1. Can u make Lorderon Beta-testing istant 80 with KK of golds and every flightpath available? So the ppl can help u better with testing. Sorry but there is no reason for ppl create a char lvl 1 in a realm 1x...

  2. hmm let me take a reason to make a lvl1 char hmmm let me think harder hmm maybe test the QUEST´S ?! just maybe?! guys pls think before ask something like this

  3. hmm let me take a reason to make a lvl1 char hmmm let me think harder hmm maybe test the QUEST´S ?! just maybe?! guys pls think before ask something like this
    You can do the quests at level 80. In fact, at a more resourceful pace as well.

  4. Since I don't know where to post this I just wanted to write that mage polymorph spell doesn't work properly the polymorphed target should be wandering around not come to you and attack you or cast spells.

  5. Since I don't know where to post this I just wanted to write that mage polymorph spell doesn't work properly the polymorphed target should be wandering around not come to you and attack you or cast spells.
    On the menu on the top there is this thing called "bugtracker", thats where u post bugs u find :)

    GJ on finding a bug i would consider major :D

  6. If you would get to level 60 and skilled your professions within a week you're either superman or an asian. You would seriously have to wake up and turn on wow every single morning and game to midnight to get level 60 that fast. You would literally have to jump around every grinding spot and completely ignore all the dungeons and instance, fun quest lines, avoid any kind of faction confrontation etc. it would be boring as s**t for you.

    Simply put,I think you SERIOUSLY underestimate the 1x rate because you've been playing the 3x/5x/10x servers for so long. Theres nobody on the serve to help you with sticky quests, nobody to boost you, no guild to sort you out. When everyone else is low, being good doesnt make it that much easier.

    Go on I dare you, log in to Lordaeron now. Come back in a week share your experience.

    And even if you and a few other nutjobs did manage to break 60 with all professions up within two weeks, you'd be pretty lonely out there as most of us do at least some grocery shopping, studying, working, taking care of the apartment, working out or jogging, see a friend etc. The majority of the player base would still require a month to really catch up.

    1 month is fine, but if it was up to me I'd actually push it to 2 months. That would allow players to take it slow on purpose and enjoy the vanilla zones more instead of having too many elitists trying to zzzoooooommmm their way through all the content.
    It would also allow players time to get a feeling of Blackrock Spire (UBRS, LBRS, BRD), Dire Maul (DM), Stratholm and the Eastern Plaguelands quest chains instead of just quickly bursting it down at lvl 80 or ignore it.
    To get to lvl 60 it takes about 25-30 played hours if u solo and skip instances, so depending on your dedication it can go very fast or very slow.

    Boring? You do understand that there will be insane amounts of reputation with different factions still to be gained with the 1x rates? And other classes to try out? Raids? PvP? Professions? There will be so much to do there wont be any time to be bored.

    A hardcore realm will attract hardcore players, those who spend more than 6 hours per day on the realm. The ones who knows quests, locations, pros/cons of everything and how to lvl up both chars and professions faster than the average player. Those are the ones the server will attract most of all.

    Yea, i would like to see 3-4 months before they release TBC and same with WotLK after that, and im guessing that the Devs will put up a poll later on about it, or they just decide themselves. I would like to have time to get at least 2-3 chars to max lvl before they release new expansions :)

  7. This already looks like a fail to me, as an old player who has been playing the game since ~2007. (quitted in 2013)

    -pointless lvl 60/70 caps on a WoTLK realm for the sake it will be "hardcore" , it will spawn frustration upon most of the ppl and the realm will go dead before you push WoTLK.
    -30% buff active on ICC release. Meanwhile... claiming it's hardcore.
    -zerking everything in vanilla/tbc raids.

    The point of this realm is to attract old players and players who have been playing the game for a while not new players.

    What's the points of losing my time leveling up and gearing up when in 1-2 months my gear will be WORTHLESS? Because lvl 60/70 cap obviously.

    Add the frustration that will occur when some classes will go nuts killing everything because talents and leveling caps. Mostly specs that can level pretty fast will nuke everybody in PvP. Did I said something about already overnerfed old PvE content in WoTLK? Do you want to lose weeks/months PROPERLY scripting old raids for a 1-2months (joke) "progression" vanilla/tbc cap?

