1. Banned because problem?

  2. banned for having a chainsaw that does 1000000k damage :)



    *That's not a kick :|*

  4. banned for having a chainsaw that does 1000000k damage :)

    Banned coz you put profile picture who is not you,just a guy who need attention on forum
    /cast [target=Sindly] Disgrace

  5. Banned for being a dip****.

    Please, leave my section.

  6. banned for having pink.
    Banned for transfering your char to regnaros D;
    We had so much fun on good ol' frostmilf ^^

  7. Please, leave my section.
    Your section? It belongs to the spammers...
    Now please stop *****ing that it's yours before we throw you out of OUR section.

  8. Last time I checked, you're the one kissing up to Natox, trying to dodge a perma.

  9. Last time I checked, you're the one kissing up to Natox, trying to dodge a perma.
    Natox is my favorit mod. He fixed more bans for me, otherwise I would be banned since october for a year xD And also he's a great troll he trolled deverax by converting his 3 days ban into a perma.. Just to piss deverax off for thinking that he got perma'd.

  10. This section is ran by: Suntar, marazhu, Deverax, Narc and orphic.

    And I cannot ban the headspammer.

  11. This section is ran by: Suntar, marazhu, Deverax, Narc and orphic.

    And I cannot ban the headspammer.
    you mean suntar? no way! narc is the best spammer US!

  12. you mean suntar? no way! narc is the best spammer US!
    So I'm da best from EU?^^

  13. you got that right!
    Banned because your name sounds like a teenage tauren and still you're a panda.

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