1. Hey, this was a great help to me however i noticed that the creature model data was errored, as a previous poster said and did not contain the correct netherray / talbuk paths; and also the geobox information / sound id for the new forms you implemented was 0 instead of a relevant value, Ive taken the liberty of fixing these issues and changing some forms on the alliance side. https://www.mediafire.com/file/gazi9...tch-Z.mpq/file .

  2. I cannot edit my post, however https://www.mediafire.com/file/bhkxu...tch-Z.mpq/file is the updated link as my fix for nether rays was not working on the npc variants.

  3. errors

    i downloaded and everything works as intended but most of my addons dont work anymore and gives me errors upon logging in.

  4. Hi can someone contact me i need to make druid models for TBC pls.

  5. June 6, 2023  
    How can I change feral & bear form to spectral blue of black female tauren druid?

    If possible, I would like to keep the default models on all the other races and factions, but only full black female taurens to have spectral blue feral & bear forms.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  6. Hey guys!
    I've been using a patch with the Legion artifact druid forms for 2-3 years now. I don’t remember where I found this patch and I don’t know who made it (there is a video on YouTube with forms from this patch). I really liked the travel forms from this patch for the cheetah and aquatic, but the bear and cat are ugly for me. For the cheetah form used one of the legion artifact skins, and for the aquatic is used orca. There are no skins for the flying form in this patch, this is sad.

    I changed the cat, bear and moonkin druid forms for myself for ne and tauren. You can change it for yourself using Mywarcraftstudio and MydbcEditor or another editor programs. it is not difficult.
    There are some bugs in the display on some models, for example, there is a blue glow on the red cat form, or a different color for the arms and legs of the moonkin epic form. Perhaps this is a bad porting of models.

    In general, this patch does not cause errors, disconnects or crashes. I don't use other patches such as HD models so I don't know how they are compatible.
    +Bonus in this patch is the wolf Draenor model for shammy.

    I have a request to the author of this topic, is it possible to add travel forms to your patch? In the patch that I use, the form of a cat or a bear is the same for everyone, and does not depend on hair colour for Ne and skin colour for Tauren. The patch is very simple, there is little data in it, and I have little experience working with databases and edit programs.

    a link to the archive if you're interested: https://mega.nz/file/LRcFXT6Z#s2Qql5...f-ROM2lDl_xs9k

    The archive contains the original patch and two variants with cat druid forms

  7. Upd


    These are the druid forms in this patch (link below)

    Update archive: +new patch "Only travel forms +boomy" with standard WOTLK bear, kitty and tree


    I'm working on the next patch to change the druid forms based on Ne hair and TA skin color (as far as possible, I'm just learning)

  8. Bro kittymars,

    The patch worked perfectly and I am now enjoying the new travel form and moonkin form. This is amazing work and kudos to your effort. If I did this myself from scratch, I would have spent over 10000 hours as I'm a dumdum when it comes to edits or codes.

    Thanks a lot, bro!

  9. Although, it doesn't work when I copy the patch-4 to my wow hd client.

  10. I copied the "Only travel forms +boomy" patch file name patch-4 to the Data folder, but it does not work. I think because I already have the same patch name patch-4 with 1.1m KB in it (modified hd client). So if I copy and paste it in the folder, it just over writes it.

    Know any workaround for the moonkin skin to work?

  11. You can change the name of the patch for example patch-M or patch-H. But this patch maybe not work with another patch such as "HD model"
    It’s better to ask more experienced experts on reddit or modcraft wow. Maybe they can combine these patches to work together

  12. I renamed it to patch-N and it worked. Well played and I appreciate it.

  13. kittymars, bro are you using the below patches? because I am and with your patch, it does not work with below patches.

    patch-4.MPQ - Music
    patch-5.MPQ - Music
    patch-8.MPQ - High Resolution Classic Armors
    patch-D.MPQ - HD Goblins
    patch-F.MPQ - Mounts, Druid forms & NPCs Part 1(won't work without P2)
    patch-G.MPQ - Mounts, Druid forms & NPCs Part 2(won't work without P1)
    patch-H.MPQ - HD Character Models
    Patch-L.MPQ - Character Selection Screen, Login Screen & HD Character Icons
    patch-M.MPQ - Loading Screens
    patch-S.MPQ - Sunlight
    patch-T.MPQ - Tilesets, Grass & Buildings
    patch-W.MPQ - HD Lava/Slime(no water)
    patch-X.MPQ - HD Trees & Flowers
    patch-Y.MPQ - Blood Splatters
    Dungeon Maps - Classic & TBC Dungeon Maps

    Patch-6.MPQ - Water Patch 1 - Includes HD Lava/Slime
    Patch-7.MPQ - Water Patch 2 - Includes HD Lava/Slime
    Patch-9.MPQ - Water Patch 3 - Includes HD Lava/Slime

  14. Upd


    These are the druid forms in this patch (link below)

    Update archive: +new patch "Only travel forms +boomy" with standard WOTLK bear, kitty and tree


    I'm working on the next patch to change the druid forms based on Ne hair and TA skin color (as far as possible, I'm just learning)
    I really liked this. Would it be too much to ask if you could swap the Tauren cat model you have here with the cheetah model and vice versa? Or could you tell me how you did it? I really want the spectral cat model as my feral skin.

  15. 4 Weeks Ago  


    These are the druid forms in this patch (link below)

    Update archive: +new patch "Only travel forms +boomy" with standard WOTLK bear, kitty and tree


    I'm working on the next patch to change the druid forms based on Ne hair and TA skin color (as far as possible, I'm just learning)
    Downloaded this and looks amazing, thank you very much for sharing.

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