1. I had a lot of time on my hands today, and I read through all 20 pages so far. It seems to me that more than absolute answers to every question or for things to be a certain way, most people would just like an idea of the direction the staff is leaning on a lot of stuff. A market expanded with new PvE gear, transmog gear, and vanity items, a market with things scaled back, a mix of both, or just a re-pricing? An expansion, re-pricing, or scaling back of services? Most notably (and repeatedly, unless I missed a lot), if there is any indication of what way the staff is leaning on how to determine the activity ranking. I think most people (though there would certainly be some more juvenile exceptions) would handle hints on the way things look to be going quite well, so long as there was a disclaimer made up-front explaining that they were just initial inclinations subject to change upon further discussion.

    Personally, I feel rather comfortable about the upcoming changes. In my experience, with some notable bumps in the road, Warmane (and formerly Molten) has been a good place to play and has treated me and my friends fairly well. The one thing that does concern me a bit is the possibility that one person mentioned (speculating in absence of an indication from the staff, if memory serves) that the activity rank could be based on some sort of gameplay timer. I've been on other games where people just stay logged in to get rewards based on daily play-time, and it just clutters things up with a bunch of AFK people, because no one wants to be the person who's falling behind because they aren't getting rewards. I'm hoping that's not the case.

    All in all, it seems like these changes are going to be tricky (and possibly need some ironing-out post-release) but potentially rather wonderful. I look forward to seeing where things go.

  2. Are there any services for points that will be remove? I still want to be able to faction change :D

  3. The point system now is good... but I could see how it could be broken.

    For instance... I tend to collect my 10 points every day no matter what. However on some days I can't actually play the game... hence... I log into the game and log back out... takes a minute or so and BAM... I'm able to colledt my points for the day...even though I couldn't really log in and play for hours.

    The big pawn here is the "Activity Rank". My guess is that for fellas like me who can't simply log in and play for hours every day... the activity rank will result is us not being able to collect points like we used to. I still play on the weekends and such...but during the week... I can maybe play for an hour or two every other day.

    Oh well it is what it is. Maybe they'll base activity rank on logging in like I do now... or on actual login time. It's the big factor here.

  4. Warmane moderators and stuff talking like, we re forcing them for us to play on this server. They speak like ''i wont answer now gt lack out''. No supports, no answers that are CLEAR at all. And u guyz dont even think bout what people think. Thousand of members here even donors or not donors it doesnt matter asking you to ''WHAT THE HACK IS RANKING ACTIVITY WHY AM I 'AGENT' FOR 5 YEARS'' there is nothing in mop market to spend for . Ure forcing us to spend it for NOTHING. u know , our molten work is RESETed, like what is going to happen to vote points. And u cant afford that, me and my over 30+ friends are playing on warmane , thats not a threat but something happens like what happened to molten, we quit. Cuz we all bored bout these changes and tecnical issues etc. Have some words to stuff and moderators ''U SHOULD BE MORE KIND MORE GENTLE MORE UNDERSTANDING AGAINST PEOPLE THAT PLAYS AND SUPPORTS WARMANE''. we were like family before all those reset accident happened. Dont u act like us were bullfits, if u dont want us to play , we dont. now just tell me , shouldnt u earn people and make them respect to u for warmanes to live longer as it goes, we re become estranged from u cuz ur actions

  5. I don't understand. What's stopping you from spending your points within the next couple days, then start earning them again after? If you don't want to spend them, that's cool. They're free points anyway, you know. If you could explain to me what free points has to do with respect, please do. Also, please keep in mind that moderators are here to moderate the forum. They don't spend all of their time replying to important topics, and they don't always have the answers to a good many questions. We can inform you of what we can, but sometimes, there are better people you could be asking those questions.

