1. Hello guys, i have a 390 dps warr atm. Can you tell me if they have fixed the hit/expertise cap to 8%/26 or you re still good with 5%/14-20 so to gear/reforge accordingly. Thank you
    No idea but as far as i'm aware that still works :) I don't play cata anymore so i don't expect it to change that much... Talk to a few warriors who are playing ingame instead :D

  2. Bump for this lovely stereohead! :*

  3. Bump for this lovely stereohead! :*
    Lol you nick! So hillarous!

  4. Bumping this :) Been working and playing on Lord these past days! Most likley will play there when the realm releases! You can find me on horde side (Lord PTR) Tauren warrior called Thares (as usual)! I barly logg MOP anymore so if you want to contact me it's prob easiest there. Otherwise it's my Orc warrior Thares on Frostwolf.

  5. Why is your name so familliar to me.. Baeyu here.

  6. Why is your name so familliar to me.. Baeyu here.
    You might know me as Thares (Frostwolf and old Lordaeron), Smexypaladin (blood elf paladin Sargeras), Kelthuzzad (warlock undead Sargeras), Ruk (Sargeras), Newruk (Sargeras). That's the names i've been under. What's your full name? Just Baeyu? Doesn't ring a bell at the moment. I saw you as the alpha and omega ''co gm'' but it was way after my time :D
    Edited: August 25, 2015

  7. Bumping this thread and counting down the days for Lordaeron to launch <3 16 days left!!!

  8. Bumpby bump! So soon to Lord launch I'm gonna die!!! Hype train! If you wanna swing by to wrath once in a while you can find me on horde side as a Tauren or Orc, same name! Love to hear from you guys if you wanna talk or have questions :)

  9. Bumping! Since my name was taken my name is Tharess on horde side, Tauren master race :D

  10. Bumping this thread :) If you wanna drop by and say hai you can always do it on Lordaeron horde side :)

  11. Men! You should /w me ingame on Lord or are you a filthy alliance scum? ;)

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