1. If you can't beat em, join em ! wp
    This is one of the reasons why people become gankers. The other one is issues, yes. People posting on the forums and complaining about it has the contrary effect because gankers want just one thing - to make others feel miserable. So if they see forum complaints about lowbie ganking, it means they're successful. Yeah, I know it's pathetic. It's just how some humans are...

    I just don't mind such people anymore. They will defend themselves and claim that ganking is fun, or that the game is called "WARcraft" for a reason, or that it's part of the open PvP, or that their vengeance is righteous... These arguments are all so plain that I just feel pity for such players and move on to another quest or zone.

    1) Fun - you chase an enemy player, who is slower than you due to slower or no mount at all. You then click one button and kill them. Yes. Fun. A lot of fun, yes. Really.
    2) The game is called Warcraft, yes. So in times of war it is totally OK for fully armed and equipped soldiers from one side to go and butcher peasants from the other side? No. And there's military trial for this.
    3) It's part of the open PvP - just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. Read 2).
    4) It's righteous vengeance - if you gank lowbies because you got ganked as a lowbie, how does that make you any better? :) Have you never thought about this before? You're just as bad, if not even worse, than those same people who ganked you.

    If for you another player being from the opposite faction is enough of a reason to kill him, then I dunno... If he's +/-3 of my own level, of course I'll attack him for the sake of outdoor PvP, as long as he's not low HP - then that's just cheap. As a rogue, I usually wait for my mark to finish a mob and maybe eat & drink if they need. It's the honor of combat, the beauty of fighting an equal opponent, NOT for the sake of necessarily winning but for the sake of the fight itself... And it's something that gankers just cannot comprehend.
    Edited: April 19, 2016

  2. And then there's another thing - I see that there are many here who support ganking as part of PvP and think that it's something totally OK.

    Around 7 years ago I knew this guy who was very much into PvP, mainly outdoor PvP. Of course, he played a rogue, and at some point he started going to Duskwood and systematically eradicating any Alliance player that he encountered. He did this for weeks. Yeah. Not just one clean sweep, not hours, not days, but weeks. He kept logging day after day killing every single player he saw, while also killing all the questgivers, the innkeeper, and the flight master. When there was nothing to kill in Darkshire, he would stalk the shady forest and kill players trying to quest, quest target NPCs so players couldn't complete their quests, and of course he would also kill any 80lvl who would try to stop him. If there were more 80s, he would just kill lowbies & vanish or just wait for them to go away and then continue like nothing happened.

    This went on for a long time and at some point he got banned for PvP harassment. When the ban was lifted, he resumed doing the same. Soon he got banned again. After that ban, he resumed doing the same again. This continued until he got a perma ban. On retail. On a PvP realm. I'm not lying (I never do). It's a true story.

    I'm just leaving this as some food for thought. I do have a rogue on every realm of Warmane and I am very curious to see what will Warmane do if I try the same...

  3. =)) they start talking about irl Problems hahahahah... mate it's World PVP i can gank whoever i wanna gank and /camp the ... out of them.
    2 reasons
    First, it is a lot of fun seeing the ganked person whining on forum.
    Second: u are not my ally... so why not?
    Kappa, such wow much /cry hahah
    PS: as a good friend of mine said... I will look for you, i will find you... and i will kill you.
    Your beloved Caddy.

  4. This
    =)) they start talking about irl Problems hahahahah...
    equals this
    First, it is a lot of fun seeing the ganked person whining on forum.
    Kappa, such wow much /cry hahah.

    Thank you for proving my point for me. I feel sorry for you. :/ Really, I don't blame you and I'm not angry at you (I am used to gankers and I can easily escape them). I just feel sorry...
    Edited: April 19, 2016

  5. Shoutout to OP for starting this extraordinarily insightful thread

  6. I actually enjoy running around in STV and swatting down every lvl 30-40 alliance I see. I guess I must have some serious issues deep down, because no right person would ever enjoy that. Right?
    Yes, that's correct. I don't see how running around a low-level contested zone and killing low-level enemy players can be enjoyable. Don't tell me "that's just your opinion", because it's not. There is no sport in ganking, because they can't fight back or escape. There is no reward either, because they're too low level. So why do it? Just... why? Why?

    If you're gonna answer with "because it's fun", then you'll just confirm my point, so you better think of something else.
    Edited: April 19, 2016

  7. Shoutout to OP for starting this extraordinarily insightful thread
    You are welcome, I just wanted to shade some light on the oppressed lowbies by posting this friendly message, hopefully our scary high level hardcore friends might consider it </3

  8. The amounts of butthurt in this thread are extraordinary.

  9. you must be one of the horde i was camping in tarren mill the other day. rekt... Horde fcuked with southshore first, so i raped him and raped ur tarren mill, suck it fat boy.

  10. you must be one of the horde i was camping in tarren mill the other day. rekt... Horde fcuked with southshore first, so i raped him and raped ur tarren mill, suck it fat boy.
    I am so glad you posted this <3 .. now every time tries to justify the camping of lowbies I am going to quote them your replay, thanks durbs !

