1. On the topic of dungeon finder. (I scanned over staff responses, it is likely I missed a key sentence somewhere.)

    Wouldn't it be best to keep the dungeon finder, but maybe limit uses of it? I usually found myself doing some quests, grinding, yet running a dungeon or two each day, to spice things up. One could say go do PVP to get same effect, but for me PVP is too much stress and I rarely do it alone.

    Possible limitations could be one specific dungeon run per day(lets say you can queue up for dead mines once a day.) and a set amount of dungeons per day/week. Maybe make a number so not every single dungeon could be done on same day, but keep the feature in.

    I also understand scripting is hard, and figuring out why code works or doesn't can be a nightmare. My suggestion would be a middle ground for not having RDF and for having it. People who want to run more dungeons, can find groups and go to locations, while people that rarely do dungeons anyway, wouldn't have to be forced into active social aspect of the game. More shy people might find it unpleasant or intimidating. RDF would provide a "passive social" experience, and with limitations, could be a good distractions from questing.

  2. Anyway Lordaeron will come, dont worry guys. Worth to wait. Cuz MoP is big F***. So be patient guys. If they wants 99% blizzlike server let it be. Better for us. :)

  3. The Northrend zone testing and development is mostly complete, started checking out and fixing the Wotlk raids and some general systems like pets and vehicles after the latest updates since there were some issues (mostly crash fixes causing other issues)

    As for the Wrath of the Lich King raids, the following things have been updated, revised and retested
    * Onyxia's Lair
    * The Obsidian Sanctum
    * Eye of Eternity
    * Vault of Archavon
    * Naxxaramas
    * Ulduar: Flame Leviathan, Ignis the Furnace Master, Razorscale, XT-002 Deconstructor, Assembly of Iron, Kologarn

    To answer some questions:

    The realm will most likely have progressive raid releases only for wotlk content.
    The older content will have forced twinking (you cant level above 60 till TBC content is out etc) so competitive raiding will still be there.
    Before the actual raids are out there will be a week or so of open betas for raids, like in Siege of Orgrimmar (Frostwolf), to allow players to check the raids out and allow us to hotfix any issues which may pop up

  4. The older content will have forced twinking (you cant level above 60 till TBC content is out etc) so competitive raiding will still be there.
    So it's going to be released in steps?
    Classic -> TBC -> Wotlk?

  5. So it's going to be released in steps?
    Classic -> TBC -> Wotlk?
    Yup, that is the plan. We will let you know if anything changes

  6. Yup, that is the plan. We will let you know if anything changes
    That is so cool!
    Finally playing classic again (Please delete rogues...on a classic server I used to play they where...deadly... :D)

    Is there any time that it lasts? As in how long do we stay classic and then tbc before getting in wotlk?

  7. Erm,guys,just one question...maybe it was already asked/answered by somebody,but i was too lazy to read the whole thread.
    Today i downloaded the client,logged in and i saw that Lordareon is available,but here it says that it's not released yet? I entered the realm and it works fine,but i saw only 7-8 people online on the realm (if the "who search" works properly)... If this is some beta testing for a limited number of people chosen by the staff,then how am i able to enter the realm? And if it is actually released,why there wasn't any announcement and why almost nobody is playing on the realm?

  8. Erm,guys,just one question...maybe it was already asked/answered by somebody,but i was too lazy to read the whole thread.
    Today i downloaded the client,logged in and i saw that Lordareon is available,but here it says that it's not released yet? I entered the realm and it works fine,but i saw only 7-8 people online on the realm (if the "who search" works properly)... If this is some beta testing for a limited number of people chosen by the staff,then how am i able to enter the realm? And if it is actually released,why there wasn't any announcement and why almost nobody is playing on the realm?
    It's the open-beta realm, everyone can join it but there is no reason other then helping the staff because you loose your character at the start :)

  9. Erm,guys,just one question...maybe it was already asked/answered by somebody,but i was too lazy to read the whole thread.
    Today i downloaded the client,logged in and i saw that Lordareon is available,but here it says that it's not released yet? I entered the realm and it works fine,but i saw only 7-8 people online on the realm (if the "who search" works properly)... If this is some beta testing for a limited number of people chosen by the staff,then how am i able to enter the realm? And if it is actually released,why there wasn't any announcement and why almost nobody is playing on the realm?
    Its an open testing realm, anyone can log and check it out. Most of the lvl 80 chars you see in /who are chars of the Quality Assurance team, doing some testing etc

  10. can i ask if the dungs will work fine? i mean as proper reasoning like in retail? for example in the POS dung that at the start point the final boss killing all the good guys and they become undead and start fighting u and all that.

  11. Can we expect all classes to be thoroughly looked over and be compared, side to side, to the way retail WotLK functioned?

    I'd really, REALLY appreciate a staff response to this question (as it really kills the experience when your class does not function properly)!

  12. in my opinion removing tbc wotlk content for 1-2 months is simply too short. If u want to remove it for a reason then remove these for a longer period of time, this way it only bugs ppl nothing more. Thats all

  13. Can we expect all classes to be thoroughly looked over and be compared, side to side, to the way retail WotLK functioned?

    I'd really, REALLY appreciate a staff response to this question (as it really kills the experience when your class does not function properly)!
    Ofc man. There wouldn't be a point if classes are bugged.

  14. A month to get to Northrend!?!?!? It's EASILY done in under a week if persistent enough..

    If you would get to level 60 and skilled your professions within a week you're either superman or an asian. You would seriously have to wake up and turn on wow every single morning and game to midnight to get level 60 that fast. You would literally have to jump around every grinding spot and completely ignore all the dungeons and instance, fun quest lines, avoid any kind of faction confrontation etc. it would be boring as s**t for you.

    Simply put,I think you SERIOUSLY underestimate the 1x rate because you've been playing the 3x/5x/10x servers for so long. Theres nobody on the serve to help you with sticky quests, nobody to boost you, no guild to sort you out. When everyone else is low, being good doesnt make it that much easier.

    Go on I dare you, log in to Lordaeron now. Come back in a week share your experience.

    And even if you and a few other nutjobs did manage to break 60 with all professions up within two weeks, you'd be pretty lonely out there as most of us do at least some grocery shopping, studying, working, taking care of the apartment, working out or jogging, see a friend etc. The majority of the player base would still require a month to really catch up.

    1 month is fine, but if it was up to me I'd actually push it to 2 months. That would allow players to take it slow on purpose and enjoy the vanilla zones more instead of having too many elitists trying to zzzoooooommmm their way through all the content.
    It would also allow players time to get a feeling of Blackrock Spire (UBRS, LBRS, BRD), Dire Maul (DM), Stratholm and the Eastern Plaguelands quest chains instead of just quickly bursting it down at lvl 80 or ignore it.
    Edited: July 14, 2015

  15. Erm Dungeon finder shouldn't be disabled because it's a good way to obtain emblems for gear. Faction change and race change can have some sort of cooldown, like 3-6 months cooldown etc.
    Dude... please................ Dungeon finder was released in patch 3.3.0, when Icecrown opened. This server is hopefully going to release content just like Blizzard did back then. So dungeon finder will probably be released at a later date.

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