1. PuGs could and should die out as an option for all I care .

    Maybe then people will realize that joining PuGs takes more time compared to being a member of a raiding guild and playing the MMORPG like you are supposed to .
    When people think Pugging can bring gears. I fcking die every time
    (I legit did this up to 5.8 GS and i know i was dumb)

  2. PuGs could and should die out as an option for all I care .

    Maybe then people will realize that joining PuGs takes more time compared to being a member of a raiding guild and playing the MMORPG like you are supposed to .
    check it out dude. if u have real life and responsibilities. most of raiding guilds progress end later midnight. (eu time zone , or whatsoever)
    Why ppl start raiding at 8-9 pm (gmt) instead of 6-7 assuming icc ll take min. 3-4 hrs. Anyway i m a member of raiding guild but no benefit for this reason and pugging.

  3. Soon warmane will have to implement some freeware minigames in the client so people will have something to do while afking in dala since raiding will die once stuff will work properly

  4. Used Bejeweled before. It's fun for like couple of times then it gets really repetitive. Especially gets really annoying when you are raiding on a toon that you don't play so much. (You die and bejeweled auto-launches, pissing you off even more. You can go to the option and turn it off FYI.)

    Also, it's not fun if none of your guildies play with you. No competition :( .


    My recommendation. There is a version for 3.2 which works just fine.

  5. And this is basically the end to all pug raids, hahaha.

    Now I guess I can't complain about having to tank on both of my characters all the time?

  6. Today we wiped on dbs25 on NORMAL. wtf. those blood beasts are op now.

  7. Today we wiped on dbs25 on NORMAL. wtf. those blood beasts are op now.
    translation: dps sucks no one was dpsing the beasts

  8. Is it normal that our 6k gs DK tank gets killed in 2 secs by him without the debuff on him?? he has 33k armor and 587 defense and had 67k hp with all the buffs... is that suppose to be normal?! and i was OT with 5.5 GS 587 defense and 29k armor and 59k hp and i also got killed without the debuff Is it rly suppose to be like this,.....?

  9. I got to kill it on 10hc, 25hc since it changed but I was lucky to be in a more than decent pug
    Had a lot of wipes to be fair, but that's because we had some anomaly players in the raid, so I guess this change is a filter for scrubs, well done

  10. Is it normal that our 6k gs DK tank gets killed in 2 secs by him without the debuff on him?? he has 33k armor and 587 defense and had 67k hp with all the buffs... is that suppose to be normal?! and i was OT with 5.5 GS 587 defense and 29k armor and 59k hp and i also got killed without the debuff Is it rly suppose to be like this,.....?
    I have around 90k hp on my 6.2 bear and I was taking some pretty gnarly damage on 10n, lol.

  11. I have around 90k hp on my 6.2 bear and I was taking some pretty gnarly damage on 10n, lol.
    Avoidance and armor are more important stats than health on that fight due to how the marks work.

  12. So this is how DBS is going 2 be in the future aswell? I think i will say bye 2 warmane... :/ cause if u need 2 be fking over 6k gs and u cant get further than DBS it will take so fking long to gear up... but we will se :/

  13. So this is how DBS is going 2 be in the future aswell? I think i will say bye 2 warmane... :/ cause if u need 2 be fking over 6k gs and u cant get further than DBS it will take so fking long to gear up... but we will se :/
    So youre like leaving if a Dungeon/raid is doing properly that supposedly hard in the first place? Okay, leave and dont come back you casual.

  14. The amount of ICC10/25 @DBS in global now is fkn hilarious holy **** lol

  15. If there's something actually wrong with the incoming damage, find it and report it. It certainly doesn't SOUND right, because tank damage was never a serious threat on retail DBS at all. At 0% I beat him day one with a pug on one of the worst servers in the US, albeit by abusing PW:S absorption which was fixed later, but his base damage was nothing serious.

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