1. May 26, 2017  
    For the shiny achievements, I can't predict which guild will get the next realm firsts, if our members will be rewarded for their efforts and patience with those, or the old kings and queens will make their brief appearance again when SoO hc is released to clear it, brag and go back to where they were with their egos boosted :D I can't realy accuse them for that ofc, everyone has the right to choose how to spend his free time and what makes him feel good. But you know guys, with pure logic, it doesn't realy matter and it's even funny, ofc any gamer would be happy to get a server first, but this is not retail and if you're 1st with only 2 or 3 competing (or even worse if you're the only one), maybe it is not a big thing after all, right?

  2. May 27, 2017  
    Stormborn is still here, active and raiding, though things are not so good for the pve community lately, with the bugs at SoO and ToT that are currently keeping us from fully clearing our gear up runs (all reported at the Bugtracker, plz vote up). Still, we're keeping our hopes high for fixes that will make the game smoother and ofc we're excited for the upcoming SoO hc release, no matter that its scripting is affecting the SoO normal mode in a bad way atm, we'll keep reporting and be patient, and we encourage the ones that chose and wish to remain at this server to do so too. From our side we're doing our best to to keep our community together and happy, with pve, pvp and social events.

    For the shiny achievements, I can't predict which guild will get the next realm firsts, if our members will be rewarded for their efforts and patience with those, or the old kings and queens will make their brief appearance again when SoO hc is released to clear it, brag and go back to where they were with their egos boosted :D I can't realy accuse them for that ofc, everyone has the right to choose how to spend his free time and what makes him feel good. But you know guys, with pure logic, it doesn't realy matter and it's even funny, ofc any gamer would be happy to get a server first, but this is not retail and if you're 1st with only 2 or 3 competing (or even worse if you're the only one), maybe it is not a big thing after all, right? Since we value the social aspect of the game the most, we're rewarded in so many ways, with the daily contact with our members who chose to stay here and the fun we manage to find no matter what we encounter every day and we'll continue to do so even if just one member is left that thinks the same way and wishes to stay here, and ofc as long as Warmane permits us.

    Looking forward to SoO heroic and having good time progressing on it, especially at 25man mode, since the more the merrier :D
    Well said. Although on Horde side, the future does not look so bright. Good PvE players log out everyday never to log back in discouraged by the challenges they face. I remember the day I left Alliance for better PvE aspects on Horde and how the tables have turned. I am glad though that there is someone on Alliance keeping the PvE community active and alive and what a remarkable job Stormies have done. Since its pointless to play for Achievements at this point since most of them don't seem to work, I agree, working on the social aspect will be a great boost for the server and encourage more new players in. *Respect to you and the Allies that keeping PvE going in these dark times*

  3. May 27, 2017  
    I hope that this will be a big boost for the developers to continue their efforts in giving us smoother gameplay, from our side we're doing our best to report asap at the bugtracker any small and big issue.
    I just hope they wont see this post and think "Oh, they can clear it so it works fine". Gratz on the kill guys.

  4. May 28, 2017  
    Currently Raiders ratio is about the same on horde and ally, only difference is SB took most ally raiders , basicly making a new guild is a long shot. At the horde side u have totally opposite. U have 4-5 guilds that clears and everyone spits on someone in someway. Due to poor implementations to the realm and therefore low population i think SB indirectly and not intentionally a bit ruined pve competitveness along ally side, since raiders always wanted to stick with better , stronger. Therefore as stated above creating a new guild over there is a long shot. Most apply to SB when they get few achivs and gears. And its not any news that hordes are applying to SB aswell its just matter of time when basicly 80% of raiders will be under 1 flag.
    This is just my opinion, its not pointing fingers or blaming anyone, just stating what i see from 3rd spec.
    If that way works well in the future i guess that will be only way to play here on warmane as a pve player.

