1. Retribution is pretty much garbage for anything except duels. I guess they do okish as ret hunter in both 2s and 3s, but having one viable comp does not make a good class.

    They're just too easy to deal with imo. Hard to say what they lack, but I'd much rather take a different melee to nearly any form of organised pvp.

  2. I almost never seen any paladins since I started playing MoP, but when I do, they're pretty amazing. I was nearly 1-shot KO'd on my 522 rogue by one in world PvP a few weeks ago. A buddy of mine says it's because paladins can stack mastery and do ridiculous amounts of damage. I've never played paladin myself, and like I said, I almost never encounter any. So it's hard to get a good idea on just how effective they can be under normal everyday circumstances.

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