1. Meanwhine in my country, 140 are assassinated every day.

  2. Normally, I have no love for the French. Especially with all the **** they try to pull with the US and our soldier's graves on their shores.

    But, no one deserves this. I'll pray for them.

  3. My thoughts go out to those poor souls, but I find it equally disgusting that the media has no mention of the other countries.

  4. Meanwhine in my country, 140 are assassinated every day.
    this right here. this is what really grinds my gears. it's not that i'm not feeling bad for those poor souls lost last night but truth has to be told.

  5. Meanwhine in my country, 140 are assassinated every day.
    I know the feeling, back in my country its somewhat like that...where are you from?

  6. I know the feeling, back in my country its somewhat like that...where are you from?
    Brazil, 52k people assassinated in 2014.

  7. Brazil, 52k people assassinated in 2014.
    oh I know the feeling, back in Venezuela is just...well...I guess you have an idea

  8. I know how it could feel to see "people that say share your same religion", it would really suck. Unfortunately... nvm... Fortunately, I've decided to give up on religion.

    I'll say it, religion is a disease for humanity. If you want to belive, do it, but keep it for yourself.

    Yesterday was a hell of a day for humanity. But with all honesty, I'm biased when saying that I don't like Islamism.
    If you go look up for previous coordinated attacks having religion as "reason", Islam is at the top with a F*CKING LOT, but let's analyse what it means:
    - It means that there are certain people who belive in ISLAM, and these people decide to do atrocities on the name of Islam. And that they're a majority when it comes to those cases.
    So if we take that fact in mind, statistically there's something wrong with that religion that drives "certain-people" to do those attrocities.

    You can take Christianism as a "defensive topic" saying what they did centuries ago. That's absolutely true, but the time-margin is way too big like to consider them as "valid" information to give us an insight of Christianism's situation.

    But don't take this as a "personal" attack towards "I and other people who belive in Islam or any other religion". It's my opinion regarding this matter.

    One last thing, something that I find disgusting and gross is when people drag any other topic to the table. Being more specific, "yeah 150 died it's sad but 300 die elsewhere", I don't even want to ask for your reason of posting that. I beg you to stop doing that, it's just wrong.

    #Pray4Paris Maybe one day people will evolve into something good enough to call humanity.

  9. One last thing, something that I find disgusting and gross is when people drag any other topic to the table. Being more specific, "yeah 150 died it's sad but 300 die elsewhere", I don't even want to ask for your reason of posting that. I beg you to stop doing that, it's just wrong.
    I absolutely agree with this. And before anyone starts shouting at me for discriminating or anything like that, it's not that I don't think that that's not important because it is, but right now in this thread (that is specificly about the paris attacks) it is neither the place nor time to talk about anything else. Quotes like "in my country this many people got killed" etc. are extremely rude and ignorant in my opinion. It's not a comparison as to what is "worse" or as to what "deserves" more attention (not saying that anyone truly means it like that but that is the "vibe" I get from it).
    If you want to discuss those things make a new thread about it! Don't turn a thread meant to talk about the Paris attacks into a political debate! Allow this thread to be a place for people to talk about what happened, to seek comfort with others or simply to express their feelings of compassion.
    So for now I'd say: My thoughts are with those whose lives were needlessly taken, those who are still fighting for their lives, those whose lives are now shattered by grief and those who are left with the traumas of what horrifying things they have witnessed.

  10. But no one gives a s.... about what is happening in Middle East.

    Youtube colored, Facebook is spamming some colored profile pictures= what a capitalistic pigs- they are hungry for population even in this sad moment. Yeah you will help them like that.
    People should unite against terrorist cuz they are worst kind of people. Well some of them laughed when Gadafi was killed- well here you go now.
    USA should stop financing those scum rebels and leave the part of the world alone. Instead uniting with Russia against that threat , they are fighting for geographic and politic stronghold. That is sad.



  11. People die all the time, all over the world. This gets attention because of the media, and the media can only give out news about so much at once. With 7 billion people in the world, assuming the average life-span world-wide is 70 years, that would mean 100 million people die every year or 273 thousand people per day. You can only mourn for so much death at once. Just because one region of the world isn't on the spotlight doesn't mean nobody cares about it.

  12. Countries of the east are also under attack, but no one talks about that.
    How many died here :

    or here:


    But yeah, lest not talk about that, we need to bring democracy to third world countries.
    **** is going down, we, the regular people are getting killed while certain individuals profit from it.
    Stop Wars! Bring Peace to the World!!!
    Down with the fake governments, all of them!
    Of course they aren't, no religion teaches you to hate and kill.
    What can be written in religious books and told by religious figures of course is another story. (Men write books so they can write it the way it suits them, wouldn't be the first case now would it).
    Now we can talk about feeble minded sheep and brainwashing, the less things you know the easier you are to control.
    My thoughts go out to those poor souls, but I find it equally disgusting that the media has no mention of the other countries.
    People die all the time, all over the world. This gets attention because of the media, and the media can only give out news about so much at once. With 7 billion people in the world, assuming the average life-span world-wide is 70 years, that would mean 100 million people die every year or 273 thousand people per day. You can only mourn for so much death at once. Just because one region of the world isn't on the spotlight doesn't mean nobody cares about it.
    And this.

    And then, I don't have anything to add.
    Thanks guys, it's nice to see that some people are still reasonable in this world.

  13. I know how it could feel to see "people that say share your same religion", it would really suck. Unfortunately... nvm... Fortunately, I've decided to give up on religion.

    I'll say it, religion is a disease for humanity. If you want to belive, do it, but keep it for yourself.

    Yesterday was a hell of a day for humanity. But with all honesty, I'm biased when saying that I don't like Islamism.
    If you go look up for previous coordinated attacks having religion as "reason", Islam is at the top with a F*CKING LOT, but let's analyse what it means:
    - It means that there are certain people who belive in ISLAM, and these people decide to do atrocities on the name of Islam. And that they're a majority when it comes to those cases.
    So if we take that fact in mind, statistically there's something wrong with that religion that drives "certain-people" to do those attrocities.

    You can take Christianism as a "defensive topic" saying what they did centuries ago. That's absolutely true, but the time-margin is way too big like to consider them as "valid" information to give us an insight of Christianism's situation.

    But don't take this as a "personal" attack towards "I and other people who belive in Islam or any other religion". It's my opinion regarding this matter.

    One last thing, something that I find disgusting and gross is when people drag any other topic to the table. Being more specific, "yeah 150 died it's sad but 300 die elsewhere", I don't even want to ask for your reason of posting that. I beg you to stop doing that, it's just wrong.

    #Pray4Paris Maybe one day people will evolve into something good enough to call humanity.
    Someone who's been brainwashed by the media.


    Jihadist/ISIS are NOT a religion, they are NOT islamic. They are a bunch of genocidal ****s who brainwash weak people into their CULT...

    Religion believes in Peace and unity, that is the moral base of every one. Whatever warped beliefs ISIS have are not a religion. No deity would ever allow of of their subjects to cause harm towards another.

    So please, stop calling out Muslims, who btw are some of the most peaceful helpful people I have ever met (my old city 30% of the population was islamic and they would do anything for you should you need help, be it food or shelter).

    There are over 1 billion people in this world who get put down by the mass media because *****s/journalists sensationalise and cannot comprehend the difference between Islam and this ISIS cult bull****...

    I'm Christian btw, but I would never ever have someone talk down towards another brother or sister because of their faith.

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