  5. May 29, 2017  
    Well said. Although on Horde side, the future does not look so bright. Good PvE players log out everyday never to log back in discouraged by the challenges they face. I remember the day I left Alliance for better PvE aspects on Horde and how the tables have turned. I am glad though that there is someone on Alliance keeping the PvE community active and alive and what a remarkable job Stormies have done. Since its pointless to play for Achievements at this point since most of them don't seem to work, I agree, working on the social aspect will be a great boost for the server and encourage more new players in. *Respect to you and the Allies that keeping PvE going in these dark times*
    Rocky you chose your own path so maybe its "dark times" for you and your unsuccessful rebellion that happened in <The Sanctuary> but that doesn't mean Horde PVE is dead, we still raid every day and kill all bosses usually in less then 3 hours, <Sober> is also doing quality runs from what i've heard and some jajaja guilds also have full runs but nobody knows about them because...they are jajaja they don't communicate with gringos :P

    We still hope they will fix Galakras - who is getting worse each update and wasting more time then all other bosses together, Malkorok buggy timers, Spoils reseting and line of sight bug, Blackfuse transport pipes and Garrosh intermission bugs and minions of yshaarj giving him buff. When this gets fixed SoO will be amazing, but what scares me is that heroic is releasing soon and we all know what happened with ToT normal when heroic was released, infinite bugs in both difficulties and big loss of active players

  6. May 29, 2017  
    ehhh rocky is like a puppy he barks but doesnt bite

  7. May 30, 2017  
    Rocky you chose your own path so maybe its "dark times" for you and your unsuccessful rebellion that happened in <The Sanctuary> but that doesn't mean Horde PVE is dead, we still raid every day and kill all bosses usually in less then 3 hours, <Sober> is also doing quality runs from what i've heard and some jajaja guilds also have full runs but nobody knows about them because...they are jajaja they don't communicate with gringos :P
    Lol as expected, <The Sanctuary> is still a bunch of entitled 15 year old thinking they are elitists or some **** because you can outgear the whole raid. Nowhere in my whole post did I mention Sanctuary or said Horde PvE is dead but you absolutely had to make this about you and find a way to belittle me unprovoked. This attitude of your and the toxicity i faced from Treeoflove for 1 whole year is why I left, guild kicking my friends was the last straw. I have no hate for Sanctuary, I still have some good friends there nor did I start a rebellion. Those who left, did so voluntarily because they felt they didnt fit or were being insulted and ostracized. The Sanctuary is not the whole of the PvE community, there are smaller newer guilds, new people who join everyday and the casual players and the geared ones as well. PvE is not just full clearing SoO in some hours like you think it is, its also the lower raids, the dungeons and my most favorite the scenarios and the various lore chained quests. I dont expect you to understand that because all you care about is SoO apparently and setting time records running the same 14 bosses over and over again like bots. *Cough MSV Cough*

    P.S. : jajaja guilds ? Racist much ? Gringos ? Isnt your main language Cyka Blyat ?
    Edited: May 30, 2017

  8. May 30, 2017  
    I dont expect you to understand that because all you care about is SoO apparently and setting time records running the same 14 bosses over and over again like bots. *Cough MSV Cough*
    thats funny comming from the guy who got banned 7days for exploits in soo, and after they fixed them he never got to garrosh again.
    best part is u here trying to be the victim LOL. stfu rocky i never saw a player with such a big head, u think u a wow god or something like that, thats why u left sanctuary to create the "best" guild in horde, but after all it was just a failure. So just stay in your corner doing your 4boss run.

    ps. send me some curry :3

  9. May 31, 2017  
    best part is u here trying to be the victim LOL. stfu rocky i never saw a player with such a big head, u think u a wow god or something like that, thats why u left sanctuary to create the "best" guild in horde, but after all it was just a failure. So just stay in your corner doing your 4boss run.

    ps. send me some curry :3
    This unprovoked toxicity is why I left and by the looks of it I made a right decision since it still exists. You are spreading it over a thread you were not invited to do so against someone you haven't had much interaction with. Good job keeping the racist and arrogant reputation of Sanctuary alive. I don't feel like damaging this thread any further so I am gonna exit. Hope you earned some cookies from Honey or maybe 5k dkp trying to insult me. Otherwise, I don't know why you bothered.

  10. May 31, 2017  
    damn u really trying to be the victim uhm. tryharder apu

  11. May 31, 2017  
    You are spreading it over a thread you were not invited
    I have my invitation, where is yours xD

    Edited: May 31, 2017

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