1. So you lied to everyone playing MoP since February 2015, last 10 months, misleading people into thinking that you are working on MoP but in fact you havent even started. You are about to implement the "backbone" so that you can start working on fixes.

    So basically we should not expect SoO/Prideful till summer 2016 at least, right?

    imo you should give out huge gifts to MoP active accounts to say "thnx for the support for last 10 months", and don't tell me this server is here cause of the staff for the staff and by the staff etc... we all know the server is here cause of the players, no players no server. We players respect you and your work, but respect is a 2 way street.
    Exactly! :)

  2. So you lied to everyone playing MoP since February 2015, last 10 months, misleading people into thinking that you are working on MoP but in fact you havent even started. You are about to implement the "backbone" so that you can start working on fixes.

    So basically we should not expect SoO/Prideful till summer 2016 at least, right?

    imo you should give out huge gifts to MoP active accounts to say "thnx for the support for last 10 months", and don't tell me this server is here cause of the staff for the staff and by the staff etc... we all know the server is here cause of the players, no players no server. We players respect you and your work, but respect is a 2 way street.

    Your words are not true. The development progress has never ceased.

    For this as you probably know, we need the 5.4.8 patch. This is pretty much general knowledge at this point and I'm afraid right now it might seem to players that the development has stopped. It has not. All of the development progress is being poured into the new patch, which is also being tested by our QA.
    It has not. All of the development progress is being poured into the new patch, which is also being tested by our QA.
    We're not really sure how else we can make you understand this. It is hard to maintain communication with someone that simply does not want it or reads answers.

  3. I have just one question. Does this mean we won't be getting Pridedul gear for atleast 3 more months, that is, until the current 4th time Grievous ends?

  4. @Proterean and @Warmane Staff it is a concern that the titles on frostwolf were given out poorly, this is a BIG issue to some that worked all season to EARN their titles in a fair way. 2v2 bracket has received all the 3v3 bracket rewards and some of those in the lower portion of the 3v3 bracket ( 15-20 ) did not receive a title at all, you guys need to REALLY do something about this quickly this is your staffs mistake and yours only, this wont look good if you guys do not FIX YOUR MISTAKE.
    Edited: December 21, 2015

  5. @Proterean so let me give you constructive critique.

    "Q: Why is it taking so long?
    A: Engineers that can reverse the code are pretty rare. Proper good ones, are even rarer. We only have one that is capable of doing this and on top of that there's several issues that we face so various different systems need to be rebuilt.

    Q: Which systems?
    A: Systems that make the game work. For example, simple things such as opposite faction language, ignore function and many others need to be implemented. MoP emulation at it's best is a mess and even though there's multiple leaks and open-source stuff it's not really on the par of the quality that we want it to be. That's why we're working on re-building some of these systems from scratch to better provide a working environment for our developers so they can script stuff.

    Q: Why is sometimes hard for a developer to fix a simple thing?
    A: This is a common misconception, some things may seem simple but in fact are not. For example, the vendors being bugged wasn't a simple thing to fix even though players conceive it as such. "

    It's good to clarify thing like that those systems are not working, we are trying to fix this and that. We need more things like that, we need you to explain reasons what is problem, how are you trying to fix it, who is working to fix it, in general we need more info. Recently you were not giving us useful info like when you miss your eta, we dont want to hear eta is just eta, we want to herar we missed it coz of this and that, person a is working hard to fix it.

    "Q: Why is MoP devlog taking so long?
    A: Person in charge of the writing the MoP devlog is also the head of the development. This is a high-responsibility position and takes a lot of time and work, it's certainly not easy and time for writing these needs to be separated. It involves going through the internal BugTracker and going through commits on our repositories and converting development 'jibberish' into actual understandable human language so the players can understand it. It's a much harder task to do than most think and needs sufficient time. The ETA given a week ago didn't count in some other things that popped and needed to be taken care of. This devlog is in it's last phase and should be available very soon."

    When you are talking about devog I fell like you are speaking of changelog. Devlogs so far were 2-3 sentences regarding your current progress, and you cant tell us that is taking so much time, it's hard to believe in that. Like you told us some stuff now, like you are working on faction language and ignore, kinda like devlog. If that person is working on something important is it that hard to go and ask him on what is he working how is he progressing and write it into devlog, and when he gets some time off he can write a more detailed devlog if that is something you wish to do.

