1. Well, will be big trouble securing names, i just hope there are not much "censored" around which are gonna steal and sell names.
    Selling names is not allowed anymore

  2. Selling names is not allowed anymore
    Yeah they changed the rules about that... You are not allowed :)

  3. 1Gold bet

    Kaer will be the first one to login and reserve his name xD

  4. Admins/GMs reserve thier names before the server goes live, so yeah xD

  5. Yep, I am pretty sure that there is going to be someone, sitting infront his PC all day, just to take the name for example "Swifty"...:D
    I'm pretty sure this will be me on the 25th, but I just want my RL name. After moltdown I made a char 10 seconds after the servers went up and some ****er already took it.

  6. Well im not crazy attached to my name like some people it is nice to havethe same name...

    I remember a few noob moments when I lvled a alt on some random vanilla server in mc fighting barron I became the bomb not paying attention to dbm because it was just some random guys name, wondering who the ***** was that wasnt moving when people started yelling the guys name.... only after I blew up the raid and got lootbannedfor the week did I figure out it was me lol.... morrle of the story if you make a character with a name you have never used before make sure you recognise yourself on dbm lol hope this gave you alla chuckle!

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