  11. U can always gank allies at SM entrance, pretty funny actually.
    Edited: April 19, 2016

  12. This went on for a long time and at some point he got banned for PvP harassment. When the ban was lifted, he resumed doing the same. Soon he got banned again. After that ban, he resumed doing the same again. This continued until he got a perma ban. On retail. On a PvP realm. I'm not lying (I never do). It's a true story.
    Someone got banned for pvp on a pvp server on retail? Sure thing Pinocchio. ;) Maybe, just maybe, he got banned for camping quest givers, which could be considered harrasment, but he was not banned for ganking lowbies.

    Yes, that's correct. I don't see how running around a low-level contested zone and killing low-level enemy players can be enjoyable. Don't tell me "that's just your opinion", because it's not. There is no sport in ganking, because they can't fight back or escape. There is no reward either, because they're too low level. So why do it? Just... why? Why?

    If you're gonna answer with "because it's fun", then you'll just confirm my point, so you better think of something else.
    Maybe you should try ganking for a while and maybe after that you can see how ganking can be enjoyable. There is a sport in ganking, I'm guessing you're not familiar with it yet.

    Ganking sport goes like this:
    1. Queue for Random BG
    2. Start running around ganking people
    3. Count your ganks
    4. See if you killed more than your friend after BG finally pops.
    5. Winner gets Berserker buff, if possible.

    And yes, there is a reward, there is lots of rewards, different rewards for different people tho. Some might get a good laugh from lowbies trying to escape. Some might enjoy killing alts and then killing their mains as well. Some might even be role-playing as a terror of stranglethorn, who knows. I like getting free honor from people leveling in northrend. Also, reading this thread has been a lot of fun, that's a reward from ganking too. I would guess that you've enjoyed this thread as well. Doesn't that make it a good thing that the OP was ganked. I mean, too bad for OP, but lots of entertainment for many others.

    Why to gank? Personally I gank when:
    1. I dislike them for some reason
    2. I dislike their guild for some reason
    3. I hate their name
    4. I save someone from being killed
    5. Revenge (edit: not a revenge as in I was ganked when I leveled now I gank some randoms who had nothing to do with it. More like "this person corpse camped me so now I'm gonna gank him back."
    6. Bored

    I totally understand ganking. However corpse camping for no reason and camping quest givers I don't really understand. And btw, everybody has irl problems, but not everybody ganks, linking those together doesn't really work.
    Edited: April 20, 2016

  13. Someone got banned for pvp on a pvp server on retail? Sure thing Pinocchio. ;)

    Most people have irl problems but not all of them gank, that's true. However, most gankers are ppl who have irl problems, so yes I can actually totally link those together. The mere fact that you're ganking signals it. It doesn't confirm it, but it is a strong signal. The things you explained are all shows of dominance and supremacy - having fun catching those lowbies who try to run away or killing their 80 when they come. You can't really deny that.

    The reasons you pointed on why to gank are actually all valid. I kill people for the same reason too. Yes, I have ganked too. A lot. During TBC times it was all I did. I was just literally sitting either at the tents in STV, in Duskwood, or in Stormwind. From time to time also in Tanaris but that was too far away. And you know what? I stopped. As I said, there is no sport in this. I was like 15-16 when I used to do this and, honestly, I'm ashamed that used to think of PvP like that and that I used to gank people.

    Your reply, at least, is constructive. But I've already seen enough replies from people like durbs above who have confirmed my point solid.

    And again - the same mistake which I see over and over from people posting here, talking about salt and butthurt. I am not butthurt. I've played this game for 11 years now and I'm a 26 years old guy - do you really think I'd be getting butthurt over an MMO? I used to be a ganker and I can safely say I've ganked more than most of you people calling me butthurt right now, which is ironic... I can avoid gankers easily since most of them have quite limited thinking. To me gankers are just an annoying obstacle, nothing more. I honestly feel sorry for gankers, absolutely honestly. And the more replies I see like "hahahaa, cry more I ganked ur city last night", the more sorry I feel...
    Edited: April 20, 2016

  14. All you little *****cats in this thread make me want to go on a killing spree in a level 15 zone, then go on another killing spree when everyone brings their mains.

    Especially this taralej guy haha. Been ganked and hit in the back of the head a bit too many times i guess.

    Do yourself a favor, stop crying and do something about it lol

  15. Man, the amount of Psychology PhD's in this thread is over the rooftop ! While leveling, I was doing a list of all the 80 players that ganked me. Their names, class, how many times they killed me, everything. Had the intention of posting it on the forum, making some kind of a Wall of Shame. Then I figured out, there's no actual point in whining here like a little sissy, for something that is "natural". And yes, you can call it natural, it's something like a life and death circle.

    I'm not going into low level zones to kill opposing faction players just for the fun, and staying there for hours. Eventually, when I go to farm Zulian Tiger, say I kill whatever passes my sight, but I give them a chance ! If a low level player encounters me, I start running circles around him, like a shark. If they move, they die. If they are smart however, they can walk away alive. I've gone on a rampage once, making them dispatch 4 lvl 80's to stop me, and they did die few times, before making me leave. It's the way things go, you level, people kill you. You hit 80, you start killing people leveling.

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