horde on official. I played during MOP on blizz and all over expasion horde was too dominant in pvp due racials and resilence thinket bonuses...But at warmane everything is cheat...
    What's a cheat? Donating for gear? Well, I don't think that you would play Warmane If you need to pay $20 a month for it, or would you?
    Things are simple, better players and better gear wins.

    This, or any other server can't live without funding so that's competely ok with me.
    Edited: August 29, 2017

  6. I really dont understand. MOP was one of most dominant pvp by horde on official. I played during MOP on blizz and all over expasion horde was too dominant in pvp due racials and resilence thinket bonuses...But at warmane everything is cheat...
    I was also surprised when I found out most pvpers were alliance. With the addition of blood fear and pally fear, everyone went horde. And with the excessive amount of hunters on warmane, I'm glad I chose undead. And in WoD, disc priest silence made many people switch to alliance for dwarf racial. Anyways, just find a active guild, dont be an *******, start grouping with people, and bgs will be way easier and fun. Finding arena partners is a different story.

  7. Well it is confirmed that reporting bots does nothing. Reported 4 of them like 2 weeks ago, next thing I know they are now 90 and were afk in 9 BGs straight. Mind you they were multi-boxers T_T.

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