1. How do real words get made and put into a dictionary? Oh yeah, someone made it up and started to use it and everybody else started to copy them. I suppose every single language known to man was created by "bovines" which means we are all "bovines" since we just copy the "bovines" and tumblr also created every single language.

  2. If you completely ignore words being created to cover a language necessity to communicate something that isn't already covered by existing terms, not to "be kewl," sure, that could be somewhat valid.
    Otherwise you'd be just mooing at the wrong tree.

  3. Which sounds better and is easier to say:
    "I am studying limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series"
    "I am studying calculus"

  4. TIL a term created BY a company, created for their game specifically, are not allowed to creature a word of their own to title the role and they must specifically find a word already in existence to call it.
    You should stop pulling arguments from your ***. The term was used in Dota before LoL was even in closed beta and I'm quite confident it was used elsewhere before Dota used it. The term isn't made up by a company, nor specificly made for LoL, the player base of w.e game it came originally from made it up.
    Edited: November 19, 2016

  5. Which sounds better and is easier to say:
    "I am studying limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series"
    "I am studying calculus"
    I must have overlooked the part where "junglers" were a scientific group of different applications and expansions of the same basis. Does ULoL gives "Masters Degrees in Jungling"?
    You do know "calculus" is a word for pebbles, not something created for those studies, though, right?

  6. Just the thing of considering that the people around those "eSports" are intelligent in any sort of way is so hilarious that I don't know if I should laugh at you or cringe
    I think you should reconsider basic literacy and comprehension classes, and consider acting more intelligent than the people you're insulting.

    I'm gonna dip out now 'cause this entire page is just opinionated bull****.

  7. You can stop arguing guys, I've emailed dictionary.com with a long etymology explanation of the word 'jungler'.
    Hopefully in the next few weeks it's going to be added.

  8. You should stop pulling arguments from your ***. The term was used in Dota before LoL was even in closed beta and I'm quite confident it was used elsewhere before Dota used it. The term isn't made up by a company, nor specificly made for LoL, the player base of w.e game it came originally from made it up.
    That term came from Warcraft 3 players and Icefrog made it popular through the release of characters like the Lycanthrope

    I think you should reconsider basic literacy and comprehension classes, and consider acting more intelligent than the people you're insulting.

    I'm gonna dip out now 'cause this entire page is just opinionated bull****.
    Looks like you understood my wording anyway. After taking a quick look at your post history... Your answer sounds hilarious specially considering the posts where you try to sound smart and reliable about Legion. Speaking of opinionated bull****, eh?
    Edited: November 19, 2016

  9. You can stop arguing guys, I've emailed dictionary.com with a long etymology explanation of the word 'jungler'.
    Hopefully in the next few weeks it's going to be added.
    Femin*****s managed to get "mansplaining" added, so I wouldn't be surprised...

  10. That term came from Warcraft 3 players and Icefrog made it popular through the release of characters like the Lycanthrope
    Ricks is probably the only person other than me on this thread that will have a clue as to what you're talking about.
    I could be wrong, though. Correct me if I am.

  11. That term came from Warcraft 3 players and Icefrog made it popular through the release of characters like the Lycanthrope
    Lycan was created by Eul's for RoC DotA and later completely reworked by Guinsoo. The term jungler was already a thing before IceFrog took over Dota in 6.00.

  12. Lycan was created by Eul's for RoC DotA and later completely reworked by Guinsoo. The term jungler was already a thing before IceFrog took over Dota in 6.00.
    Either way, I think we can all agree that the term "jungler" was not created by Riot or by League fanboys.

  13. Lycan was created by Eul's for RoC DotA and later completely reworked by Guinsoo. The term jungler was already a thing before IceFrog took over Dota in 6.00.
    I know that and that is also the reason why I have mentioned that the slang came from Warcraft 3 and not from League of Legends

    Either way, I think we can all agree that the term "jungler" was not created by Riot or by League fanboys.
    This was my point. Generally speaking, most of the League community nowadays never played or heard of Defense of the Ancients since most of them are now teenagers

  14. I know that and that is also the reason why I have mentioned that the slang came from Warcraft 3 and not from League of Legends
    My bad, seems like I misunderstood your post a little bit. But to add to the 2nd part, most LoL player also don't know about the origins of some of their heroes.

    Considering we are on the topic of wc3 custom games, who else loved Warlock? Or was it called Warlocks....? The arena style magician fight map >:

  15. Eh, most of what I remember is 3957397443 versions of TD maps and Footies.

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