1. why are people saying join a fos/pos farming group like its the eaziest thing.. every group i've seen requires full epic equiped person... also how come noone is doing naxx or ulduar?

  2. why are people saying join a fos/pos farming group like its the eaziest thing.. every group i've seen requires full epic equiped person... also how come noone is doing naxx or ulduar?
    People dont bother with naxx and Uld cause the gear is that of fos/pos/hc dungeons ilvl, easily replaced later on.
    They do it for achievements only which is sonetimes fun, but not my thing.

    Also naxx is ugly, i like ulduar tho, perttyyy.

  3. why are people saying join a fos/pos farming group like its the eaziest thing.. every group i've seen requires full epic equiped person... also how come noone is doing naxx or ulduar?
    Its very very simple,
    Fos Pos has nearly 0 tactics, you got the hang of it after 1 run.
    If you dont like the requirements others want, make your own Group, same comes for raids, make your own groups, join a pve guild!
    Good loot to start off, emblems for t9 gear and eventually gems + if you run as enchanter you can farm a lot of mats in runs
    This dungeons can be handled by a group of 2kgs at least after 1st molten down we had no problem running it in 2 - 3k

    and btw if you directly enter the dungeons on heroic (not use Dungeon finder, if its not clear what i mean) it has no gs limitation, if you reach 4k i would advise to run fos pos heroic, because there drops a boe called Battered Hilt that starts a quest chain, which rewards a ilvl 251 weapon

  4. I think Warmane should give free stuff, because it is very hard. You have to spend few hours farming reputations and professions. That is unacceptable. Playing WoW is so hard in general. Best would be T9 set when you reach level 80 and one Bis piece every day until all your possible specs are fully geared.

    Also, there is practically no information whatsoever out there on how to gear up. No guides about classes/specs, no guides about Raid tactics. After all its only almost 10 years old expansion, it is impossible to generate such info so fast. That is why people are making such topics, Warmane listen to your players and GIVE FREE STUFF NOW!

  5. I dont think that warmane should give you free items or free 80 lvl.I know that it is hard to lvl/gear up your 1st hero,but this is part of the experience.If you dont like it you can go on Blackrock where you willl get free items/80 lvl.And for everyone that is thinking that gearing fresh hero to 4k gs is hard you will see how wrong you are when you are ready to start icc/rs runs for gear.My advice for you is to join new/progressive pve guild(you can find more info here:http://forum.warmane.com/forumdisplay.php?f=270) - they will help you to get starting gear +you can find new friends and someone to play with.Good luck.

  6. Feels like you didnt get the sarcasm in that one.
    In that case: that was sarcasm.

    Also, as youre calling it a hero just shoo

  7. I think Warmane should give free stuff, because it is very hard. You have to spend few hours farming reputations and professions. That is unacceptable. Playing WoW is so hard in general. Best would be T9 set when you reach level 80 and one Bis piece every day until all your possible specs are fully geared.

    Also, there is practically no information whatsoever out there on how to gear up. No guides about classes/specs, no guides about Raid tactics. After all its only almost 10 years old expansion, it is impossible to generate such info so fast. That is why people are making such topics, Warmane listen to your players and GIVE FREE STUFF NOW!
    Are you for real? Why are you posting sarcastic comments here? This comment isnt helping at all
    Edited: January 3, 2017

  8. I think it is helping. To realize how absurd is this topic.

  9. I think it is helping. To realize how absurd is this topic.
    I know, but i cant be very aggressive towards this post or a hero will start appearing out of nowhere. People nowadays are just too dense to search in google or even look up guides *sigh

  10. Sorry man but there is no such thing as gear wall. I started fresh on here a couple months ago and I managed to gear a Rdruid and Hpala to 5.5k and 5.7K Gs repectively WITHOUT donating a single penny. Make use of the activity (vote points) system. Lvl proffesions and organize icc rep farm and reserve the BoEs, run LK HC 5mans for a chance of Battered Hilt drop(I got 4 this far) And run Toc10 Toc25 thats basically all. Have fun!

  11. Hardest point of gearing is getting enough gear for Random Heroics. After that it's just grinding them for Badges.

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