1. May 27, 2015  
    and not to mention you main shadow-priest, pff hahahaha ggezpz. I think you should keep your thoughts in your mind and not curse them all over others, thanks.
    *Holy priest

  2. May 29, 2015  
    I forgot to add that I have played almost every class there is. But the true remain, I am not a rdruid which you claim. You are a liar.

    *Edited* I regret flaming them and being personal.
    You are one of those mean people acutally, considering how you write everything. I wrote nothing harmful or mean to anyone and i just said my own thoughts about what i like/prefer but here you come and say pretty much that everyone that plays a retpaladin is a ******ed monkey + a kid? Guess someone is pretty butthurt.

    Why does it matter that many people plays retpaladin? People enjoys it just like i do, more than any other class in the game. I rather have a lot of opportunities than playing a FFB mage pressing 2 buttons over and over again, wich ret isnt. So if you manage to play a ret with only 2 buttons, then call me because i'd love to see that, you wouldn't even survive a kid lold and not to mention you main shadow-priest, pff hahahaha ggezpz. I think you should keep your thoughts in your mind and not curse them all over others, thanks.
    Pretty much solidies my first post to you Thurneman. I don't know why you are denying the Rdudu, I play it too. I know you have/had an Spriest and Rdudu because I played with you briefly on my Ret on Ragnaros before wipe.

    Sorry as much as I like to help people see themselves I don't have that much time or love to invest stalking any one human being, especially near sighted *******s like you. Take your opinions and your non existant stalkers and go **** yourselves with them, you egotistical delusional prick.

    You certainly have alot for 'false people' seeing as you respond so quickly to defend yourself. If you really knew I was false and you knew you were upright and truthful, you wouldn't feel the Need to come here and defend yourself. What seems to be going on is that you care so much for your image, even online LOL, that you must defend it at all costs. That might qualify for a false person. Owned and done with your pathetic being.

    Edit: Note, I don't mind telling people off in game or irl. I have no interest in making friends or appeasing peoples egos by lying to them, feeding their self created image. Rest assured I do talk like this to people to their faces. I'd rather be honest and have 1 or 2 real friends than lie and have 5000 fake *** friends. I have no fear. You should see the letter I gave my most recent employer. I stood next to him while he read it. You would have enjoyed his reaction.
    Edited: May 29, 2015

  3. May 29, 2015  
    Pretty much solidies my first post to you Thurneman. I don't know why you are denying the Rdudu, I play it too. I know you have/had an Spriest and Rdudu because I played with you briefly on my Ret on Ragnaros before wipe.
    Can't be arsed to read or answer your whole wall of text.

    No, ******, I am still not playing a resto druid. I guess I have to repeat myself - I have played most classes, rdruid included. I am not playing resto druid, I dont understand why it's so hard for you to understand.

    Yeah, so we have played? And what was your name then? I cant recall playing with paladins other than two people, and I know you are not one of them. You are still the Slovakian/czech stalker. So, what is your name then?

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