1. If ur witch hunt is true how can someone who apparently afks every game have these achievements? https://gyazo.com/eac8e8590ec5c4a3e1dbd5fe21599732 CLOWNS

  2. Since you think I afk games explain to ur witchhunting friends how someone gets https://gyazo.com/eac8e8590ec5c4a3e1dbd5fe21599732 these achievements if they afk

  3. obtaining a ton of honorable kills can be done afk, so 2 of your 4 archievements are already meaningless. dealing 300k damage in a 10h bg does also not require you to play for the whole 10h. i got that archievement with a fresh lvl 60 decked out in sm gear. so that's not an argument either considering your gear. getting 20 concecutive killing blows in a 10h braindead bridge fight where people suicide left and right is also not hard but you had to somewhat focus for a little while, i give you that. none of them are any proof of you not being afk most of the time. but we all make the mistake of giving you the attention you seem to crave for so desperately so gz!

  4. ur implying im afk every bg which is untrue and I dont respect ur opinion based of a ss that means nothing. good by.

  5. "ur implying im afk every bg which is untrue"

    You were the one claiming you are not afk-ing, so you have to prove your argument, not the other way around. Obviously, someone else called you out with a screenshot and now you trying to change your argument. It still doesn't change the fact that you were afk AT SOME POINT and players were outraged enough to actually screenshot it and prove it.

    What did you think was going to happen when you posted here?

  6. You think I care which is funny, i will get 60k hk first horde, and I earned every bit of it. Stay mad nerd.

  7. as mentioned before, r14 on this server is in no way a sign of skill. a naked lvl 1 that never played wow before and doesn't own a keyboard would acquire the same amount of hks as you or me when they invest the same amount of time.

  8. When did anyone imply it takes skill? it never even required skill in the original format, classic or true vanilla. IT was time thats it. good day stay mad

  9. OP simply shows his hks off, by u arguing with him makes u kinda envious/jealous cz he got the time for it. if u see him been avoiding afk system the whole time, then just report him with evidence. otherwise, since hes not banned it means he earned it.
    with av runs for several hours, people might afk at some point for food, drinks, bio, etc anyway.
    also bringing skill argument to arena wouldve made sense, skill has nothing to do with av grind in vanilla, especially with this braindead bridge meta.

  10. got brain damage reading this thread

  11. Haha someone really need Attention

  12. damn this Rasgruls is a clown
    All I saw in the OP is "I have no life and I can only enjoy myself by trying to ruin other people's fun."

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