1. Nope, that is in fact very much world PVP indeed. And guess what? It's exactly that way on retail as well. What you're seeing happening now isn't unique to Warmane.
    no its not you wanna know what world pvp was it was pre bg times

    burning steppes

    THAT was world pvp, world pvp is non existant since a long time what ppl call world pvp nowadays is a sad excuse for being awfull in pvp and needing to vent on a low lvl.

    world pvp meant to search and hunt the same lvl as you, now ppl think world pvp means going to stv and gank low lvl or only attack ppl that are swarmed by mobs.
    Edited: October 16, 2015

  2. no its not you wanna know what world pvp was it was pre bg times

    burning steppes

    THAT was world pvp, world pvp is non existant since a long time what ppl call world pvp nowadays is a sad excuse for being awfull in pvp and needing to vent on a low lvl.

    world pvp meant to search and hunt the same lvl as you, now ppl think world pvp means going to stv and gank low lvl or only attack ppl that are swarmed by mobs.
    Exactly and most (not all but most) of those people also do their best to manage to flee if it seems that the fight would be somewhat fair. like they encounter players their own levels. hell i even had 3 ally players flee when i alone came. They was ganking lowbies in STV and as soon i showed up they ran away. they was happy gankign lowbies but did not even wanna fight a playes same level as them even tough they were 3v1. And people like that even sometimes call themself pvpers.

    And no i was not pally or warrior, not even hunter. i was on my druid. and they where a pally,, a hunter and a druid and still they did run away when i came :)

  3. I completely support this suggestion. There is a reason why you cannot fly in NR until lvl 77 (at least on your first character), so having flying mount for the leveling experience from 60 to 70 is just perplexing.

    Also could you please stay on topic? Complaining about ganking is not the point.

  4. I completely support this suggestion. There is a reason why you cannot fly in NR until lvl 77 (at least on your first character), so having flying mount for the leveling experience from 60 to 70 is just perplexing.

    Also could you please stay on topic? Complaining about ganking is not the point.
    it is since the threadstarter dragged pvp into it.

  5. it is since the threadstarter dragged pvp into it.
    There is a difference between having a discussion about pros and cons of flying and just nitpicking world PvP/ganking which you won't avoid anyways because this is PvP realm.

    You will get ganked all the time no matter what, you have to kill mobs, thus stay on the ground, people ganking don't have to do that. Also having no flying mounts is better for people that dont like world PvP/ganking because they can actually see someone (lvl 60-69) coming to them instead of just sweeping quickly from the skies.

  6. World PvP is a very flawed concept and if this is indeed implemented (and I hope it won't be) it will force people like me who loathe it to level up during the late night hours, thus resulting in no chance to find a proper dungeon group and etc. I absolutely hate World PvP and try to avoid it as much as possible (I never attack anyone first), but apparently there are some people like the OP who would love to force his views on everyone else. If this is indeed implemented that will certainly make me rethink the second chance I gave this server. I quit after the Moltdown and came back just to try Lordaeron out (due to the promise of a "hardcore BLIZZLIKE experience"), but with the recent news about some questionable additions that they intend to add, such as the static gold drain (and not to mention the lack of RDF, which was an extremely pathetic attempt to please the "hardcore" community that will fail once people get sick of spamming Global for hours), I'm starting to think that this realm is going to be as custom as possible and the whole "blizz-like" idea is slowly fading away. Yes, I do realize that blizz-like doesn't necessarily mean 100% like Retail, but it certainly means that there shouldn't be such an extended amount of custom content.

  7. I actually think that the lack of flying mounts will increase the negative effect of the world PvP and the number of people getting ganked, due to the fact that level 70s will have access to flying mounts while level <70 players will have no way to escape them whatsoever. It's a bad idea.

  8. And doesnt matter if it as good or bad idea, fact is that it is not blizzlike, so it WONT be here. Deal with it.
    Missing the point again. There's Blizzlike with regard to staying true to 3.3.5. (locking the server at level 70 already flies in the face of that), and then there's Blizzlike with regard to emulating TBC closely, which not allowing flying at level 60 would be. This is the same logic behind their disabling RDF, and for similiar reasons.

  9. Literally 95% players dont give a **** about leveling.

    Its just a repetitive boring process that nobody likes.

    I dont see why anybody wants to make it even harder, more grindy and boring.

  10. Uh, didn't they state that they intend to do exactly that?

    I mean, the whole point of Skettis quest chain is to teach your character how to fly those mounts.

    I might mix some things up, but still.

  11. Yes id like no flying in Outlands , its a great idea and a very good and smart one

    PS:Mr Rouge

  12. Uh, didn't they state that they intend to do exactly that?

    I mean, the whole point of Skettis quest chain is to teach your character how to fly those mounts.

    I might mix some things up, but still.
    Skettish quest made you get the ''moth'' mounts... You learn your flying in HH or Thrallamar or whatever it was called :)

  13. To all ******s who whine about wpvp. This is NOT about pvp, this is about questing in outlands. With flying mount questing take soo much less time and effort. Oh and yeah, please stop all your "wpvp is ded" "wpvp is just ganking lowbies", if you can't handle it - play on pve server, wpvp is alive, well and fun.

  14. Oh, yep, true that, there was just a flying mount requirement for some quest chains to show up.

    Anyway, Northrend will be roughly same (everyone will need to survive those 7 levels on the ground somehow), so methinks it's just laziness that speaks here.

    Not that there is anything bad about it, of course, although it does draw a clear line between people who want to rush it (while not interacting with players from opposing faction that much) and people who don't.
    Edited: October 16, 2015

  15. ok, I believe some players get total mind**** about making this realm harder and harder without thinking twice.

    many of users that approves this threat also whine about being ganked.
    I simply can not understand how someone who hates being ganked dont want a flying mount that allow him to pass by any ganker moron...

    you are saying that its about harder questing - but I clearly see that this quests will be harder only because tons of players of opposite fraction between you and quest objective...

    ******ed reasoning is ******ed.

    PS. oh man, since when r.e.t.a_r_d is censored?

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