1. So guys, who do you think will win the first legit WG?

  2. Death to the Alliance.

    Well seeing how the battle for WG happens every 2hours30minutes people who want to do VoA should rally their faction peeps to join to take part from the Horde side from what I saw there were a lot of PvE heroes taking bases, destroying towers with siege machines and killing alliance. Would be nice if someone posted a strategy guide for WG for the attack side and defending side, vendors and all PvP related quests are working I got 10-15k hnour from just doing WG. So GG warmane nicely done.

  3. Can an admin PLEASE come and shut this troll up, seriously it's already bad enough he an spam invite everybody who's guildless on lord and DW, please don't let him corrupt the forums too

  4. Can an admin PLEASE come and shut this troll up, seriously it's already bad enough he an spam invite everybody who's guildless on lord and DW, please don't let him corrupt the forums too
    I didn't know that I play on Lordaeron as well.
    Oh well, wise people said that we learn a new thing everyday, guess they are right.

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