1. You sound very naive. If the world ran on good intentions, there would be no need for laws, my friend.

    It's not going to happen. It takes 1 person out of 10 to roll Need on that armament/tome, and the rest will start rolling as well, just so that they don't fall behind and look like fools. It's human nature and it's normal. Not doing it would mean you're not competitive; a loser.
    so you mean to tell me that if i bring a group of like minded players or gulidies and 1 or 2 pugs to a dungeon/raid or w/e and we conducted ourselves in an honest manor (I.E not rolling on items we dont need) taht it wouldnt have an impact of ther others we bring with us? and i wouldnt say niave id say hopefull? or atleast trying to change the community i participate in. shouldnt we strive to make the world a better place?

    You would ask why I took them, and I would answer: because I may level my professions, and because in time they will become a currency when they become tradeable. And then all the time I spent tanking HCs which I don't need will pay off, literally.
    who said i was going to crucify you? im i attacking you in anyway? im honestly jsut trying to open a discussion. and primal nethers are a bit of a different situation. id elaborate but im about to get on a plane, ill do that in about 2 hours

    can you trade the tanking weapon
    im assuming bop is this situation
    Edited: October 10, 2017

  2. if they need on the fel armaments just report them for ninja theyll get banned thats what i always do

  3. hahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahahahah

    each day this forum kills me with this jokes.......lmao

    deal with it, i highly doubt that anybody would get banned for need on these LUL

    why ? because ppl need on them to trade it with the opposite faction stuff with other ppl

    is that ninja ? no because even tho the item is not for his faction, but he can still exchange it for what he needs

  4. You're just naive, that's all. I was very much like you around 4-5 years ago. The world just doesn't work that way. Humans just don't work that way. There will always be people who will want to be ahead of the game. There will always be people who will try to cheat. If there aren't any currently, then they will be tempted and will appear sooner or later. This is a normal deviation of human competitiveness. As I said, this is why laws exist. This is the main; the core reason why laws exist. Because corruption and swindle are a normal deviation of the race we call "Life". And you better learn this from a game forum than real life, believe me. Now, back to the topic...

    There are no laws for armaments/tomes, everyone can and will lie, or make up excuses for alts or whatever, and so the only law that works is the extreme law - everyone rolls Need. It's really THAT simple. Really very simple. Now get over it, log in, farm your armaments, or just buy them from the AH.
    Edited: October 11, 2017

  5. You're just naive, that's all. I was very much like you around 4-5 years ago. The world just doesn't work that way. Humans just don't work that way. There will always be people who will want to be ahead of the game.
    this is a social decision, meaning people decided to be this way. there is no such thing as human nature, no set of rules that we instinctively follow, just causes and conditions. i dont think im naive by saying all it takes for it to change is people decidieing not to be greedy. i didnt say this would happen right away, or even in the life time of this server or ours. but it can happen.

    There will always be people who will try to cheat. If there aren't any currently, then they will be tempted and will appear sooner or later. This is a normal deviation of human competitiveness. As I said, this is why laws exist. This is the main; the core reason why laws exist. Because corruption and swindle are a normal deviation of the race we call "Life". And you better learn this from a game forum than real life, believe me. Now, back to the topic...
    Again, this is only because something or someone told them that it was ok to be like this. you seem to believe in some sort of higher power or something that dictates what we will do and when. i see no evidence of this. and you act like i dont know the world is a ****ty place. why do you think im trying to change it? in the place where i can affect the most change. in a place i feel comfortable.

    There are no laws for armaments/tomes, everyone can and will lie, or make up excuses for alts or whatever, and so the only law that works is the extreme law - everyone rolls Need. It's really THAT simple. Really very simple. Now get over it, log in, farm your armaments, or just buy them from the AH.
    again im sure that leading by example is the best way to slowly change this ****ty social problem we seem to have here. i will admit that your way is the most immediately viable. but over all it doesn't change the underlining problem. which i bet we can both agree on is greed.

  6. Its not the same, simply because like others have mention you can trade them for what you need or use it on an alt.
    99.9% of everyone does it and since it can be done for both items. No one gives a ****.

    I have gone a couple of runs where I have won everyone that drop in a instance. =) Love those days...

  7. Its not the same, simply because like others have mention you can trade them for what you need or use it on an alt.
    99.9% of everyone does it and since it can be done for both items. No one gives a ****.