  6. I don't understand. What's stopping you from spending your points within the next couple days, then start earning them again after? If you don't want to spend them, that's cool. They're free points anyway, you know. If you could explain to me what free points has to do with respect, please do. Also, please keep in mind that moderators are here to moderate the forum. They don't spend all of their time replying to important topics, and they don't always have the answers to a good many questions. We can inform you of what we can, but sometimes, there are better people you could be asking those questions.
    I will be speaking for my self since not all think like me. Nothing is stopping me from spending my points. Start earning them again ? Well it will be nice if detailed info is given about how exactly will points points be gathered, what role will activity ranks will have to do with this, you know the stuff people have been asking since the announcement of this change. I will explain about the respect part since you asked, it goes back to the initial no information what so ever not to mention the fact that I FEED as this was totally uncalled for, what you should have done (a long time ago) was just remove items like materials,darkmoon card pieces, and certain items in general that is all. The point system is easy for everyone and as someone mentioned not everyone has the time to play 24/7 and some log in from to time + activity ranks (again) and it all boils down too no detailed info (again). About the moderator thing i know that but you should read what you are saying as well and i will explain. I would love to have the option to ask for example Kaer a direct question knowing that he could give an answer, or Edifice for his department, or Malaco for something i am interested in and would like to know. But here how it goes since there is no direct way to do that someone makes a post asking something that should be answered by Kaer or someone else that could give the solid answer to the question, and what happens next a moderator weather its you or someone else, post an answer even though its not his thing to answer the question when he has no way of knowing 100 % and then instead of waiting for someone like Kaer or Edifice or Malaco to answer the question the moderator closes,deletes the post and there goes that. And before someone says there are Q/A streams the chat in the stream is spammed so much you can barely see anything. So i would suggest the moderators not to answer questions that they have no idea of knowing 100% and not close the thread so when someone that knows the answer could give it (Since i have seen Kaer,Malaco and others to post in forums).And also give information, so many players have asked about the ranking thing in this post and made other posts (that are either closed or deleted) and still no answer, you would make everything so much easy for you,for us,for them, for everyone.. simple as that.

  7. In the past I have already witnessed Kaer and Edifice giving opposite anwers to the same question, since then I have my doubts about inter-staff comunication

  8. Osiris, I get what you're saying, but a moderator 99.99% of the time won't be posted information of that sort unless they were informed at some point that the information was true and accurate.
    In the past I have already witnessed Kaer and Edifice giving opposite anwers to the same question, since then I have my doubts about inter-staff comunication
    That's actually quite the outlier. There are only two instances in which that would ever happen, 1) they changed their mind on what was going to happen or 2) Kaer may have misunderstood something website related, to which Edifice is in charge of.

  9. I logged in today, and when I checked my account summary, it says "Your currency reset has been completed. X coins and X points have been removed." Does that mean the actual point squish had already happened even though it's not yet September? Or is it happening at different times for different people?

    Thanks for the answer

    PS: if it's already answered before, my bad.. sorry.. :p

  10. I logged in today, and when I checked my account summary, it says "Your currency reset has been completed. X coins and X points have been removed." Does that mean the actual point squish had already happened even though it's not yet September? Or is it happening at different times for different people?

    Thanks for the answer

    PS: if it's already answered before, my bad.. sorry.. :p
    No, that's regarding the refunded coins and points you had received when you restored your account. Everyone had a limited time to use them (I believe 60 days), then they were automatically reset to what you had unused back in December.

  11. can u give us some pv b4 reset cuz i need pv for change faction for last time b4 rest

  12. I now see on the first post, there has been a date change that isn't reflected anywhere else that I have seen. The new date listed is "Sept 5th-20th".

    Does this mean that our current points will be reset to 0, and "collect points" will be disabled on sept 1st, AND THEN the new system will be announced and rolled out sometime during the month...

    Or does it mean that NO reset will happen on the 1st now, and "collect points" will continue until you announce via the main page or in-game that the new date has been figured out?

    The answer has implications on any items people are looking to purchase, especially at the last minute. If points are set to 0 RIGHT at server time rollover on sept 1st as originally announced, it means people buy item X. But if points are to continue being collected until another date is announced (sometime between the 5th and the 20th), then they can buy item Y.

    Thanks for any clarification.

  13. I'd really love to know the answer to woodhauler's above question as well. This is pretty important, as well as a more solid idea of what day. Like maybe give us 48hrs notice?

  14. I got website banned cuz of a guy that hacked my account and i cant spend 135 points. So I for one think "why should banned people not allowed to sue the store?" It really puts me in an uncomfortable scenario where i can't do anything but hope my ban goes away before reset.

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