1. Why would I need to check your characters profiles? I said" It's not like you're a big deal, who are you to say anything"....why would looking at your characters make me think you're a big deal?
    I'm showing my chars because I think there is no reason to someone be afraid of who they are in game. So if you come here to argue and bash people at least make us know who you are :D

  2. Useless proposition. If you're all bragging about the fact that so much players are playing bgs, you gain nothing by having arenas disabled since not so much players are playing them.

    Would you still be playing here if battlegrounds were permanently disabled? Obviously not. Then why would you think having arenas disabled will make the ones that play them stay here?

    Furthermore, all kinds of arguments are useless here, because the idea is not BLIZZLIKE.

  3. Useless proposition. If you're all bragging about the fact that so much players are playing bgs, you gain nothing by having arenas disabled since not so much players are playing them.

    Would you still be playing here if battlegrounds were permanently disabled? Obviously not. Then why would you think having arenas disabled will make the ones that play them stay here?

    Furthermore, all kinds of arguments are useless here, because the idea is not BLIZZLIKE.
    someone did not understand the point of the thread (see the other proposition thread which was made first for details)

  4. I vote we disable BGs, arenas, rdf and raids and force the whole server to come farm achievements with me and make me cookies.

  5. I vote we disable BGs, arenas, rdf and raids and force the whole server to come farm achievements with me and make me cookies.
    Then we can all be world pvp heros,

  6. I vote we disable BGs, arenas, rdf and raids and force the whole server to come farm achievements with me and make me cookies.
    I'm down to RP with you!

  7. please remove arenas and make it so you have to get conquest from rated or random battlegrounds, what this will do is make random bgs more competitive since everyone will want to get conquest from battlegrounds, this will help save the server or something, and it doesn't matter what the arena players think because they will just have lots of fun queing into battlegrounds instead.
    why do you think warmane makes 5500 dollars worth tournament and they don't make single thing for random bgs? cause bgs are more important than the actual ladder prolly Kappa

  8. lol this is the best idea ive ever seen in my life kappa. i know how to save a dying server, lets take something people enjoy doing and take it away from them forcing them to join scrubby bgs to get farmed in ****ty premades from both sides 24/7 sounds kewl? ye

  9. I'm showing my chars because I think there is no reason to someone be afraid of who they are in game. So if you come here to argue and bash people at least make us know who you are :D
    No you didn't. Your point was to show that you're a big deal and to see if I should know who you are. I don't wan't to get a reputation as forum hero like someone else in this thread and a majority of all of them.

  10. Cyonide i swear the moment i ventured into this thread and saw that ridiculous profile pic and question I cracked up in a middle of a test you **** lol

  11. Cyonide i swear the moment i ventured into this thread and saw that ridiculous profile pic and question I cracked up in a middle of a test you **** lol
    Why are you on the forums instead of doing your exam? Priorities.

  12. Cyonide i swear the moment i ventured into this thread and saw that ridiculous profile pic and question I cracked up in a middle of a test you **** lol
    fu my forum pic is cool

  13. lol this is the best idea ive ever seen in my life kappa. i know how to save a dying server, lets take something people enjoy doing and take it away from them forcing them to join scrubby bgs to get farmed in ****ty premades from both sides 24/7 sounds kewl? ye
    Point of this thread -------->

    Your Head------->

  14. Wrong, there is few arenas players that play only Arenas, but there is a lot of Bg players who play RANDOM Bgs only.

    I already explained my point, so maybe you're the one who is unable to understand Mr."Use your brain".
    I just love how you always turn agaisnt me when I'm talking about the low skill needed to play Bgs since you know that is truth. You already admitted it. I can say that you and the rest of DONORS are doing a really good job in RBGs but you already told me that you are aware that Arenas needs more skill than Bgs.
    I've always been against you.
    Why would you even bring up the fact that arenas require more skill than BG's? I would never say otherwise, hello? Everyone should know that arenas require more skill than running around killing people in a random BG where there is next to zero coordination. It's not rocket science.
    But perhaps there is a reason to why people prefer doing BG's instead of tryharding and rageing at eachother in arenas if someone fails at CC'ing whoever it might be. Perhaps people dislike sitting in Elwynn Forest for 20 minutes stroking penises and trashtalking eachother between duels.

    I for one would never want to sit there all day long farming rating just to end up in top 10 just to be forced to fight the very same people and teams over and over (I probably wouldn't get there anyways fyi if it makes you feel better). How is that even remotely funny in any way? In the end you'll end up getting farmed by Psiho, Dwallinn, Kenni, Emil, Luminy and whatever their names are... -Most certainly not by You.

    The fact that you even brought this part up makes me cringe.
    Random Bgs its what it makes all the other aspects of the PvP dieing.
    You make it sound like the people that prefer to do BG's destroy the arena community, seriously? Anyone that wants to do arenas is already doing so, they aren't chained down and forced to do BG's. Jesus, how dumb could one possibly get? Not everyone wants to do arenas. And when it comes to RBG's, ya, well, I guess the server is not populated enough or people are just scared of queueing.

    Not to mention you talk about PvP dying when you yourself tells one the following.
    Spoiler: Show

    I could imagine this is only one reason to what makes your precious arena dying. (Hey, that 3rd last sentence truly makes one want to do more arenas! Sounds fun.)

    Actually it makes sense. Bgs are a fight between Ally and Horde, wich is different of Arenas.
    You didn't even know same faction RBG's were a thing on retail, did you?

    There is nothing worse than you talking about arenas and skill in the same sentence. How about you actually go out there and get any worthy arena achievement yourself first? Then come back, you feral God.

    Spoiler: Show
    I can't wait to get attacked by the Elwynn Forest army. Before anyone else says it, let me do it first to prove how much I care! I'm a dog/ratbad, I'm also extremely worthless at this game :] and 10 gladiators can't beat a bunch of worthless bg heroes in RBG.
    Edited: March 14, 2016 Reason: Missed a thing.

  15. So let me get this straight, to save the server/realm or whatever the ****, you want them to remove an aspect of the game that people enjoy? And what makes you think people don't play BGs and Arenas?

    Hell, you might as well remove PvE to force the PvE players to come play PvP, since we just assume they would like to PvP too? (Strong sarcasm).

    On a side note: Pretty damn sure you already get conquest points from Rated BGs. In my opinion they should just fix Rated BGs, so you can que against your own faction, which would pretty much solve the problem about people complaining about BGs not being a challenge.

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