1. Banned for being creepy on Vent
    Would you like to come back on?

    I need someone to talk to dirty to in Lithuanian :)

    Banned for not being attracted to my creep skills.

  2. Banned for being Lithuanian
    And creepy

  3. Banned for being Lithuanian
    And creepy
    Banned for thinking "he" is creepier then me...

  4. Banned for being an endangered species.
    And because I dislike pandas.
    Rawrawr ^.^

  5. Banned for being an endangered species.
    And because I dislike pandas.
    Rawrawr ^.^
    Banned for being a Panda hater.

  6. Banned because I've seen that before
    A lot of times :|

  7. Banned because I've seen that before
    A lot of times :|
    Banned because this is the only panda "Haters gonna hate" meme.

  8. Banned for not making your own "Haters gonna hate" panda meme :\

  9. Banned for not making your own "Haters gonna hate" panda meme :\
    Banned because this meme surpasses all the panda meme on the internet. why choose the lamest when you can get the best.

  10. Banned for using the word "furry".

  11. Banned for using the word "furry".
    whats wrong with furries?

    Ima ban you BIG TIME

  12. Banned for using the word "furry".

    Banned because your name reminds me of "lobster".


  13. Banned because your name reminds me of "lobster".

    Banned for being too slow... ^_^
    Blocked your banhammer!!

  14. Banned for not knowing what's wrong with furries.
    Only Jesus can save you now

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