    Some people have said that ppl will explore... seriously who the hell explores? it's a 6-7 old content. Most of the ppl know everything. They just want to do PvP and/or PvE.(and level as fast as possible even on 1x)

    If you don't have a vision , why are you throwing with money , it already looks like a bad experiment in my eyes. Money-throwing-pit because you are paying the devs.(for the staff heads)

    Focus your money/strategy elsewhere or do it blizzlike and add a hype flavour to the people. (see the newest vanilla/tbc servers popping up)

    In the end, there are 2 ways things will go for the most people:

    1. People will level up to the cap and go somewhere else until the cap is raised.
    2. People will wait until the level 80 cap.
    Edited: July 15, 2015

  8. This already looks like a fail to me, as an old player who has been playing the game since ~2007. (quitted in 2013)

    -pointless lvl 60/70 caps on a WoTLK realm for the sake it will be "hardcore" , it will spawn frustration upon most of the ppl and the realm will go dead before you push WoTLK.
    -30% buff active on ICC release. Meanwhile... claiming it's hardcore.
    -zerking everything in vanilla/tbc raids.

    The point of this realm is to attract old players and players who have been playing the game for a while not new players.

    What's the points of losing my time leveling up and gearing up when in 1-2 months my gear will be WORTHLESS? Because lvl 60/70 cap obviously.

    Add the frustration that will occur when some classes will go nuts killing everything because talents and leveling caps. Mostly specs that can level pretty fast will nuke everybody in PvP. Did I said something about already overnerfed old PvE content in WoTLK? Do you want to lose weeks/months PROPERLY scripting old raids for a 1-2months (joke) "progression" vanilla/tbc cap?

    Some people have said that ppl will explore... seriously who the hell explores? it's a 6-7 old content. Most of the ppl know everything. They just want to do PvP and/or PvE.(and level as fast as possible even on 1x)

    If you don't have a vision , why are you throwing with money , it already looks like a bad experiment in my eyes. Money-throwing-pit because you are paying the devs.(for the staff heads)

    Focus your money/strategy elsewhere or do it blizzlike and add a hype flavour to the people. (see the newest vanilla/tbc servers popping up)

    In the end, there are 2 ways things will go for the most people:

    1. People will level up to the cap and go somewhere else until the cap is raised.
    2. People will wait until the level 80 cap.
    If all you are intrested in is L80 then play on one of the three other avialbe servers...

  9. Only problem I see is talent tree. As I understand we will be capped for lvl 60 for some time. But we will have patch 3.3.5 talent tree? Well that one will create huge problems until lvl 80 will be release.

  10. Many players will done the 60, alter that they'll stop until tbc will be release, after 1 month they'll cap 70 and stop to play for another month, and after they'll cap 80 and start to play. I bet my *** that this will be the real scenario.

    There is no reason for do vanilla istance/raid or tbc istance/raid in a wotlk server.

  11. would be cool if you guys can do this same with cata realm :D

  12. This already looks like a fail to me, as an old player who has been playing the game since ~2007. (quitted in 2013)

    And I am supposed to listen to you now? I started to play WoW late 2005, does that make me wiser on this issue? Well at least I understand the vanilla times better than you ever will.

    What's the points of losing my time leveling up and gearing up when in 1-2 months my gear will be WORTHLESS? Because lvl 60/70 cap obviously.
    Whats the point of playing WoW at all? All your stuff will be erased at some point unless you plan to play until you are 65 years old. The answer is because its fun. I understand that you're one of those guys who doesnt play wow for the game but instead see it as a mission.

    The same reason why ANYONE continued to play retail even after an expansion was announced "because hey why would I continue to play WOTLK when Blizzard has just announced Cataclysm and all my stuff will be useless soon".

    My advice to you is to probably not play at all, how would you be able to handle another server crash if it happens with all these days lost on your "mission".

    And again, one month is really not THAT long. People have been waiting for much longer already just for the Lordaeron server being released, you suggesting they the players would suddenly abandon and quit everything because of the 2 weeks they would have to wait for the next content is super funny.

