1. In the end, nobody here can make your decision for you. We're all biased in some way, so you have to find which side you like the best and just stay with it.
    Basically this @OP
    Ally is more pvp oriented with two or three pve guilds with "some" progression [all guilds are US from what I'm aware]
    Horde is more PVE oriented with one or two pvp guilds with "some" activities which differ from ganking five people in front of stormwind.

    Case Closed.

  2. I didn't really read any of this thread cause you guys decided to write some short novels but ill sum up what I think it's saying for lazy people like me.

    TL;DR: Humans are OP and horde are OGs.
    This is actually true. Half of the people on ally that pvp are human and the other half of them are night elves/worgens for druids.
    The Real Team YoloSwag, coming soon!

  3. -ilyanah its off-leash dog( which is not entirely a lie, if we see how many flame war's she started coz of infinite arrogance
    roflmao :d :d

  4. ok, when horde attack the main district(trade district) and then venture out into the pvp area(dueling area) where the most pvp'ers clearly are... its unskilled?

    but when the alliance attack org... i have mainly seen them in the drag attacking NPC's( where nobody usually is)...... its pro and acceptable?

    for the few that attack our main hub( u/we know who u are ) this isnt for u

    thats right ! we horde are scumb of the earth apparently

    but on topic.. i usually ask
    what racial abilities do u like?
    which are ur racials best suited for, pve or pvp?

    but asking others in forums doesnt and usually wont get u alot of results. just starts flame wars and usually gets the post closed. please.. just decide for urself

  5. there CANT be any pvp related discussion in this topic about sargeras
    ppl here are terrible in pvp, so terrible that below 2200 mmr ppl dont even chain cc you, so terrible that the majority start with silence in their rotation

    if you want to talk about the "best" faction, take it from the pve point of view and even so i have huge doubts about someone being best
    every guild with more than 20 serious ppl that are constantly online can bring down everything if they are not braindead
    (back on 3.3.5 sarg, i was in edge of eternity, a horde guild that had just a few ppl online but we were raping every boss possible without any major struggle, yet we warent bragging 24/7 about being the best or first like the lifeless kids today) just as an example

    bottom line is, there is no "best faction", just get yourself a group of serious ppl with brain and you'll win regardless of what faction you are

  6. i can chain cc... Aka.. Chains of Ice. ROFLMAO :D

  7. Choose the side you enjoy.
    If the 5 other threads which have devolved into flame wars and petty arguments aren't proof enough, you won't get an unbiased, helpful answer here. You pick the side you enjoy more, and don't let faction fanboys or the "I've been on both sides and <faction> is so much better!!!" influence your decision with fallacies and soothing words. Nobody here knows what side you should be on; only you should decide.
    There's been at least 5 threads in this section on who is better in PvP, and quite frankly the only useful information you'll get out of those threads is the fact that each side talks a lot of crap. You're going to hear the entirety of WOHL or other gungho Horde players claim their dominance, and then see a rebuttal by angered Alliance players, and thus the flame war will begin.
    So please, before you or anyone else starts another thread like this which will almost certainly do nothing but instigate a bragging/flaming/bashing war, just pick the side you enjoy. Of particular interest would be a guild; find one you like and stick with it.
    Premades in general don't lose often. And when they clash, you can ask Jyxi, they produce (often) mixed results.
    Search "Contemplating going to the Horde" in this section. There's your predecessor and how it turned out.
    ^^^ And it was proven too with posts right after.

  8. ^^^ And it was proven too with posts right after.
    kinda hard when he posted first u moron

  9. I really can't decide between the 2 factions. I love horde, I've been playing since TBC. I mainly want to PVP and raid a little once Im capped for the week. I have multiple 85s on both servers... Here is my unbiased opinnion and what I've observed so far from playing here on sargeras..

    *More premades
    *Better Quality of pvp players.
    *Friendly players
    *Not really much pve going on here

    *Better quality of PVE players (besides random heroics... horrible)
    *More raids and pve
    *Some friendly players but lots of jerks and trolls.
    *Some pvp but not really

    What I want to know from the players here honest opinion which faction wins more here without premades and overall what side do you think is it worth more to play considering what I mainly want to do?
    You should...

    -Choose the faction that you like to play and by this I mean decide for yourself, don't listen to other people here because they'll tell you their opinions witch hardly helps your decisions.

    -Ignore the fact that horde/alliance has more skilled players, more polite people, more advantage etc, since it's mostly balanced equally and with the new patch coming all of these things will change.

    -So from what I see you like the horde, so you should play horde and if you're gonna do solo queue battlegrounds you should expect a lot of newbs on each sides and don't let people convince you that your faction sucks, because it hardly matters since this is a 20x server and a lot of new-leveled players join right after they 85 and do nothing but complain to justify their failure.


    Rolling each faction would suit you in PvP, there's little difference in factions on Sargeras in terms of PvP, but I would go for horde if I were you since you like it more.

    One more thing, the less you read about PvP on Sargeras threads, the better... trust me.

  10. HellThrone's Avatar
    kinda hard when he posted first u moron
    I love this one bell :D

  11. kinda hard when he posted first u moron
    I don't get why you are calling me a moron... but ok. If you need me to explain what I ment was that what Orphic said was proven by the posts right after his.

  12. The infinte logic of WOHL:

    Hey lets raid SW then attack the dueling area with five healers and kill the uncoordinate alliance with no healer and call it a day; afterwards, we can all screenie it and laugh at how impressive we are while we try to hit 1550 rating before getting dropped by greenies! (jyx & divinity)

    Other thab Hellthrone's unwanted thread spam and useless replies from most WOHL and horde players aike, you can obviously see how ****y the horde has gotten from killing greenies in the bgs.

    Take it from me, if you want serious arenas, Alliance is the way to go.

    If youre world pvp heroes and pve players, horde is likely the faction you'd want to join.

  13. we can all screenie it and laugh at how impressive we are while we try to hit 1550 rating before getting dropped by greenies! (jyx & divinity)
    You do know were were trolling in level 60-70 gear right? Or did you not notice that? Me and Divinity never went serious in 2s lol

  14. Lol? Jyx dont cover it up with that lie, I SAW the video, I SAW the HP, I saw the gear, dont attempt to make yourself sound good or even represent your guild itself if an officer cant beat a capping greenie team. True fact, again, dont lie and say you were in wrathful/brutal gear because that type of lie is hilarious.

  15. Lol? Jyx dont cover it up with that lie, I SAW the video, I SAW the HP, I saw the gear, dont attempt to make yourself sound good or even represent your guild itself if an officer cant beat a capping greenie team. True fact, again, dont lie and say you were in wrathful/brutal gear because that type of lie is hilarious.
    the only video is me and skooby, of which we were in bloodied gear cos we had just made them toon.... I want whatever your smoking.

    But here is your SS of me and divinity trolling in wrathful/brutal just for the lolz

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