1. what do you mean , when there whole summer was message on global that is 1st september

  2. just collected my points, so I guess the reset will come after

  3. what do you mean , when there whole summer was message on global that is 1st september
    They changed a few days ago. Check out the original post. They also changed the features I believe.

  4. Sept 5-20? Will there be an exact date? I dont really want to keep on saving points then *poof* gone without a warning.

  5. I am pretty sure today is 1st September 2015 and I can still collect my points. So did they change their mind?

  6. At the moment, there is nothing useful to buy with points besides some mounts. I'd love to see something like a point to coin conversion (example: once you reach the 100 points cap, they are turned into a coin and go back to 0). They even removed useful enchants (as Icescale Leg Armor, to name one) from vote system. There is really no point in voting atm.

  7. they removed bags from lk vote shop :( sadlife

  8. nothing new, boring and sad, saving this paysafe for days -.-

  9. As usual... the whole summer was spammed by system messages about this point reset on SEPT 1. It's SEPT 1, but nothing happened. What the actual fck? Also add some features in the vote shop, like one said earlier: after 100 point you get 1 coin, thus you can convert it into gold or something like that. Add gems/glyphs/enchants back... I know this makes ingame economy a bit unstable, but figure something out, because currently there's no actual point to vote on you guys. Mounts & Xmog? - Please... not all of us a mount maniac nor fashion addicted. Make a quota on how many glyphs/gems/enchants are allowed to buy on a week. For example: 2gems,1enchant,1glyph/week. Or just make an expensive price, forcing players to think twice if they want to buy this consumable for such a high price and sacrifice the points which he/she was planning for a mount/xmog maybe, still he needs it badly. Make players think and force them to bring decisions. This is my opinion

  10. 1. As usual... the whole summer was spammed by system messages about this point reset on SEPT 1. It's SEPT 1, but nothing happened. What the actual fck?
    2. because currently there's no actual point to vote on you guys.
    just to correct you a bit

    1. Yeh it was spammed sept 1, but the topic was updated somewhere last week or 2 weeks ago (can't remember exactly) that the date was changed. Cuz it's not finished yet. Stuff like that happen. Kaer and Edifice are mortals.
    2. technically you dont vote for this server at all anymore :x since... idk few months now? you loggin, click a button and get 10 free currency worth of codes. should be called something else besides vote points... like activity points... or login points (cuz that's what you do since the stepped away from vote sites). I believe it would be different after the rework.

    So you know... maybe check the forums more often, lots of info on here. I do it and I work a full-time underpaying job that has me dealing with $30,000 international science conferences.

  11. Come on warmane i had 200 vp it's all gone cause you said it was today! Wat the ****

  12. warmane is just one big troll, GOTEEM!!

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