1. And the idea which is genius is that there are hardly any (if any at all) PvE PRIVATE servers. 60-70% of WoW players prefer PvE server meaning thousands of potential players just waiting for a legit private to open a PvE. It all comes down to advertising. Quite frankly, if we got even a few thousand PvE players to join here the player base would be much more intelligent and we can do without the jerks that like to ruin it for everyone anyhow.
    Or the opposite is the case. 60%-70% of WoW players prefer PvP server and thousands would leave when we change a realm to pve.
    Dont u think that there is a reason why most private server are PvP server? Ever considered that it might be the case because the majority prefers a pvp server over a pve server? Makes sense doesnt it?

    I still dont get why everybody here thinks that the majority prefer pve realms while in fact both, private and retail, have more pvp realms.
    Edited: July 14, 2015

  2. To be honest both sides do it and most of the times I saw Aliance making a raid to PVP vendors is because Horde did it before them . Aka an reply to their raid to our vendors. They should just increase the HP of the vendors where it is impossible for them to kill it on both sides. And I'm all about the world pvp because Blizzard already killed it with making the players to be able to fly on all zones..

  3. It is a valid argument.
    Maybe its not valid for u but its also not in my interest to convince u because no matter what source I would deliver u, u would always find reasons why the source isnt valid in ur eyes.
    U would never admit that ur statment was wrong, even when u know it, so there is no point to argue this anymore.
    It isn't. Just because there are more PvP servers than PvE doesn't mean that the majority like them. You can't just say something like that without proof...It's like saying the Majority of WoW prefer Gnomes over Nelves, its a random statement that has no backing, so for all we know could just be pulled out of your ***. If you gave good enough statistics, then I would agree, also if you haven't picked up I'm in favour of PvP realm>PvE Realms so I shouldn't be so hard to convince...

  4. It isn't. Just because there are more PvP servers than PvE doesn't mean that the majority like them.
    If the demand for pve realms would be higher than blizzard would have open more pve realms because thats how a company like blizzard works. They analyse the preferences of the playerbase and open realms depending on what the playbase prefers.
    Why isnt this comprehensible for u?

  5. they gank ur pvp vendor? counter gank instead of cry to move them. pvp is player s player not afking in orgrimmar.

  6. If the demand for pve realms would be higher than blizzard would have open more pve realms because thats how a company like blizzard works. They analyse the preferences of the playerbase and open realms depending on what the playbase prefers.
    Why isnt this comprehensible for u?
    Why would they make a new realm when barely any of their current realms hit pop cap and force a queue (not counting patch day and next expansion release)

    Also just double checked and you are very wrong, there are 57 PvP realms and 58 PvE realms for EU. Not including RP/PvE(P).

    my source: http://www.wowprogress.com/realms/rank/eu

    What other stuff you pulling out of your ***?
    Edited: July 14, 2015

  7. How is linking any retail info here relevant to any matter ? They are trying to maintain balance on retail by putting up fairly equal effort into both sides of the game and balancing support to both aspects of the game.With all that being said warmane is NOT retail.
    As much as you THINK that game experience would be better if you had a PVE realm this is not the case in practice.Having no world pvp destroys experience and is not the way this game was designed to be played.How do you experience the rivalry between 2 fractions as well as feel the never ending war on pve realm ? And if you dont agree with me on that you think dividing fairly small population to more servers would benefit anyone ?

  8. Also just double checked and you are very wrong, there are 57 PvP realms and 58 PvE realms for EU. Not including RP/PvE(P).

    my source: http://www.wowprogress.com/realms/rank/eu
    Are u kidding me?
    I gave u the link of the official WoW websie and u come with some random websie that u found on google. :D
    Look here when u want valid informations and learn how to count!
    Edited: July 15, 2015

  9. "www.wowprogress.com"?
    Are u kidding me?
    I gave u the link of the official WoW websie and u come with some random websie that u found on google. :D
    Look here when u want valid informations and learn how to count!
    Because the link you gave shows the realms before they merged, the number of realms there is over double what their actually is now. And WoWProgress isn't a random website, seriously go play retail for once, it's a community made website that is managed by blizz members. It's purpose is to give information on what guilds are recruiting and shows their current progression in each type of aspect in the game (Total rating in 2's/3's/5's and rankings of Boss kills). Most retail, and probably even some Pserver players, have this 'random' website open all the time at the minute to watch who takes World First Archi Mythic, because it is the only reliable site.

