1. guys Can i ask you if i cant get some spirit beast for now, i hope i do what is better for pve ? i know i have 5 slots so what specific beast will i tame normaly when i do some raid and stuff
    Get a cat.....they give the same 3000 mastery buff as the spirit beasts......also try raptor it does good damage

  2. Allow me to give you the info you need since molten has RIGGED and F-ed up for every spawn with respawn timings/locations


    Gondria - 12 hourss
    Loque'nalak - 12 hours
    skoll - 8 - 12 hours (but there's a mirror image of skoll, meaning if you tame the timer for the next respawn is rigged
    arcturis - 3 days (You need to kill a silver deer to make the timer start = no kill = no arcturis

    cata -

    Ankha - spawns after server crash
    Magria - 2 weeks
    Ban'thalos - forever
    karoma - 18 hours + 15-45mins
    Ghostcrawler - it's been said to spawn after every crash. I don't think so, i think it follows a timer
    Bonus - sambas (does really good damage than other spirit beast, 12-24hours)

    This source is from sargeras (MoP)
    thank you very much for this info :) it is very much appreciated ;)

  3. ....also try raptor it does good damage
    dem hunter... dont listen to this guy about anything related to hunters.

  4. are you sure that ankha is respawing after every crash? (Frostwolf)

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