1. What IP is returned when you ping logon.warmane.com? (If you can't connect to logon / actually login)

    All servers are in the same data center, so you shouldn't have issues connecting to x realm versus y realm.

    There is also no blocks of any kind in place.
    hey Edifice this is the ip return: ,yeah we only can login into lordaeron and blackrock,seems weird.

  2. Today i got this with lordaeron too
    Then i turned off my internet modem for 10 min
    After that problem solved but still cant connect to other realms .

  3. Please someone help us ,also in account panel,last seen is from too

  4. it's not just you and your friends it's about all of iranian ppl i have many friends and we tested everything ..... i read all of guides about connections
    but we still have this problem
    just waiting for staff helps

  5. Same here,stuck at connected,ip return from logon.warmane.com is:,hope you will help us Warmane please.

  6. im sure Warmane staff will find a way to fix this just be patient ......

  7. yeah, we have this problem, pls help us and check issue

  8. There is also one more thing which is weird when we try to get online and it stuck in Connected... when we check the website it says last seen 1 min ago from Germany..

  9. There is also one more thing which is weird when we try to get online and it stuck in Connected... when we check the website it says last seen 1 min ago from Germany..
    I thought it was maybe because I chose Germany because Iran wasn't listed. But your right it does show Germany. Bad timing woth this bug too. I had a 3 day farming plan.

  10. I think I may have figured something out. Using Wireshark (It's a program for analyzing network packets), every realm that we Iranians can't connect has a port of "8085". Is it possible that this port has been blocked?

    Lordaeron and Blackrock, the realms that we can connect to, have ports 9427 and 8086, respectively.

    I also can't ping the mentioned realms' (Every realm except Lordaeron and Blackrock) IP outside of WoW.
    Edited: January 14, 2016 Reason: Added information

  11. آقا بیخیال ،اینجور که معلومه درست شدنی نیس
    یکی یه سرور معرفی کنه :)))

  12. This issue is cropping up in other MMOs for Iranians too. Can you guys use a VPN and see if that solves the problem?

  13. This issue is cropping up in other MMOs for Iranians too. Can you guys use a VPN and see if that solves the problem?
    Yes, using a VPN fixes it. But they're too slow.

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