    Also bit problem is your eta, it's ok to miss eta for day, 2 or 3, but this much, it's not. It's considered polite to apologies for missing it this much. You told us eta is just eta. You cant do it like that, especially considering that you never miss eta on Lordareon.

    So to conclude more, more and more information you give better will be.

  6. Prideful gear will not be released until the content on the PvE side is on par with PvP progress and that can't happen until we have the server-backbone functions that we require in order to develop the SoO instance and introduce various other fixes.

    For this as you probably know, we need the 5.4.8 patch. This is pretty much general knowledge at this point and I'm afraid right now it might seem to players that the development has stopped. It has not. All of the development progress is being poured into the new patch, which is also being tested by our QA.

    Q: Why is it taking so long?
    A: Engineers that can reverse the code are pretty rare. Proper good ones, are even rarer. We only have one that is capable of doing this and on top of that there's several issues that we face so various different systems need to be rebuilt.

    Q: Which systems?
    A: Systems that make the game work. For example, simple things such as opposite faction language, ignore function and many others need to be implemented. MoP emulation at it's best is a mess and even though there's multiple leaks and open-source stuff it's not really on the par of the quality that we want it to be. That's why we're working on re-building some of these systems from scratch to better provide a working environment for our developers so they can script stuff.

    Q: Why is sometimes hard for a developer to fix a simple thing?
    A: This is a common misconception, some things may seem simple but in fact are not. For example, the vendors being bugged wasn't a simple thing to fix even though players conceive it as such.

    Q: Are you doing anything about getting more developers?
    A: Yes, we are looking for talent always and have recruited some to work on MoP. We can't let people who aren't qualified work on our realms, only the skilled can work here as it requires a lot of time and effort.

    Q: Why is MoP devlog taking so long?
    A: Person in charge of the writing the MoP devlog is also the head of the development. This is a high-responsibility position and takes a lot of time and work, it's certainly not easy and time for writing these needs to be separated. It involves going through the internal BugTracker and going through commits on our repositories and converting development 'jibberish' into actual understandable human language so the players can understand it. It's a much harder task to do than most think and needs sufficient time. The ETA given a week ago didn't count in some other things that popped and needed to be taken care of. This devlog is in it's last phase and should be available very soon.

    Q: BGs?
    A: They're on 5.4.8, 2 of them and more to come.

    Q: Spell fixes?
    A: A decent amount of them are on 5.4.8 and we have a very skilled developer working on these.

    Q: Anti-cheat?
    A: Needs to be perfected on Lordaeron and then it can be ported over. It's a passive anti-cheat and should fight off any hackers, no matter the programs. It has a lot of improvements to go before being perfect but we're happy with it so far.

    Q: Holiday events?
    A: Yes.

    Q: Gifts?
    A: Ho-ho. Maybe a bit of coal.

    Q: Wargames?
    A: Functionality exists, needs to be polished for it to completely work. You've probably seen this from our 1v1 Tournaments.
    What about downloading retail 5.4.8 and changing the realmlist to warmane u nabs!

    @Proterean and @Warmane Staff it is a concern that the titles on frostwolf were given out poorly, this is a BIG issue to some that worked all season to EARN their titles in a fair way. 2v2 bracket has received all the 3v3 bracket rewards and some of those in the lower portion of the 3v3 bracket ( 15-20 ) did not receive a title at all, you guys need to REALLY do something about this quickly this is your staffs mistake and yours only, this wont look good if you guys do not FIX YOUR MISTAKE.
    And youre saying my comments are off topic LOL
    Edited: December 21, 2015

  7. It's good to clarify thing like that those systems are not working, we are trying to fix this and that. We need more things like that, we need you to explain reasons what is problem, how are you trying to fix it, who is working to fix it, in general we need more info. Recently you were not giving us useful info like when you miss your eta, we dont want to hear eta is just eta, we want to herar we missed it coz of this and that, person a is working hard to fix it.
    No, you really do not need that sort of information. It is a complete waste of time. The developers are not going to spend time updating the page with what they had for lunch instead of working on development. They are developers, not bloggers.
    Also bit problem is your eta, it's ok to miss eta for day, 2 or 3, but this much, it's not. It's considered polite to apologies for missing it this much. You told us eta is just eta. You cant do it like that, especially considering that you never miss eta on Lordareon.

