1. whenever I ask myself that question I know it's time to uninstall forever
    I personally play league because it's the only truly competitive game that's really popular these days. I used to play CS 1.6, WOW of course, starcraft, dota, warcraft 3, mortal kombat 4, yugioh, tribes, pretty much every competitive game, I played it. I can't even recall all of them but if you heard about it, I played and mastered it.
    Right now I'm trying to get to master's but I failed last season. I'm starting to think it's truly impossible, some games are so tilting it's unreal, I never get my role, there are some stomp champions right now that Riot should really do good and nerf them, like hecarim. The new jungler and bot lane dynamics allow for some really awful murder combos that is just unfun. Riot needs to add smite buffs into the game once again, buff the jungle so not everyone would clear it (for real, it's crazy I can do a full clear without even using smite and still be pretty much full HP) and they need to add new vision tools. Keep the vision plants but also *** smite buff on raptors because they are hard to clear early game anyway.

    I should really be hired at Riot, I would make the game as it should be.

  2. Clam and Vagaginho are the epitome of /r/iamverysmart

  3. And you are the epitome of cringe. To each their own.

  4. Got placed into Silver 2 4W 6L
    could have been worse.

    Kinda proud of myself, if we had won more I could have gotten maybe Gold 5.

  5. Got placed into Silver 2 4W 6L
    could have been worse.

    Kinda proud of myself, if we had won more I could have gotten maybe Gold 5.
    Placement rank doesn't mean ****, everything's messed up this season. I got placed into Bronze 4 going 8-2 after finishing Plat 2 last season.

  6. So I just got my AotC for Xavius (Heroic, of course) at 863 ilvl. Pugged it, completely random group. I was topping DPS. It would seem that 865+ is indeed not a requirement for that content, or for pugs. Who would've known?

    @ League, I've only ever played 10 ranked matches, and those were placement matches in S3. I was placed into Silver III. My boyfriend at the time, who was playing a lot of League, told me he honestly expected me to land no higher than Bronze III. I sure showed him.

  7. Placement rank doesn't mean ****, everything's messed up this season. I got placed into Bronze 4 going 8-2 after finishing Plat 2 last season.
    Yes but it's a starting point, I least I dont have to scrape my arse out of Bronze. Each with is 24LP so shouldnt take me long.

  8. Quits wow for a year ..and this happens..Hows the old warmane people?
    Edited: November 18, 2016

  9. Free Overwatch weekend starts today boys (pc, ****box and ps4), enjoy trying it if you don't already own it.

  10. Streamline is free rn you just have to add it to your library and you'll own it forever, it looks pretty ****ty for a 20 bucks game anyway.

  11. Friday morning in the office... what kind of messed up **** will I see today? -_-

  12. I personally play league because it's the only truly competitive game that's really popular these days. I used to play CS 1.6, WOW of course, starcraft, dota, warcraft 3, mortal kombat 4, yugioh, tribes, pretty much every competitive game, I played it. I can't even recall all of them but if you heard about it, I played and mastered it.
    Right now I'm trying to get to master's but I failed last season. I'm starting to think it's truly impossible, some games are so tilting it's unreal, I never get my role, there are some stomp champions right now that Riot should really do good and nerf them, like hecarim. The new jungler and bot lane dynamics allow for some really awful murder combos that is just unfun. Riot needs to add smite buffs into the game once again, buff the jungle so not everyone would clear it (for real, it's crazy I can do a full clear without even using smite and still be pretty much full HP) and they need to add new vision tools. Keep the vision plants but also *** smite buff on raptors because they are hard to clear early game anyway.

    I should really be hired at Riot, I would make the game as it should be.
    Random thought, tried heroes?

    Why got that in mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPk004vsjuE
    Edited: November 18, 2016

  13. Random thought, tried heroes?
    Kidding? Heroes 3 was probably my favorite game back in the day, it still is one of my top 7 games of all time and I still play it with my friend who is also a huge Heroes fan and we've both been since we were kids. I have always had it in my computer, for at least 10+ years. I never had a computer or laptop without at least Heroes 3, Starcraft and WOW installed into them.

  14. Ummm... Clam?

    Heroes of the Storm... Not Heroes 3 ?

  15. Then spell out the whole name, or is it too complicated?

    - Hey John, do you like rings?

    - Nah man, I don't wear jewlery that much

    - UMM, HELLO??? I WAS ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT "The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II -- The Rise of the Witch-king"...... UGH...

    I swear to god this forum is impossible to deal with sometimes.

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