    I have gone a couple of runs where I have won everyone that drop in a instance. =) Love those days...
    just because no one cares about it doesn't mean that it inst what it is. taking something you don't need that someone else in your group needs is ninjaing, by definition. it doesn't matter that you can trade them for an equivalent.

  8. just because no one cares about it doesn't mean that it inst what it is. taking something you don't need that someone else in your group needs is ninjaing, by definition. it doesn't matter that you can trade them for an equivalent.
    No it's not ninjaing, these are currency items..

  9. just because no one cares about it doesn't mean that it inst what it is. taking something you don't need that someone else in your group needs is ninjaing, by definition. it doesn't matter that you can trade them for an equivalent.
    Nobody here is saying that it is OK. They are just saying that it is an inevitability and there's little to nothing that can be done about it, thus the only solution is to accept it and hit the need button too.

  10. Nobody here is saying that it is OK. They are just saying that it is an inevitability and there's little to nothing that can be done about it, thus the only solution is to accept it and hit the need button too.

    absolutely... 100% this ^^

  11. No it's not ninjaing, these are currency items..
    a currency item that some need. and some don't. i see no reason that just because it can be traded it should get around the whole label.

    Nobody here is saying that it is OK. They are just saying that it is an inevitability and there's little to nothing that can be done about it, thus the only solution is to accept it and hit the need button too.
    except that it really isn't, that's the point you all seem to be missing. obviously you are going to take hits now and then that's inevitable. and its true some people will never change . but some will and i believe its should be enough to see a difference. i had a group not even 1 hour ago where we did 2 heroics MT and OHF. and at the end. when the primals dropped the only ones who rolled for them were the crafters. no one knew each other. no one was in the same guild. i can give you the names if you don't believe me.

  12. If it isn't, then pray tell, what solution do you have? Trying to "convert" people to greed roll instead of need roll is just not worth the effort, honestly.

  13. a currency item that some need. and some don't. i see no reason that just because it can be traded it should get around the whole label.
    So you're saying some people are more entitled to gold or rep than others? "Oh I'm aldor so I deserve this item and you dont?"... Nonsense.

    It doesn't matter which one drops or which you need, they are a tradable currency.. Maybe you need the 350 rep and maybe someone else needs the 10g. Nothing is stopping you from selling your item for 10g, nothing is stopping you from buying the item for 10g, and nothing is stopping anyone from trading the item for the equal opposite.

    Everyone is entitled to an equal share of the currency, or an equal chance of rolling for the currency to do with whatever they please... That may be handing in for rep, that may be trading it for the opposite version or it may be selling it for gold. If you want things to be fair for all parties you also have to be prepared to split the gold value of these items between the other 4 members when you decide that the item is yours because you can hand it in for rep.

    This is not the same as a piece of BOP gear, because the items are a tradable currency the value is equal for all members of the party, regardless of what they intend to do with it.

  14. If it isn't, then pray tell, what solution do you have? Trying to "convert" people to greed roll instead of need roll is just not worth the effort, honestly.
    and its that attitude that will keep you down. of course if you don't make any effort you wont see any change. and dont you see what im doing here? making a discussion so that people can see my views and and come to conclusions themselves? you must have read the whole thread right? i did make another suggestion.

    So you're saying some people are more entitled to gold or rep than others? "Oh I'm aldor so I deserve this item and you dont?"... Nonsense.

    It doesn't matter which one drops or which you need, they are a tradable currency.. Maybe you need the 350 rep and maybe someone else needs the 10g. Nothing is stopping you from selling your item for 10g, nothing is stopping you from buying the item for 10g, and nothing is stopping anyone from trading the item for the equal opposite.

    Everyone is entitled to an equal share of the currency, or an equal chance of rolling for the currency to do with whatever they please... That may be handing in for rep, that may be trading it for the opposite version or it may be selling it for gold. If you want things to be fair for all parties you also have to be prepared to split the gold value of these items between the other 4 members when you decide that the item is yours because you can hand it in for rep.

    This is not the same as a piece of BOP gear, because the items are a tradable currency the value is equal for all members of the party, regardless of what they intend to do with it.
    and why shouldn't it be like a bop item? they are both things you put time and effort into. if i go into a dungeon, where all i need is rep why should my time and effort be wasted?
    Edited: October 11, 2017

  15. Keep me down? I'm not down. I honestly could not care less who gets or does not get the items you're so concerned about.

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