1. When did the forums turn into Tumblr?
    Turned into? It's always been.
    The only difference is now the ones getting involved aren't your friends, so people don't feel the urge to jump in and white knight them.

  2. Turned into? It's always been.
    The only difference is now the ones getting involved aren't your friends, so people don't feel the urge to jump in and white knight them.
    It actually depends. If you hit the right thread and the right people, the white knights do pop. However, since you're a mod, you won't have that moment happening as often.

  3. Weird, I never recalled having a discussion this mild.

    I have failed bluemod's tastes. Back to the toxic cesspool of LoL and DotA I go.
    rip irda

  4. It actually depends. If you hit the right thread and the right people, the white knights do pop. However, since you're a mod, you won't have that moment happening as often.
    Well, I mostly mean this thread, really - as I believe he did. The rest of the Forums don't get this brand of drama usually.

  5. Maybe they are just too kind to tell you that you are suffering from the I-want-attention syndrome as the video guy says.
    Pity me because I was in a hospital due to my eating disorder!!!!11
    I remember you in that thread where everyone posts pictures of themselves, bashing some guy over his looks and mocking him in a really disgusting way.
    The comment got deleted shortly. The point is that a truly depressed person would never behave this way, it is just contradicting and against all so far recorded researches on that subject by actual doctors and psychologists.

    So out of your whole pathetic speech I can only mark this as correct

    which is disgusting.
    Thats cool dude, but I really dont give a **** what some random thinks of me honestly.
    1: I've never insulted someone on their looks, I'm not pretty myself I know what it's like to have people do it to me.

    Wow you really are clueless as to the effect the anonymity of the internet and the safety it can provide to people who find it a struggle to o such things in actual real social situations. Anyone who actually knows me know I'm quiet, I don't start arguments with random people and I certianlly do not attention seek. But you know, i'm hiding behind a monitor nothing more than lines of writing on your screen, why do you care so much about the persona I have online? Why do you feel the need to attach stereotypes and traits to a person who does not act like their real selves?

    Who are you to attack someone who does what they do due to insecurities and anxiety within a public situation? Who finds whatever they do/act online as a safe place to be someone without much fear of repercussions or consequences.

    But sure, you know so much about depression and anxiety. Which university did you graduate from, what was your speciality? Clearly you have some sociology knowledge in there somewhere.

    Yup thats why I've been smoking for just under a year again, vaping is bull****.
    Edited: July 25, 2016

  6. Well, I mostly mean this thread, really - as I believe he did. The rest of the Forums don't get this brand of drama usually.
    I didn't see that actually. I only saw the White Knights part and I reminded myself of the last warning I got from a mod in a Hunter specific thread.

  7. Turned into? It's always been.
    It's a settled thread when certain "loose cannon" personalities stay away.

    The only difference is now the ones getting involved aren't your friends, so people don't feel the urge to jump in and white knight them.
    It isn't the big circle jerk it used to be for sure, I have the same amount of "friends" now as I did then, which is minimal and exactly as I want it. Whether it's mutual or not I couldn't tell you. But should they need support within reason, I'll give it to them.

    However, since you're a mod, you won't have that moment happening as often.
    He gets arguably the biggest pop, a lot of the time in this very thread. Which is often times very amusing.

  8. It's a settled thread when certain "loose cannon" personalities stay away.
    True, but this thread is all the time attracting people who think this is a mini-4chan and where they can get away with anything, so... the settled times are the odd ones. Just look at Cenarius. Usually after someone gets banned here, there would be a period of silence, but he just filled the vacuum with his trolling (which I'm surprised Kemii is falling for).

  9. Yup thats why I've been smoking for just under a year again, vaping is bull****.
    Smoking is sooo much better.

  10. So out of your whole pathetic speech I can only mark this as correct

    which is disgusting.
    That awkward moment when the pot calls the kettle black.
    It actually depends. If you hit the right thread and the right people, the white knights do pop. However, since you're a mod, you won't have that moment happening as often.
    Funny thing, I'd actually get more white knights here than I would anywhere else on the forum.
    It's a settled thread when certain "loose cannon" personalities stay away.
    Isn't it interesting how that tends to be newcomers most of the time?
    See Im not sure if hes trolling or if he legitimately this stupid. There is a fine line.
    That "fine line" is sometimes vague. Some people manage to stand on both sides of it at once.

  11. Smoking is sooo much better.
    But neither one is good in any way. Nor is alcochol. Or drugs.

    Hate all 4 of those.
    Can't stand when anyone smells like alcochol or smokes near me.

  12. But neither one is good in any way. Nor is alcochol. Or drugs.

    Hate all 4 of those.
    Can't stand when anyone smells like alcochol or smokes near me.
    That reminds me of the ridiculous smoking laws that exist in Portugal. We're people too and we're one of the biggest suppliers for most of the medical expenses however society has the tendency of isolating those who smoke.

  13. Can't stand when anyone smells like alcochol or smokes near me.
    Until they're a hot chick.
    I really dislike the smell of smokes, but I've beared with kissing ashtray mouths and would do so again.

  14. he did wreck this girl though rofl

  15. he did wreck this girl though rofl
    No, not really. He's trying to be cool. He's not.

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