    So to conclude more, more and more information you give better will be.
    Actually, we have missed ETA's on Lordaeron. Our latest one, the launch of Northrend, was delayed by two days. People flipped out over it. We're not going to apologize for people treating an ESTIMATION as an EXACT DATE. It is those people's responsibility to learn the difference, adjust their expectations accordingly, and remain mature about the situation instead of berating someone that is working very hard on something because they were later than what they had expected/hoped.

    If you start expecting too much, like wanting the developers to update you on the last time they visited the restroom or trying to force us to treat estimations as exact dates, it's far more likely that you'll end up with the developers shutting out the community and stop communicating with you at all. Really, our developers spoil you. They communicate regularly with you. They put out devlogs and change-logs as often as they can. We have community managers that work on communication between the staff and the community. Yet you and others reject it, because "it's not enough", while no other server does this. You are being served on a silver platter and you turn your nose up at it because the platter isn't gold. You need to relax. You really do.

  8. Actually, we have missed ETA's on Lordaeron. Our latest one, the launch of Northrend, was delayed by two days. People flipped out over it.
    No offense but there is a big difference between 2 days and a couple of months.

  9. No offense but there is a big difference between 2 days and a couple of months.
    Wow this is the first time I agree with this guy, probably the last too;)

  10. And that's a reference to what, exactly? A week goes by and an ETA is not met, the conclusion should be drawn that either it is being worked on still, or that it is forgotten. Proterean has already pretty well clarified that it is still being worked on. So why continue to bother with an outdated ETA?

    Also, that was in response to that guy's point. ETA's have been extended on Lordaeron multiple times. The initial launch of Outland was postponed for about a month. This discussion was about Frostwolf and MoP. Let's not go off topic. If you want to argue semantics, I'll just close the thread. I'd really like to not do that.

  11. For those that think we're not working.

  12. No, you really do not need that sort of information. It is a complete waste of time. The developers are not going to spend time updating the page with what they had for lunch instead of working on development. They are developers, not bloggers.

    Actually, we have missed ETA's on Lordaeron. Our latest one, the launch of Northrend, was delayed by two days. People flipped out over it. We're not going to apologize for people treating an ESTIMATION as an EXACT DATE. It is those people's responsibility to learn the difference, adjust their expectations accordingly, and remain mature about the situation instead of berating someone that is working very hard on something because they were later than what they had expected/hoped.

    If you start expecting too much, like wanting the developers to update you on the last time they visited the restroom or trying to force us to treat estimations as exact dates, it's far more likely that you'll end up with the developers shutting out the community and stop communicating with you at all. Really, our developers spoil you. They communicate regularly with you. They put out devlogs and change-logs as often as they can. We have community managers that work on communication between the staff and the community. Yet you and others reject it, because "it's not enough", while no other server does this. You are being served on a silver platter and you turn your nose up at it because the platter isn't gold. You need to relax. You really do.
    Well you can do whatever you want i am just giving you my opinion. And even if you dont agree most of player would, and since you are trying to sell us something you should care what your customers want and not how you fell.

  13. If you guys did focus on releasing at least one new battleground instead of fixing random npc or quests that few will ever play, im sure ppl would not complain like now

  14. If you guys did focus on releasing at least one new battleground instead of fixing random npc or quests that few will ever play, im sure ppl would not complain like now
    Q: BGs?
    A: They're on 5.4.8, 2 of them and more to come.
    Right there.

    I'll link Proterean's post so that it isn't missed by those checking out the latest page of the thread.

    Well you can do whatever you want i am just giving you my opinion. And even if you dont agree most of player would, and since you are trying to sell us something you should care what your customers want and not how you fell.
    If you looked at us as a business trying to sell something, and consider yourself a customer, then I would've assumed you'd care more about us working on our product, and less about a developer writing every single thing our developer team does and why instead of actually working on development.

  15. HOLY ****, Warmane has launched a attack on this tread :oooooooooooo

    Anyway, nice to see we're getting some answers, why not just post a link to this tread on the main site like:

    If you want some answers about current MoP please follow these links:
    And then add some to the answers you've give here. More people wil lsee it there.

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