1. Blanchee's Avatar
    Hope you recover fast , that Lich Car was on heroic mode , you can't solo it .

  2. I asked so many people, no one can confirm it. So, I'm directing towards you. Didn't really wanna ask, but how is the car? :P

  3. Kayo,would you please shut your mouth,and see if you dont late for tonights run.

  4. It's funny to see how many of you doubt me, if you don't want to believe me then burn in hell. Really, why would I lie about something so serious? All I asked is for your respect and I can see none of you want to give it so I'll explain what happened. After the raid I went for a walk around my neighborhood. I got the craving for a burger, so I went to the nearest Burger King which was 20 minutes away from where I was at the time. As I was crossing the street I noticed a car swirving and I just completely ignored it. Little did I know, it ended up hitting me. You know when they say your life flashes before your eyes before you die? Well that's true, but the only thing I can see is my family. Why? I believe it's because my family is the most important thing to me and I guess "life" wanted me to realize that. I'm lucky to be alive and I can't stress enough that it's important to cherish the things you underappreciate. And no Shini, I will not be late nor I'll be there. Take trust in my words, as I said. If you don't then you can burn in hell. To think ANY of you would think I'm trolling is absolutely mind blowing. And loota, the guy that hit me.... Is going to prison for a while. His car may have a bump, but who cares. I'm not well. This is the last I'll be posting for a while. Again, for the people who don't believe what I've said. May great shame be upon your head..
    My current situation?

    Well I have a patella fracture and my rib cage is cracked.

  5. Thats doest sound so pleasent dude...get betta fast kk or else !

  6. Sad to hear this. Hope you get well soon.

    *Confession: Back when you were in another horde guild I thought you were a girl.

  7. All you needed was those few medical terms to convince me. I realize now, it's just that I initially thought you wouldn't allowed to do anything in the ward a mere day after your accident, let alone use internet coz of the trauma. But all that aside, get well soon. I know a patella fracture will take months to heal fully but I hope you're in best of your health soon.
    And I'm glad you figured that about priorities. In the end, this wow is for us, and we're not for wow. The little I play this game is coz of you, you forced me to stay. Raiding isn't great fun without you. You have best of my wishes for your recovery, and end this wow chapter once and for all.

    P.S. If doc's are't taking good care of you, transfer here. I will ensure you're in the best hands :D

  8. Sorry to hear Kayo, i wish you a quick recovery and all the best.

  9. Well sorry to hear that dude,I really thought u were trolling heck I wish you trolled right now. Dear lord,sorry again and I hope u recover fast. I love you men. Get well soon <3 <3

  10. Hope you heal swiftly Kayo! It wont be the same raiding (or doing anything guild-related) without you men... :(

  11. Where's your battle res now Kayo? :D

    Just kidding, hope you all the best; get well fast.

  12. Yo hope you're doing okay bro... Skype me when you can

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