    So until you come back with real statistics I'm going to say, the population is split 50/50 on who prefers what type of realm, so your arguments are invalid and I stick by my point that you pull crap out of your *** :)

    On topic: Did you get to 90 and start ganking people yet OP?xD

  10. And the idea which is genius is that there are hardly any (if any at all) PvE PRIVATE servers. 60-70% of WoW players prefer PvE server meaning thousands of potential players just waiting for a legit private to open a PvE. It all comes down to advertising. Quite frankly, if we got even a few thousand PvE players to join here the player base would be much more intelligent and we can do without the jerks that like to ruin it for everyone anyhow.

    Really, the only thing that would change moving a realm from PvP to a PvE would be to give half the player base the choice when to fight. Currently we tell half the player base that we do not care if they are harassed, they do not get to choose when to fight.
    Your opinion is rude and biased.
    Not all PvErs are intelligent .
    And same is for PvP, not all PvPers are offensive jerks...

  11. Because the link you gave shows the realms before they merged, the number of realms there is over double what their actually is now. And WoWProgress isn't a random website
    Sorry but the official WoW website from Blizzard is a more valid source than a community made website.
    Also when u check the realm status on the official site u will see that they are all online.

    This "wowprogress" is a buggy joke. More than half of the realms there are not even shown as online and realms have a population of 16k horde and 4 alliance player. Sounds legit :D
    Edited: July 15, 2015

  12. Sorry but the official WoW website from Blizzard is a more valid source than a community made website.
    Also when u check the realm status on the official site u will see that they are all online.

    This "wowprogress" is a buggy joke. More than half of the realms there are not even shown as online and realms have a population of 16k horde and 4 alliance player. Sounds legit :D
    OMG YOU ARE DUMB! Okay let me repeat...The Blizz site shows EACH realm seperately. BUT half of them, even more than half, are actually merged into ONE realm. Can you please grasp that simple piece of concept! And I have no idea what you are looking at, but no realm shows less than a few hundred on each side...

  13. I have no idea what you are looking at, but no realm shows less than a few hundred on each side...
    Just to list a few examples:
    Kazzak: 4 allys and 16662 horde players
    Twisting Nether: 2 allys and 16614 hordys
    Aegwynn: 6181 allys and 1 horde player

    Sorry but i cant take such a buggy website as a serious source.

  14. I would rather suggest Devs to make all the zones contested except Shatt and Dalara. Let us go to their main city and gank the **** outta each other. its pvp server and RED IS DEAD.

    Or least for Sunday, it should be RED IS DEAD in all zones. Lets WORLD PVP BEGIN.

  15. Sorry but the official WoW website from Blizzard is a more valid source than a community made website.
    Also when u check the realm status on the official site u will see that they are all online.

    This "wowprogress" is a buggy joke. More than half of the realms there are not even shown as online and realms have a population of 16k horde and 4 alliance player. Sounds legit :D
    Oh now I see where you're looking at. Well, my obviously non retail playing friend, WoWprogress determines it's population on many criterias. The main Criteria it focuses on (as it is MOSTLY affiliated with PvE) is, active PvE accounts. And what they class as active is participating and killing any one boss in current content in Heroic/Mythic. Obviously as the HFC content is very new, the World First race still isn't over o.O, not everyone has even stepped foot in that raid. Also to further back my point up, only the PvP realms have some really 'buggy' numbers, if you look at the PvE realms then you will see a more legit number.

    Again my source for this piece of information: http://www.wowprogress.com/post/147_...a_a_Fiction%3F

    Still yet to see sources your alleged statistics from earlier, the only thing I asked for.

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