1. carried you guys like a baws huehuehuehuehue-sarah
    dbw so mine buhahahahaha

  2. Blmaestro's Avatar
    DBW hc going to a trial hunter dafuq this is Severance alright.

  3. Guild update!

    TOGC 25 - 1 shot clear

    RS 25 - 1 shot clear.

    hearing ambulance say TOK/TOGHK/TOGCHK for Trial of the Grand Crusader - priceless

    for everything else, there's Severance.

  4. As Flim said, today was again a great day! We went and one-shot Halion in Ruby Sanctum 25 and Flim got his trinket as a birthday present! (Happy Birthday!)

    We then went and did Trial of the Grand Crusader, with doubts on whether or not we had enough people with experience for Anub'arak. However, the healers did a fantastic job in phase 3, and we managed to one shot it, so congratulations everyone! I even got my heroic Solace :P

    Two new raids to add to our overall raid progression!

    In the evening we decided to go get some achievements in Ulduar 10, and it was (and still is, since I'm writing this as we head towards Hodir) a really relax, chilled out and fun raid! Below is a screenshot taken just after Freya, who we spent quite some time on! Special thank you also to Leola for helping us out with this, as well as our 'attempted' 10 man Stormwind raid beforehand!

    Spoiler: Show

    Thank you again for your support for the guild, for all those who were present in our raids :)

  5. Severance, a guild that down bosses while having diarrhea.

  6. Severance, a guild that down bosses while having diarrhea.
    Do you have a book where you copy from or are just too creative at those weird compliments :D

    and GZ Severance on all those kills... keeping on the good work!

  7. if only it were JUST a compliment though. But i'll leave this to Jani :D

  8. I shall haf it soon!
    had it before you so its not cool anymore..TIME TO GET UR STS

  9. had it before you so its not cool anymore..TIME TO GET UR STS
    amg u so mean!

  10. Do you have a book where you copy from or are just too creative at those weird compliments :D

    and GZ Severance on all those kills... keeping on the good work!
    Nope Talos, Jani really did have diarrhoea!

  11. Yesterday, we managed to kill the Lich King in our 2nd ICC25 normal run! The DPS was lower than our run on Monday, but thankfully everyone was alert with defiles and such, so we slowly but surely got it down.

    We then had an ICC10 normal speedrun, whilst carrying a couple of alts, with 3 Shadowmournes and 5 people above 20k dps on Saurfang! Overall it was a really fun raid.

    For the remainder of the night, we visited some old raids, enjoying bosses and scenery that wasn't the blue of ICC. C'Thun went down in Ahn'Qiraj, and we failed to see Ashes of Al'ar drop in Tempest Keep. We managed to lock Heraxion and co. in the gates there also, with Hearthstone on cooldown, which gave us a good laugh :)

    Spoiler: Show

    Spoiler: Show

  12. Couldn't. Resist. Posting!


  13. Hahaha that photo just made me laugh so hard.

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