1. damn you guys, why did you start on sargeras :<
    im playing on frostwolf and i've seen freakerz and psycholek here too (im tajniak/slothy - i was playing with you for like 1.5 year in BiD)

    i would join your guild like right now, but i have 4 toons full tyra/griev on frostwolf ally already
    damn i need pve guild
    Edited: April 19, 2015

  2. God damn it... why did you go to Sargeras :v I went to Frostwolf and I've seen Freakerz there too.
    Psycholek (I was in BiD as a Hunter)

  3. Go ahead and start a new adventure with us on Sargeras, Sargeras it has been and Sargeras it will be! ;)

  4. theres not so much content yet. I'll consider your proposition when they release anything challenging xd (cause my guild is pretty casual, but we have 5/5 tot so it's ok for now)
    Edited: May 18, 2015

  5. May 15, 2015  

  6. May 18, 2015  

  7. May 19, 2015  
    ^I'll be back too but since I see you guys arent recruiting dps warriors, gonna need to make a warlock again. pitbite r1 rag hc carry hueheuhue

  8. May 21, 2015  
    bumppppp johnny im joining next week! icumblood/doom here

  9. June 4, 2015  

  10. June 4, 2015  
    does any 1 said Psychopathic?

    where is Steeeewiiii?

  11. Oh ok, well i am taking the post down, or let it die lol, after the death of SARGERAS we decided to move to Frostwolf, we are not currently together as Psychopathic , most of us joined another guild, and some joined another, :") anyways if anyone wants to know more about it, contact Johnny, in Ariely. Narzet, Aeriz, or someone in SLICE of LIFE guild.

  12. Oh ok, well i am taking the post down, or let it die lol, after the death of SARGERAS we decided to move to Frostwolf, we are not currently together as Psychopathic , most of us joined another guild, and some joined another, :") anyways if anyone wants to know more about it, contact Johnny, in Ariely. Narzet, Aeriz, or someone in SLICE of LIFE guild.
    Yeah a few of your guildies are in our guild :) Always feel welcomed by you and your guildies Johnny :)

  13. Thanks :") Althought idk what guild it is you are from ...well 2 Days ago we started the guild again ....lets hope it works out :") This forum will be moved to Frostwolf!!

  14. Love the history, made my eye a little moist. It is really an amazing and ironic story of how it started and continues to be awesome. Was formed with a substitute group of raiders from a guild downing 1 boss on farm and a few pugs.

    Enough boring history though. I tried to load up the recruitment site but get site not found and I wanted to know who is still around and survived all the Molten Chaos I got to read about? Of course I'm curious how the scripts and server is too. I just built a monster desktop and need some games to play when I'm home.

  15. Love the history, made my eye a little moist. It is really an amazing and ironic story of how it started and continues to be awesome. Was formed with a substitute group of raiders from a guild downing 1 boss on farm and a few pugs.

    Enough boring history though. I tried to load up the recruitment site but get site not found and I wanted to know who is still around and survived all the Molten Chaos I got to read about? Of course I'm curious how the scripts and server is too. I just built a monster desktop and need some games to play when I'm home.
    At the moment the scripts are more horrible then what it was before the suppose ''moltdown'' as i heard. The cata server has taken a beating and MOP well it's MOP :) More details can be found if you actually start playing again cause the list is long!

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