    Some people have said that ppl will explore... seriously who the hell explores? it's a 6-7 old content. Most of the ppl know everything. They just want to do PvP and/or PvE.(and level as fast as possible even on 1x)
    I've played WoW for a long time. I still dont remember all the quest chains in WPL/EPL or all the bosses in Strat or BRD.

    And please, stop using the words "will" and instead use "Might/maybe". Its hard to take your arguments seriously, unless you're an oracle.
    Edited: July 15, 2015

  13. This already looks like a fail to me, as an old player who has been playing the game since ~2007. (quitted in 2013)

    -pointless lvl 60/70 caps on a WoTLK realm for the sake it will be "hardcore" , it will spawn frustration upon most of the ppl and the realm will go dead before you push WoTLK.
    -30% buff active on ICC release. Meanwhile... claiming it's hardcore.
    -zerking everything in vanilla/tbc raids.

    The point of this realm is to attract old players and players who have been playing the game for a while not new players.

    What's the points of losing my time leveling up and gearing up when in 1-2 months my gear will be WORTHLESS? Because lvl 60/70 cap obviously.

    Add the frustration that will occur when some classes will go nuts killing everything because talents and leveling caps. Mostly specs that can level pretty fast will nuke everybody in PvP. Did I said something about already overnerfed old PvE content in WoTLK? Do you want to lose weeks/months PROPERLY scripting old raids for a 1-2months (joke) "progression" vanilla/tbc cap?

    Some people have said that ppl will explore... seriously who the hell explores? it's a 6-7 old content. Most of the ppl know everything. They just want to do PvP and/or PvE.(and level as fast as possible even on 1x)

    If you don't have a vision , why are you throwing with money , it already looks like a bad experiment in my eyes. Money-throwing-pit because you are paying the devs.(for the staff heads)

    Focus your money/strategy elsewhere or do it blizzlike and add a hype flavour to the people. (see the newest vanilla/tbc servers popping up)

    In the end, there are 2 ways things will go for the most people:

    1. People will level up to the cap and go somewhere else until the cap is raised.
    2. People will wait until the level 80 cap.
    This project has been considered and stated as "not for everyone" from the start. You just seem to miss the point of this realm and be on the "not for" part, which is completely fine - we aren't making the server for you after all.

  14. Boring? You do understand that there will be insane amounts of reputation with different factions still to be gained with the 1x rates? And other classes to try out? Raids? PvP? Professions? There will be so much to do there wont be any time to be bored.
    Thank you for helping me proving my point, I forgot about reputation as well, which will also consume time :)

    A hardcore realm will attract hardcore players, those who spend more than 6 hours per day on the realm. The ones who knows quests, locations, pros/cons of everything and how to lvl up both chars and professions faster than the average player. Those are the ones the server will attract most of all.

    Yea, i would like to see 3-4 months before they release TBC and same with WotLK after that, and im guessing that the Devs will put up a poll later on about it, or they just decide themselves. I would like to have time to get at least 2-3 chars to max lvl before they release new expansions :)
    Again yeah, thats also a strong argument, the insanely fast players who caps level 60/70 will also have a chance to get one or maybe even two alts prepared during this time. Personally I really dont see any problem with killing the lvl 60/70 dungeon bosses a few times, I think most of us have probably killed Marrowgar at least 50 times and could use something different to test out teamwork.

  15. To get to lvl 60 it takes about 25-30 played hours if u solo and skip instances, so depending on your dedication it can go very fast or very slow.


    A hardcore realm will attract hardcore players, those who spend more than 6 hours per day on the realm. The ones who knows quests, locations, pros/cons of everything and how to lvl up both chars and professions faster than the average player. Those are the ones the server will attract most of all.
    I've said before - read "hardcore" as "hardcore old school," not as "permanent death, rush-to-glory." The aim of Lordaeron is to be a place for people who want to revive the "good ol' days" of World of Warcraft, not attract "pro-gamers" that will speedrun the content. While it's true that it's possible for people to rush and be at one of the temporary soft caps in a few days, they will be putting themselves in the supposed "nothing to do" situation. Rushing is a choice, and this server isn't being tailored to cater to rushers as far as I know, but to people who want to experience it all.

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